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Everything posted by huss9

  1. no mention of mitro being taken out at 0-0 when he was moving onto the ball over that top. stone wall pel and yellow card at least.
  2. 19h Tom‏ @TJR_NUFC #YedlinsTeaParty A lad from Wolverhampton turns up with some couscous. Jonjo brands him a nonce and kicks him out.
  3. Think the East Stand was £639 for new season ticket holders for this season. Obviously people on various different deals paying different amounts. My son is not too keen on going next season so I think I'll go for bar 1892 or I might even push the boat out for the Platinum, has anyone ever had tickets there and is it worth it. decent view. easier to get a half time drink andget to loo. completely s*** craic. surrounded by arseholes. depends on why you go to the football. get as close to the strawberry corner as you can if you are changing seat..
  4. again, i request ronaldo/blackadder.
  5. still tickets available. last time i was at wolves, i'm sure one of of their pre-kick off fireworks nearly took someone out.
  6. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    "did nowt wrong" rather than outstanding.
  7. this thread could be split into "I told you so" or "wtf?".
  8. with our goal difference, you can add a point, effectively leaving us 2 points clear at the top and 7 clear of 3rd with a game in hand.
  9. Big b****** of a French central midfielder who plays for Toulouse, 20 years old and just recently got his first two caps for France. Have to admit he's one of those players who I got on FM a few times and turned into an absolute beast and have since kept my eye on where possible. Does actually look like he could be a tremendous player and is surely in line for a move to a "big club" in the near future.
  10. I think that is Mickel Anita. Antia Is he related to Vernon Anita? Their names are anagrams like i thought that too, but its definitley been denied in the chronicle by lee ryder i think
  11. and a decent wedge of cash to build a championship squad.
  12. had brighton either lost or drawn they would have needed a another win to go above as due our goal difference. so all in all a satisfying few days.
  13. did fine, but think he was helped by a slight change in tactics. there was a lot less passing the ball around the back and we went direct a lot more.
  14. mainly fitness isues and save a load on wages as he wouldnt have played many games this season as a result.
  15. just keith bishop getting started with his shite.
  16. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    really intelligent footballer - other than that brainfart of a pass that let Bent in. not an out and out winger, so much more than that.
  17. The back 4 were pretty good? What? Apart from the 2 sitters they missed and the fortunate clearance off the line in the final seconds? that was about it for them in the whole 100 minutes.
  18. its no longer about not signing anyone during the window. its about lack of honesty, lack of respect, and lack of communication. if rafa had all those up front, he may have grudgingly accepted any reasons given for the lack of signings.
  19. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    any £30m bids for serbian kids were a smokescreen - as were the reported bids for that angers striker (which rafa knew nowt about). all bullshit put out by the club as they did with KK and every manager since.
  20. exactly how i feel now. think were gonna ram the rams.
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