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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    bruce had him playing too deep.
  2. 5 at the bck against 10 men. what the fuck. should have changed it within 10 minutes of the second hald when they were all over us. Jones needs to get just as much stick. we know bruce is thick but jones should have stepped in and had a word.
  3. huss9


    hopefully burnley go down instead of fulham.
  4. basically has dug bruce out of another hole this season.
  5. again i reckon he's a better keeper than darlow but he looked nervous as fuck today. shoud have saved their first too.
  6. bruce man. continuing to play 5 at the back against 10 men when we are getting overrun in midfield. and Dubs wasnt great today. shite kicking, poor handling, and should have saved their first. shelvey was just awful.
  7. really? would put a few other clubs before them on that list. never really associated everton with a lack of humility.
  8. dubravka's the better keeper, but i also feel he is also more likely to make a howler. darlow's made a few but dub's i feel has made more imo.
  9. Can knew what he was doing there. definite pen. but i bet it wold have been overturned if it was in the premiere league.
  10. i must admit i thought he would be a decent free transfer signing but it was clear he had gone to shite within a couple of games.
  11. huss9


    man city? leeds utd?
  12. bruce is here as long as he can stand the abuse from the fans, or there is a takeover, can see an extension over the summer if we stay up.
  13. The Mag obviously watching a different game. Dubravka – 5 Didn’t command his area and flapped at too many crosses today.
  14. thank fuck for this guy, but tbh today makes up for that wolves equaliser that cost us 2 points.
  15. even the shittest teams in this league put our set-pieces and crossing to shame. thank fuck for Dubs.
  16. used the same bollocks at villa and the mackems.
  17. definitely disagree. these people need to be shown up for what they are. its evidence that racism exists. we cant cancel every offensive emoji etc. we need to leave them out there so they can be used to expose these cunts. thats from someone with asian heritage.
  18. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    how he gets game ahead of manquilo, even at CB is shocking. and thats not saying manquilo is great.
  19. think we've missed ritchie's delivery, leadership and workrate tbh. which in 2021 is an awful indictment of the state of the club. should have been back in the team weeks ago as average as he is.
  20. first of all, why is it ok for Bruce to leak details about his contract, and secondly, how the fuck does his compensation pay go up if he gets sacked in the final year of his contract? isnt that what edwards was saying?
  21. alright steve, calm doon. he was just asking.
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