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Everything posted by huss9

  1. wish more of these fucking journalists took as much of an interest in ashley's financial affairs at nufc.
  2. dont think rafa would let it drag on that far. he'll want an answer before then. if he doesnt get one, he'll be off. whther he needs to look for a new job, or whether he needs to start preparing us for next season - he'll demand an answer before then,
  3. dont think there was ever any real bad attitude on the pitch when he turned out for us. just tried to do it all himself sometimes when pardew chucked him on at the end if we were losing.
  4. By the way, if that's kosher news then please let us know asap. some fan representation down there would be great. could darth sneak out of work?
  5. They drew with Guingamp (relegated) and Ben Arfa was subbed to jeers/whistles from the Rennes fans having been criticised for losing the ball too often and putting their defence under pressure - with some fans feeling they'd have been a more solid, consistent side without him this season. Ben Arfa came out after the game and said Guingamp deserved the win and were more ambitious in their play, and he responded to the displeasure of the crowd by saying "after what we have achieved this season??" (or something along those lines). Being series though (nobody is doubting his talent) why is it that at virtually every club he goes to there are problems. Only time he seems to have been really settled was when he was at Nice. i wouldnt say he had problems here when he was with us. seemed very settled. it was cuntdew and charver that caused problems for him.
  6. Wow, classy. Wonder who they were supporting back when Man City were shite. As much as I despise the Madchestar cunts do you seriously think that wouldn’t happen with us if we’d beaten The mackems or perhaps the mutants to the title? Dickheads everywhere man. and tbh city had plenty of fans when they were shite.
  7. nearly got an assist too. great bit of control, hold up and then laying it off. he's improved so much.
  8. Wor Rafa. He's just lush, isnt he?
  9. its gonna be fucking mental in the ground tomorrow night. really looking forward to it... the new flag, rafa, stopping liverpool....pure belta!
  10. huss9


    Just been reading the chronicles explanation of how the play offs work. Said 3rd and 4th place would be home in the 2nd leg. As it stands Sunderland would go to Charlton 1st leg, I think. Thought that might have been on the day we're at Fulham but chron said the ELF, the clubs and police decide the order of play. Police might not fancy us both in London on the same day. set up for a modern day "battle of trafalgar" that will go down in mackem folklore.
  11. huss9


    they would've kicked the shit out of him by now.
  12. just no end product. pointless.
  13. huss9


    Strange, strange people. was there that day - and it was so strange - only sung by a few hundred hundred fans for about 20 seconds but was bizarre.
  14. he should have won the Puskas award in our promotion season. the one where all 11 players touched the ball without an opposition touch and we scored from kick off. ipswich home??
  15. what did hargreaves say in reply to owen's bullshit?
  16. heard a couple of times about hargreaves showing owen up. what did he say?
  17. rafa approached the club to offer his services. if he leaves, who the fuck is ashley going to ask to choose our new manger - wise? charnley??? we will be fucked. there are plenty of decent managers out there but ashley and charnley wouldnt know who they were. pardew, kinnear, mclaren ffs.
  18. Money from Sissoko and Wijnaldum would surely be added to this summer's pot then as both were paid for over 5 years! Mitrovic I'd assume as well. Bet we're all just meant to forget about those deals though. exactly the kind of questions those lapdog journalist that got invited to LC's press briefing should have been asking. the chronicle is fucking woeful these days.
  19. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    if wba get promotes i think hayden is the most likely bet for a swap deal. he's been linked with villa.
  20. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    if rafa is desperate to raise funds there's few players other than perez or the centre backs that are going to raise big bucks. think shelvey's value has dropped but we should get double figures for hayden and ritchie. its a case of whether he can get a better left wingback for the same price.
  21. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    he's fucking dreamy.
  22. fuck off, scousers. he's ours now. he's going to stop you winning the title.
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