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Everything posted by huss9

  1. just watched the highlights on skysports website and perez really seems to have run the show tonight.
  2. huss9

    Adam Armstrong

    being away from the pressure of sjp is helping him. just seemed under so much pressure to show he was "the next big thing" whenever he stepped out for us.
  3. huss9

    Matz Sels

    think it took a nasty swerve to his right at the end, still a very unorthodox save.
  4. think more chance shelvey coming off unless colback gets a yellow too.
  5. huss9

    Alan Shearer

    thats fucking hideous, like. his face is too long, and the gap between his nose and top lip is massive. got to get someone to damage it. no way can we let that stand.
  6. that boycott was so difficult to explain to my youngest who was only six at the time, especially as we'd gone to the ground to try join in any protests. it'll be one to tell him when he's older and understands. i was fuming that 30k still went in to support them.
  7. was she a little heavy set, slightly swarthy looking with a goatie?? I have to say no that that.... sounds like the girl of my dreams though.... thought it may have been the new girl Rafaella.
  8. was she a little heavy set, slightly swarthy looking with a goatie??
  9. huss9


    Where's that quote, then? From 2013 apparently. not just a quote - actually caught on film.
  10. thats right for me but my kids are gutted they're not gonna see the likes of pogba, ibra etc in the flesh at SJP this year. Amended. ha ha. exactly what they've been told. they were upset when i told them when a few of our (allegedly) best players were going to get sold. that didnt last long though - they both got their new shirts and one demanded Ritchie, and the other wanted Gayle on their backs. New heroes instantly. Great being a kid.
  11. thats right for me but my kids are gutted they're not gonna see the likes of pogba, ibra etc in the flesh at SJP.
  12. plenty where i was sat the season before last in the millburn paddocks. got into a number of arguments. usually the older fan, but not always.
  13. It wos the fans wot relegated us. The type of wet I'd expect Paul Merson to spout. get what ron means though. those that sat on their hands or opposed demonstrations basically condoned ashley's regime (even if they didnt really mean to). he didnt needs to show any ambition and hence we just tottered along gambling on 15-17th positions but our luck ran out. if we had made him stand up and listen and absolutelty shit himself he would have made some effort to appease us or get the fuck out.
  14. its a dangerous game bringing him on last 10 minutes or so. he gives away so many free kicks, he puts us immediately under prssure. the worry is that if we concede a quick goal, our brittle confidence implodes and we just fall back inviting more and more pressure on.
  15. huss9


    As it should be. Remember a story about the 5-0 against cyprus when he scored all the goals. keegan had said to him at 3-0 something along the lines of "you've got your hat-trick, now help the rest of us score" Apparently supermac replied "fuck off and get your own".
  16. signing colback was just so ridiculous it was unreal. clearly an opportunistic signing because he was on a free rather than we actually needed him. this was proven by the fact we tried to flog him immediately to west ham (who he had rejected in favour for us) for £5m before he'd even played for us.
  17. agree. a lot of resistance to the sackpardew/ashleyout campaigns also.
  18. fucker needs to show some humanity himself first, especially when it comes to his business.
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