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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    just think pardew's been a bit soft on him letting him go back to clairefontaine for rehab
  2. mentioned it in the pardew thread, but think the pressure is off the players now. even if pards tells them safety first, I think they will ignore it and really go for it. they have appoint to prove. had we been third bottom going to QPR, I think the pressure would have been too much and they would have bottled it.
  3. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    to be honest, I think the pressure is off the players after tonights result. imagine going to QPR while we were 3rd bottom - think the players would have bottled it. now I think they really will go for it. must be so pissed of that even if pardew tells them to play it safe, I think they'll give it a real go and ignore him, they have a point to prove.
  4. no sign of that coming all first half. missed the second half. what happened - Swansea step up a gear or wigan throw it away? (not that it matters/0
  5. huss9


    could honestly come down to who gets the least battering on the final day
  6. huss9

    Players in public

    no, shopping with his then non-pregnant girlyfriend - stalked him for 5 aisles before asking him for photo.
  7. huss9

    Players in public

    she is still angry about me having our kids' photo taken with santon in asda and putting it in the forum
  8. huss9

    Players in public

    obertan taking a tonne of clothes to the drycleaners on gossy high st this afternoon. nearly gave him a "bonjour" and a "ca va, Gabriel" but my wife stopped me. "you just want to say it so u can show off to those other saddos on the internet" she said.
  9. huss9


    They could concievably lose the next two games and stay up due to our ridiculous -9 deficit over those 2 games. Honestly man, this is gutting. hopefully then Norwich lose their 2 games but by more goals
  10. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    DOnt know anyone that actualy hates him As a player he always scored goals against us but never heard anyone hating him. I was at Wembley and he broke my heart, C**t. Me too, c***. He was also a cheat. The only time in my life I saw us almost do something and well ....... you know how it ended. 4 bastarding trips to Wembley. I walked out of there that day just happy that we put the ball in the net. add to that that shocking performance at the millenium Its my dads fault. He took me to see us get humped by Liverpool in 1977 or thereabouts and I was hooked. my dads too. decided to emigrate to the uk in the 60's and study, but picked Newcastle uni rather than manchester
  11. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    DOnt know anyone that actualy hates him As a player he always scored goals against us but never heard anyone hating him. I was at Wembley and he broke my heart, C**t. Me too, c***. He was also a cheat. The only time in my life I saw us almost do something and well ....... you know how it ended. 4 bastarding trips to Wembley. I walked out of there that day just happy that we put the ball in the net. add to that that shocking performance at the millenium
  12. that doesn't excuse a lack of effort, though.
  13. even we had kept Liverpool to 0-4 it would have been like an extra point
  14. Except City have nowt to play for. last home game of the season - would want to put a show on for fans
  15. think wigan are staying up, just have to out do Norwich - qpr (A) arse (H) vs wba (H) and manc (A) pretty even run in
  16. especially for their centre halfs - shola's elbows and forearms are going to be working overtime
  17. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    he's the george osborne of football management. stubborn, smug, wont be told, negative, uninspiring, unimaginative, blame-shifting, excuse-hawking idiot - really dont know who i hate more. still think GO shades it.
  18. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    christ, hope thats not the shit he comes out with in a team talk. fucking inspirational craic that is, like.
  19. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    is that some kind of admission that he's had us playing negatively
  20. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    pardew has our players so wound up about the opposition's strengths that i feel they come out at home to teams like reading fearing a drubbing and hoping to nick a lucky winner.
  21. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    ? Paraphrasing but said "pass was played after 15 minutes which Brendan Rogers said was really good pass but crowd booed it. So maybe we're better off playing away from home. I'm sure we'll get the support from our away fans" Rodgers clearly trolling."Cracking ball there Jonas ok....straight into the path of Coutinho ok. Didn't even have to break stride ok." no fucking way anyone booed a pass after 15mins - making it up
  22. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Cabaye and Jonas in Bibs, he's not ....... tavernier in a bib too, though
  23. Can't believe you and Interpolic were under the same roof and nowt happened. I didn't know we were. I saw MW, luckily I don't know what IP looks like and I don't think he knows me either! Jay Inbetweeners
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