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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    The Title Race

    just being brought up in the 70's and 80's has made me detest liverpool fc. canny lot are scousers but i hate that club. their manu levels of arrogance, 1974 fa cup final, heysel (dare i mention it), the fans divine right to be champions, 4-3 in 1996, 4-3 the season after, stevie g going in 2 footed just as solano was about to shoot at the gallowgate end and no penalty, owens opening day hatrick immediately destroying our dreams of a gullit "sexy football" era, the mythical anfield atmosphere, the media love-in, etc.
  2. he needs to be linked to as many jobs as possible. still dont think ashley would give a fuck though, but it might help.
  3. huss9

    The Title Race

    they cant, they're 2 points behind liverpool with a game in hand. draw it and its all in liverpool's hands.
  4. huss9

    The Title Race

    We play Fulham away on the last day. i meant last home game. love last home game wins in the sunshine.
  5. huss9

    The Title Race

    liverpool to win the league would mean them getting something at ours on the last day. enough reason for me to want man city to win it. could be glorious final day of the season at SJP.
  6. he goes if rafa goes as it will be reinforced that ashley's ambition remains to stave off relegation year after year.
  7. huss9

    The Title Race

    hope man city but liverpool have the easiest run in.
  8. He was absolutely shite for us aye but have a guess why.
  9. huss9


    been deleted - what was the gist?
  10. tbf he nearly did a bloody "yedlin" last night. good job mike dean wasnt around to see it.
  11. Why do we have the only owner in the world who would let Rafa go at the end of this season. Well while there are owners who are awful, we have definitely got ourselves the thickest fucker in football. you can have a thick owner and make it work. unfortunately we've the thickest, tightest, most unambitous owner with the thickest arse-licking yes men as advisors.
  12. If they were black, yes. But it wouldn't be, and I think that's the point jackyboy was making. When I was a kid it was quite common for adults to call kids cheeky monkeys. That has literally zero reference to creed or colour. In this PC world, which has already gone too far and is only getting worse, words take on a power they were never intended to have. It is all about the PC brigade projecting their tiny minds onto the whole of society. Just like draconian measures coming into place that affect all of us when they were drafted in response to the actions of a few. Never believe you live in a democracy, it has always been minority rule. Aye, but this isnt the 70's or 80's any more. its still ok to call your own kid a cheeky monkey but thats where it stops.
  13. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    He was canny today and has been overall, he does seem very nervous though when in good positions and probably needs a goal to settle him. and some betters players around him. was really busy and involved today. always looking for the ball and wanting to do something positive with it.
  14. huss9


    tunstall rd, sunderalnd. hotbed of mag scum support picking on our pewr Jordan.
  15. the ritchie/almiron conspiracy is starting up in the media. mentioned in the chronicle. on a couple of occasions last night it was just too obvious that there is something actually up between the two of them.
  16. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    rafa knows what he's doing, man.
  17. seems to have gone off shelvey.
  18. just so infuriating as we were still in with a real chance of a point until they scored the second.
  19. huss9


    leave him alone. just think of his grandchildren. they're the ones really suffering.
  20. huss9


    you lot are fucking disgusting. he's just a bairn. can you not remember what you were like when you were only 25 and a half years old.
  21. nah, ritchie put some effort in at the back but he was shit everywhere else on the pitch. yedlin was awful.
  22. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    aye, the shit movement around him didnt help. just no support for him or perez.
  23. thought ritchie was good defensively. shit going forward. rondon was a real handful at times in the first half. and thats about it.
  24. so poor tonight. his passing, his first touch were just awful.
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