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Everything posted by huss9

  1. not even the mighty Rafa is a match for that fucking injury curse that haunts this club.
  2. Don't think they will. Hope you're right. Really deflated me that performance last week. same here. was absoluteley hyped but the fulham teamsheet/performance/result has really put a dampner on things.
  3. is only tuesday or wednesday, or is there a chance of it being played on the monday night?
  4. never though it would come to this, but go on, stick a £15 - 20m bid in for carroll
  5. anyone not received theirs yet? bought my daughter one this year and still to arrive.
  6. pick not a single creative attacking cm and you get what you deserve.
  7. no need to fear huddersfield and start with 2 dm's again ffs
  8. think rafa's been blinded by those going on about how hard championship teams play and the need to match them physically. we need to play football, attack teams from the off and play them off the park. off the park. fulham are hardly the most physical team. .
  9. love rafa but he's not getting off scott-free today. the colback situation is unforgiveable - especially as he had a good look at him for several games last season but still proceded to play him tonight. also playing 2 "stoppers " at centre half. should have been had mebemba and lascelles just on the basis that they developed a decnt understanding towards the end of last season. we needed once pacy mobile centre back who can bring the ball out and one unit to look after their big man.
  10. Damn. Brighton will be dangerous. Bugger. They'll be a threat. f***. They're gonna be good. they got a decent striker?
  11. huss9

    St James' Park

    just feel harvey did so much for the club as a player, captain and manager.
  12. huss9

    Adam Armstrong

    hard to judge him at sjp, he just seems so desperate to do well for his home town club.
  13. huss9

    St James' Park

    wish we'd rename the east stand anarl. joe harvey stand??
  14. huss9

    St James' Park

    thinks its just about the right capacity as it is. love the whole assymetry of the stands. would be great to squeeze in another screen or two for the gallowgate and east stand to see.
  15. my 2 boys been going a while but took my 5 and 11 year old girls along today and they loved it.
  16. really poor defending at set pieces. ritchie and ayoze played well. gayle much better in the air than i thought he would be. aarons really wasted his cameo - poor decision making.
  17. all those black/gold signs that have been put up look awful. some of the ones giving directions to different parts of the ground are just simply confusing.
  18. Signing Routledge and him hitting the ground straight away pretty much secured our promotion. He was the best opposition player at SJP that season when he played for QPR would take routledge now for a reasonable fee if he was willing to drop down a league
  19. subs bench tonight shows we really need another 4 or 5 players in.
  20. looks like he needs a lot more game time. his runs and shots not quite there yet. hope he gets at least an hour in each of the next 2 friendlies. just rustiness.
  21. colback looks awful. we're still not closing down wide men and preventing crosses coming in. cb's look shaky defending set pieces. perez and aarons look lively and janmaat looks full of energy going forward at least.
  22. huss9

    Florian Thauvin

    maybe a season with rafa will be the making of him
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