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Everything posted by huss9

  1. hid a couple of times behind opposition players when we had possession instead of moving into space and demanding the ball. that was really infuriating.
  2. Remember last season, it took time for the confidence to come and Benitez mentioned it as an issue after almost every game. We've now got loads of new players, most of which never played regularly in front of fans like ours, and the added dynamic of us being strong favourites for the title. Benitez himself has only been in charge of the club for a dozen competitive games. It's going to take a while to find a rhythm. makes sense, just damn frustrating having players who lack confidence at home to a really shit huddersfield team. gotta really look at yourself as a professional footballer if teams like that make you shit your pants. the flags and the crowd may have been intimidating when they walked out but that all went after kick off. then it was 11 vs 11.
  3. i disagree. Last week 2 definte defensive CM's with another in the team. Today 2 players sitting with a hardly attacking Anita with them. Took him till hallf time at home to Huddersfield and a goal down to tell Shelvey to push on and even then he took off width to do it. I love that Rafa has made us a football club again but he's given me no confidence in 12 games. No confidence in 12 games? We spent half of those on an unbeaten run, no? Perhaps he doesn't trust his defence yet and, judging by the evidence, rightly so. They also need drilling for the new style. Don't think today was 2 sitting midfielders, Shelvey has attacking quality in this league (see the last time he was in it, tore it to pieces), he's not some sitting duck that doesn't contribute going forward. Anita I agree with, I don't like that situation - we need balance and quality on the flanks. Unbeaten run ? We beat Spurs afterwe'd been relegated and they'd exploded after losing the title. T Am I being mental here or did we not go 6 games unbeaten at the back end of last year? That's half of the current managers total games for the club, in which he's had to impart his ideas onto new players twice... Those games...we were poor V Palace amd WBA, crap teams and we weren't better than them, Villa away, must win and at no point did we look like doing it, Liverpool couild have been out of sight by half time (that first half was as bad a 45 as I've seen NUFC play in the premier). If you look coldly at results we done well. If you look at performances....well thats something different. We were an abomination last season, to get us as close as he did was an achievement, 2 games more we would have still been a PL side. Turning NUFC around from top to bottom is going to be impossible without time. should still be able to get the odd point off our relegation rivals huddersfield and fulham.
  4. could do with moving on sissoko quickly (der, obvious I know) - at least it would add some clarity to the size of our remaining transfer budget.
  5. think pre-season should have been tougher in terms of the teams we played.
  6. think the only positives to be drawn from these games are the negatives - he's realised colback is shit, and hopefully that we need quality reinforcements at LB CM and CF.
  7. ...is something we should already have accounted for. no, it was just a general comment. had nowt to do with today's defeat but i just felt it was awful.
  8. still trust rafa but feel he needs to go back to the drawing board and think again about tactics and recruitment. both been lacking. remember its fulham and huddersfield we lost to - relegation strugglers from last year.
  9. definitely give away less needless free kicks without him. the number of times he puts us under pressure as a result.
  10. the nicked have flags have been mentioned by the chronicle so hopefully will shame a few of these cunts. not likely though.
  11. that was crazy second half. they started playing with 4 left backs often leaving dummett 20 yards from any opposition player.
  12. That might be true, it's Rafa's tactics for me that are ultimately costing us. I agree totally. 180 minutes of shitness. Zero points against teams that finished 19th and 20th last season. Spent tens of millions.....roll on Wednesday and the team that finished 17th. in a nutshell. crap opposition with a team costing millions and not a single point or goal from open play.
  13. failing to even draw at home to a really poor huddersfield side. think any criticism or booing was justified.
  14. We did not improve a lot in the second half like, not even close. From what I've been told the fans were angry and frustrated almost throughout, too. I was there. They weren't. You seem to be the only one saying it. I was there you weren't. Atmosphere was flat but no anger whatsoever. At full time there was about 5 seconds of booing and then muted applause for the team. definitely some anger where we were, but it was mainly apathy, frustration and acceptance that we were shit.
  15. these arent even average championship teams that we have played so far, yet the defensive team set up has been mind-boggling.
  16. That was the plan ffs at the the start. Fair enough, just saying it seemed strange to see it. we sit in the gallowgate and we had a flag. there was no way we could have continiued waving those things and watched the match at the same time. not easy pulling those buggers out from under the seats every time we had an attack.
  17. mitrovic isnt as good in the air as a lot of people are making out. better than gayle but he missed a boat load of decent headed chances last year. spent most build up play trying to chest the ball or trying to win free kicks rather than actually trying to get a couple of feet off the floor for headers.
  18. We did not improve a lot in the second half like, not even close. From what I've been told the fans were angry and frustrated almost throughout, too. the initial excitement soon dissipated and it felt just like watching us last season. frustration and apathy more than anger when we realized we werent any better at home to mighty huddersfield than we were in the premiership.
  19. its not his job to be our main attacking threat on his own. got little support first half in the opposition half. no way near our worst player today for skill or for effort.
  20. cant wait for his debut on wednesday night.
  21. seems to have become a better player by simply not playing and us having to watch our turgid performances. we need to go out and by a decent proven goalscorer.
  22. awful today. missed that open goal early on with the header at the far post and his pella was shit. poor service to him but it has to be said his movement was crap anarl.
  23. agree the hype around aarons is ridiculous. a couple of flashy cameos over past 2 or 3 years and he's the next big thing.
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