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Everything posted by huss9

  1. shite passing, especially from the back (yedlin, dummet and lascelles ffs) and it finally dawns on me that all that bullshit about ritchie refusing to pass to almiron is true. even the ref's bias couldnt help us tonight - he was like a 12th man for us at times. thought an equaliser was actually coming until that brainfart of a second goal.
  2. Eh? Cabaye and the like specifically signed because they were promised they would be sold on to someone better. yeah but once he was here he seemed to have enjoyed himself, and i think any evidence of us really going for it after the 5th place season would have seen him stay. instead we signed anita and went backwards. psg werent as big then than they are now.
  3. he's just realised belatedly that there is no point playing for this club. the initial buzz of this city, the stadium, the fans must be great. but it eventually dawns on them that there is absolutley no ambition here. even when we get a guy like rafa - there's no desire frim the fat overlord for the club to move on. must be dispiriting. cabaye and the like loved it here and i am sure would have stayed if there had been just a modicum of ambition.
  4. like most nufc kits recently - they do look horrific intially but we do grow to love them and they get associated with certain players. the only kit i never could stand was the micky quinn barcode top.
  5. home, away and third kits already on dhgate
  6. huss9

    St James' Park

    really? its just a quick email to SJP and they do it for free.
  7. huss9

    St James' Park

    a couple of times over the years my kids have had half-time birthday shout outs at SJP. its made their day. i'm taking them and a couple of their friends down to the leicester game on april 12th. my older boy is 13 on that day. leicester have told me its £20 to get a birthday mention (home fan or away - it doesnt matter). wtf???
  8. No mention from either side that the problem seems to be worse at Dean Court because of the proximity of the away fans to the pitch (or so I read somewhere), or that the fans spilled onto the pitch because of surging celebrations (again, second hand reports, but still pertinent) just about to post the same thing. missed a chance there to get it across in the media and put pressure on bournemouth to do something about it.
  9. Same scenario at Leeds away in the fixture a few days after we won 3-1 at Highbury. Took us to the top of the league that one didn't it? The win at Highbury did the first time wed won in London for f***ing ages too top at Xmas and new year the leeds game was the best away match i'v ever been to, but the whole week was just unbelievable. just an amazing few days. ashley, you c**t. Same, when Nobby slotted that, scenes in our end. aye, nobby was just so calm - stood there with his arms out while the whole lot of us were going absilutelty mental. am sure i actually cried.
  10. Same scenario at Leeds away in the fixture a few days after we won 3-1 at Highbury. Took us to the top of the league that one didn't it? The win at Highbury did the first time wed won in London for fucking ages too top at Xmas and new year the leeds game was the best away match i'v ever been to, but the whole week was just unbelievable. just an amazing few days. ashley, you c**t.
  11. huss9

    Peter Beardsley

    really doesnt show charnley or the club in a good light. hope there hasnt been a cover up.
  12. overeactions from the stewards. a few fell over the advertising hoards and some were marched away with their arms locked behind their backs.
  13. looking to stay in the game before unleashing shelvey to nick it.
  14. just read his interview with Marca in spain. definitely looks like he is waiting for a big move. NEWS Ayoze Perez gives new big interview to Spanish media – Interesting answers 1 HOUR AGO 4 COMMENTS SHARE Ayoze Perez has been speaking to the Spanish media. After scoring twice and getting an assist in the 3-2 win over Everton, the Newcastle striker has given a big interview to Marca. The interview is just ahead of the next Spain squad being announced, so the forward quizzed on that. Also about his club future and what he sees happening… In the meantime he credits Rafa Benitez and is hoping Rondon is signed on permanently. Interesting stuff from the man of the moment. Ayoze Perez speaking to Marca: Scoring two goals and giving an assist when losing 0-2 to Everton and won 3-2. How did it feel? “It was incredible, I will not forget it in my life. “It is one of those games that mark you. Newcastle, from what I read, had never achieved a comeback of this kind in the Premier era. In the second part we took a step forward, we scored early 1-2 and this encouraged us to believe. “It was brutal to live it and be the protagonist. More so, before our fans, who never fail … even in the most complicated situations.” Incredible also beating Manchester City? “Yes, above all, unexpected. “When Aguero scored 24 seconds after a concentration error, many things happen to your head and your approach changes. “We were able, however, to continue competing, to make them feel uncomfortable and we knew how to take advantage of our opportunities. “Winning against City has been a turning point in our season.” In the last 10 matches you have scored five goals and one assist. It seems that the best is always reserved for the end. “It’s not something I look for but it’s true that I usually finish very well. Starting in December, I play better, the goals come in, the numbers square …” What has changed for the Ayoze that left Tenerife at 20 years old? “I’ve realised that those kinds of moves I played in Segunda {Spanish second tier} can not be done in an elite League like the Premier League. “I have improved physically and, above all, in making decisions. The experience makes you read the game better and decide faster.” How has Benítez improved Newcastle and Ayoze? “Since he arrived, we have improved in many aspects. Especially tactical. “The idea is to minimise the failures in defence because we have quality to create chances and win games. So we have done well so far.” Luis García says you deserves an opportunity in the national team. What do you think? “I appreciate the words of Luis García. We know how big it is and it means a lot to me. “He sees me play and he knows that I have not always been able to develop my football, how much I sacrifice myself and that, in the five years that I have been here, I have always tried to give the maximum.” Are you waiting for Luis Enrique’s squad with impatience? “I work to be there some day. Obviously, I know it’s complicated because there are many players but I try to make merits so they can see what I can be.” Do you feel that you are ready to play with Spain? “Of course. I am ready and with a tremendous hope of being able to see myself in a squad of Spain. It would be incredible for me. I, in any case, keep fighting. I hope it happens.” “Do you feel that you are valued more outside than in Spain? “It is difficult to answer. I left the team from my home very young and never got to play in La Liga. Yes I can say that here they have treated me great (in England).” In Newcastle you have become a veteran. “Yes, I have lived in Newcastle a very important stage of my life. I have grown and matured here. In fact, I’m the second player with the most time in the squad. The Hispanics even tell me that I should have to be captain general [smiles].” Would you like to return to Spain? “Yes. I am very grateful to Newcastle but it is obvious that some day I would like to come back and play in La Liga.” There have been plenty of suitors: Everton, Tottenham … What does the future hold? “To this day, I do not know. I hope something very good. I believe that I have made merit these five years so that a good opportunity presents itself.” How about the duo formed with Rondón? “I would say we make a very good pair. He is a great player. He makes other players better. I feel very comfortable playing with him, we understand each other well. Hopefully Newcastle can close his permanent signing.”
  15. gotta love Pep. always go for it. nee playing the reserves when the tie is over. must be such an inspiration. bet his players are desperate to perform at 100% for him, every game. every game is a cup final for him
  16. ffs. POTENTIAL record-breaking. that means £6m up front and then £10m in add-ons over the next 6 years depending on appearances, goals and reaching the champions league. so could have technically been tru but really absolute bullshit.
  17. could see Bale to PSG. if Ronaldo hadnt been at Juve , think they would have really gone for him.
  18. we go back to the same recurring theme..... TRUST RAFA.
  19. huss9

    Isaac Hayden

    Still together afaik Guess it's family and not wanting to be away from them with a young baby. in his interview recently he said that they wanted to be close to the hospital that had been treating the littl'un rather than changing to yet another one.
  20. just seen the liverpool highlights. the ridiculous dive by salah just before sane buries it for 2-1. the bloke is such a talent but such a cheating twat. there was me feeling sorry for him in the champo league final.
  21. huss9

    Ki Sung-gone

    we were shitting ourselves when he went off to play for korea. give him a chance, he'll come good again.
  22. huss9

    Isaac Hayden

    thought he may have dropped today for diame, but he justified his inclusion.
  23. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    agree 100%. this lad is a team player. not passing to almiron on purpose, ffs.
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