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Everything posted by huss9

  1. ‘With Alder and Sweeney in our memories “Today, Sunday 17th July, my thoughts are with the families of our fans John Alder and Liam Sweeney, who lost their lives following the club that they loved in pre-season two years ago. “They are in the hearts of so many people at this club. “Come on Toons!!!” - See more at: http://www.themag.co.uk/2016/07/rafa-benitez-emotional-tribute-liam-sweeney-john-alder-via-personal-website-newcastle-united/?#sthash.QxNrOnXW.dpuf
  2. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    He did that when we were in trouble last season which shows you his character, you contrast that to Colo and others in the same situation. With effort and dedication Jamaal with Rafa's guidance become a top centre back, then by god what a proper player we have. And the player we've been missing at centre back for a long time now. yeah, but can the boy write a letter? we'll wait and see.
  3. compare that with the behaviour of gini and thauvin, whatever you think of them. thats the power of Rafa.
  4. i honestly think cisse did give a shit about us, just was never going to match that initial 5 month streak long term.
  5. he's thick as pig shit, man. gonna claim he was the one who spotted the likes of cabaye and sissoko in the first place and got them to sign for the toon under the noses of the big guns.
  6. aye. thats a lot of money for an average back up CB.
  7. aarons and mbabu should be the future of our left hand side but they're made of tissue. absolutely infuriating.
  8. Yep. He allowed Ferguson to get inside his head and he snapped. so much in common with KK
  9. did they complain about the lack of WONGA on the shirt. mine did.
  10. rafa and his new medical team ffs. didnt take them long to pick up the curse!
  11. fuck it, went online and a seat came up next to me and my 2 boys. bought it up for my daughter, even though i hadnt asked her first. just getting too carried away with it all. but 23 home games for less than £180 - just less than £10 a game if any of their friends want to come.
  12. see what ashley and his mob have reduced us fans to? every time we're linked to someone, we automatically think that it means cashing in on someone else. this time, though, i think rafa has it sorted and we are genuinely squad-building.
  13. think fat sam should turn down the england job. if zidane doesn't get off to a flyer this season he's gonna be under pressure and the madrid job could suddenly come up.
  14. he does occasionally go missing but so did most of the team before rafa arrived. colo, janmaat, colback, shelvey, gini, cisse for starters.
  15. it also highlights the state of our club last season and the chronic short-termism and small time attitude. "go on moussa, stay another year and you can go for 15-20m after that." that would not have been said a year ago if Rafa had been in charge.
  16. give Levy a taste of his own medicine.
  17. gutted. bad news for england. perfect for the mackems - get rid of allardyce and get paid millions for doing so (akin to us getting souness off blackburn, or pardew to palace).
  18. gini and sissoko - the best compromise might be to sell one and loan the other out.
  19. took my 2 boys to get the kit today - "oh, no. why's there no wonga on it?" had to explain the evil nature of their business. they seemed to accept but i'm not sure they really believed me. its such a shame but ashley has clearly tainted the name of our proud club and its now synonymous with the likes of wonga and the tacky SD advertising ruining our stadium. thank god for rafa.
  20. let the auction begin.
  21. he is a liability - gives away unnecessary foul after unnecessary foul.
  22. i've even had to buy my 2 daughters (5 and 11) tickets for the vitesse friendly. me and my 2 boys have season tickets close to the gallowgate corner and my elder daughter was gutted as there were no extra season tickets available close to us. she's never been to a game before but has gotten caught up in the whole "Rafalution" thing. such a feel good factor in the city despite relegation. would be great to sell out the ground for that friendly. a real 2 fingers up to the premiership and SKY.
  23. hopefully get gini to start the season and a few games out of sissoko when he comes back off his break. get as many points on the board then hope some desperate clubs come in with a £20m+ bid as the transfer wind comes to a close. only downside is if we are dependent on their sales to bring in a couple of new players.
  24. thats the thing. it happened with me when we had keegan and then with sir bobby. now my own kids worship the manager more than any of the players.
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