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Everything posted by huss9

  1. yup Asics '93. first season up. andy cole, malcolm allen, sellars etc. the beginnings of the entertainers.
  2. anyone think there may be a clause in Rafa's contract with regards to NUFC?
  3. as much as liverpool deserve to win the title, it would be slightly funny if after all that time it got snatched away on a technicality.
  4. i made this point in another thread. it's also something thats been mentioned by relatives that have or still are working in saudi. they see at a positive thing for themselves as ordinary citizens. Seriously asking this - you have relatives in Saudi who see this as potentially positive to change in their culture? my relatives arent arabs, but they live and work there. they tell me that arab colleagues/friends do see it as a positive. they think the scrutiny on the regime will be enormous as the Premier League is such a big deal over there. they are aware things wont change overnight and some things ( eg homosexuality laws) may never change due to religion. but they see any kind of western sport/culture involvement as a positive. they think it will highlight issues around liberty and rights that will have to be addressed. they reckon it will stop any khasshogi incidents happening again. these are normal people though.... what the religious fanatics think, I dont know.
  5. i made this point in another thread. it's also something thats been mentioned by relatives that have or still are working in saudi. they see at a positive thing for themselves as ordinary citizens.
  6. huss9

    Daryl Murphy

    so Rafa did know what he was doing all along. bet the likes mourinho wouldnt have had a clue about him had they been our coach. saying that, though, he wouldnt have stayed with us after relegation.
  7. poch wasnt allowed to properly upgrade his squad.
  8. i reckon the aquisition of a high profile premier league club will be a positive for the saudi people in the long run. the amount of scrutiny the regime is under will increase and they are going to be very careful with their public image. they're not going to turn into a western style democracy but i feel there will be changes.
  9. is the ticket office answering emails. i'm on the long term rolling deal. i have my direct debit running for next season and not sure if i should stop it. and i have about 7 man city fa cup tickets.
  10. areet lads, calm done. it was just aimed at the media and their disgust. president of the fa meets prince salman. jeez.
  11. if only i could work out how to post pictures on this board again. have a couple of nice ones of the president of the English FA having a lovely friendly visit from Prince Salman. the nice prince even went to see his mum.
  12. huss9

    David Squires

    If the premier league rejected them in the grounds that they couldnt pass the fit and proper owners test, it would be a huge embarrassemnt for the saudi prince and his country - but even bigger embarrassment for the UK government. relations between the countries would be really soured and strained. there is no way this isnt happening.
  13. may be the scrutiny they will now be under could be a positive force for change?
  14. huss9

    St James' Park

    think that was ashley's plan all along. flog the land around the strawberry to a mate. sell it back to the new owners at a massive price and he splits the difference.
  15. even if they keep bruce on - he'll surely have no say on transfers. that'll be the new DOF. "Watch him on youtube, Mr. Steve."
  16. thought it was townsend, loftus-cheek and delph he was after?
  17. huss9

    St James' Park

    so beautiful catches yer breath. stunning.
  18. another hundred miles or so and it's going to hit ashley's chopper. its turned. ashley's fine.
  19. another hundred miles or so and it's going to hit ashley's chopper.
  20. like Greg said on talksports - its not for us to make the stand. our government think the saudi's are decent guys. Hell, even the Qatari's got the world cup.
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