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Everything posted by huss9

  1. would rather keep armstrong in our pool of strikers than goufrann. thats if we arent going to sign another. looks like cisse is going to see out the last year of his contract too.
  2. 5-10 goal championships striker if played regularly?
  3. ok dude, you win. just opinions.
  4. I'm even more excited than that - I cant wait for the friendlies to start!
  5. but he has nowhere near the natural ability of pelle. Absolute rubbish really, do you think so? just watching pelle - he is decent with either foot and is a much better header of the ball. his finishing has greatly improved recently but he's always had a great touch.
  6. think there should be at least 3 black stripes on the body of the home top.
  7. but he has nowhere near the natural ability of pelle.
  8. we know the REAL sissoko who is worth £10 max, but his reputation outside of the toon (and in his own head} is much higher so we need to be negotiating a fee on the back of that.
  9. sounds like he's had an xbox/playstation fitted at the training ground. "We changed things in the dressing rooms, offices and showers and everyone has a bit more space – it’s more color, it’s brighter. Hopefully they will be more comfortable and they don’t need to waste time thinking about anything other than football. One of the things is to improve the player’s room. They can enjoy it and play some games. When you train in the morning and afternoon, you can stay there and have lunch. I think it’s good for the team.”
  10. havent even started preseason proper, but we already have 3 new first teamers in place to integrate. madness.
  11. Guthrie, Barton and Nolan might not have been athletic but they tracked back and put their foot in. That's the issue with Shelvey, central midfield is not a part of the pitch where you can just stroll around watching other players do the running. they also had guts, brains and desire.
  12. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    would love to get palace in the cup next season
  13. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    if he wants to move back to london and be guaranteed first team football, then palace is his only option otherwise he could do so much better home or abroad.
  14. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    it may have been his condition for agreeing to join us - we dont know what he was promised if we were relegated. we may have only been able to sign him in the first place was if we promised to release him for an agreed fee on relegation. he doesnt seem the mercenary type. the effort he put in compared to shelvey was infinite. they were both playing for an england squad place.
  15. huss9


    it was Kari Arnason - he now seems to be denying he made those comments so may have been a set up.
  16. huss9


    one of the iclandic players just mentioned the fact he overheard Harry Kane asking the ref if england would be out if they lost this match. this wasas they were leaving the tunnel for the start of second half.
  17. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    lose townsend and i would really doubt our ability to compete for automatic promotion. who does that leave in our squad, or even on the transfer horizon with anything close to his quality. other than ayoze, we'd have a bang average squad. must do everything possible financially to keep him but it seems obvious money isnt his great motivation.
  18. I've been very impressed by him as well. Doesn't he look like a weirdo? Like some strange forest dwelling person who eats road kill to get by? looks like the bastard welsh lovechild of craig bellamy and rob earnshaw.
  19. still think the black and white stripes need to be reversed
  20. With Rafa in charge and with what we have already we were able to smash Tottenham in the last game of the season and hold the likes of Liverpool and City to a draw. We don't need to sign anyone if we can hold on to what we have yes we do. the squad isnt nearly big enough for a 46 game season, especially with our record of injuries. we were already short of CB's and strikers last season.
  21. huss9

    Pre-Season 2016/17

    any idea how many tickets we will get for bohemians, and how soon before the game they usually come out on sale?
  22. huss9

    St James' Park

    brightened up a shitty day.
  23. he was a really canny lad. lived on our estate with his family. often saw him scuttling round in his tiny fiat with his mam and dad. was also great with the kids on our estate. nee jonny-bigpants. really humble and down to earth.
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