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Everything posted by huss9

  1. there's nowt passive about that. if he cancels his ticket, he's making a stand. good on him especially after over 30 years.
  2. plus ameobi gets bonus points for sticking up to the poison dwarf on his debut.
  3. Ameobi was poor but a hell of a bigger threat to the opposition than Joselu.
  4. think we should go Cher in the middle rather than Hayden, and 5 at the back. Kenedy can do one.
  5. think his personality, community involvement and his results would win them over even if his brand of football didnt .
  6. criticising others for trying to protest and calling them "fucking small time" with a smiley emoji. why what the fuck are you doing to get ashley out? Same as you, probably. Sorry, I'm not personally able to get Ashley out all by myself, therefore I can't have an opinion on anything/anyone else trying. Forgot that one if you cant get him out yourself, then join a protest group and come up with ideas. you've no idea what i have and havent done to protest against ashley.
  7. huss9


    We can’t unless Chelsea agree to it. They won’t at this late stage. ah, though we could unilaterally do it. must be something in the contract that would let us. please let there be.
  8. huss9

    Antonio Barreca

    so Rafa has given Charnley a list of half a dozen or so LB's he'd like to get in on loan. Charnley will have been working from the bottom upwards - cheapest first.
  9. huss9


    come on rafa, man. bin this lad off and get someone else in on loan. we owe kenedy nowt.
  10. criticising others for trying to protest and calling them "fucking small time" with a smiley emoji. why what the fuck are you doing to get ashley out?
  11. fucking ridiculous man. me and my "posh -geordie" speaking kids as middle class as you can get, but we've been involved in plenty of protests going back to the "sack pardew" days. there's plenty chavs giving it the "support the team, man", "nee point protesting", "rafa' gotta a take a load of the blame". a lot of the magpie group back in the day protesting againts McKeag were middle class professionals.
  12. huss9


    Rafa really needs to cancel the loan and get another domestic loan in asap. fuck knows we ain't going to sign anyone permanently.
  13. huss9

    Jordan Lukaku

    so nowt in the actual official club statement to confirm it was a medical issue.
  14. didnt Cordone play in an exhibition match or something in South Africa pretending to be Claudia Cannigia - think whoever arranged it couldnt get the real Cannigia in as promised so tried to bluff it with Cordone.
  15. Luuk de Jong is definitely the worst I’ve seen for us. Clearly just an awful few years in his career though. He couldn’t kick the ball The saga of both de Jong's time here is some of the most tragic/hilarious stuff de jong's miss at home vs villa - thats when relegation was sealed. had he made it 2-0 then, convinced we would have stayed up.
  16. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    https://www.shieldsgazette.com/sport/football/newcastle-united/jamaal-lascelles-reacts-to-anti-mike-ashley-chants-from-newcastle-united-fans-1-9549630 Jamaal Lascelles reacts to anti-Mike Ashley chants from Newcastle United fans Supporters, angered by under-investment during Ashley’s 12 years as Newcastle owner, demanded that Ashley “get out our club”. “As players we hear the chants – we understand,” said Lascelles, United’s captain. “As players, we hear it, but we have to focus on our job – that’s all we can do.”
  17. for those criticising Rafa, even the great SBR often got it wrong.
  18. I think we've been pretty lucky with keepers over the years. Given seems to have been underated more and more as time goes on. He was absolutely class for ages like. There wasn't many better than him in the league during his time here. Harper was more than competent too, very lucky to have him as a backup. Krul was good for the majority of his time, though sadly went off the boil later and now Dubravka is very good. The last few years of Sels, Darlow, Elliot has been a bit of an anomaly. I understand there is a lot of nostalgia with Srnicek, I never seen him play in his first spell but reading behind the lines, he was largely inferior to his rivals at the time and a blatant weak link in the best of the 90's sides that we had. aye Pav was canny - the most likeable of all the keepers we had but he wasnt close to Given's class.
  19. that's harsh. what if that what your kid wants to do. i have boys aged 11 and 12 and they are obsessed with the toon, and going home and away. they know all the songs from down the years thanks to all these youtubers. they know what ashley is doing to this club and they hate his guts but they still want to go - "but it's ok dad, we'll not go today if you don't want to," they said on saturday. it's fucking heartbreaking.
  20. doesnt matter if he gives rafa £22m or £122m if he'll only sanction players with a resale value and a price of around £10m. its not just about how much he gives rafa - its about how he lets him use it.
  21. Wait what!? Fucking hell. Where to go with our fans, man. Honestly my entire row bar about 3/4 was empty at about 88 minutes. There was a break in play and everyone seemed to just leave. Really pissed me off. tbf chicken dancer- think yorkie was aiming that at you. and i agree with him.
  22. Of all the clubs that have been linked, that's one I could actually see working for both parties. They’d hate Rafa just as much as Puel Rafa would play the same football and would have them best of the rest like Puel. They seem to think they should be challenging for the league every season now that's absolutely outrageous and incorrect thing to say. its the kind of bullshit that gets thrown at us. Only the Big 6 are above them so where are they demanding they should be? you said challenging for the league EVERY season - none of my friends from leicester expect that at all. entertaining football. and yes - trying to be in the top six - not behind the likes of watford - with the pipe dream of maybe top 4 one day again. none of them ever expect to be challenging for the league again.
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