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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    give it a week, I've a sneaky feeling Mike Ashley will come up trumps.
  2. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    you'll change your mind, man. it's love.
  3. sure there's been a bloody conspiracy at the FA to get us relegated. 3 ludicrous decisions today alone, and their decision not to give pards the England job after Capello.
  4. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    there you have it. all u fucking need to justify his sacking..........we had to grind out a win against the worst team in the league.
  5. Seem to have... Noticed it against us before and against the unwased the other night. embarrassing and quite sad
  6. do all the stoke players have towels stitched to the insides of their shirts?
  7. huss9

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Stealing Magpies: Newcastle almost convinced Alex Ferguson to leave Manchester United for Tyneside 11 May 2013 22:30 PLUS: Departing Old Trafford boss is the favourite to end his career with a fourth LMA Manager of the Year award Time wasting: Ferguson was frustrated by United's stalling on a new deal Time wasting: Ferguson was frustrated by United's stalling on a new deal Getty Amid all the salutes to the departing Ferguson over the past week one hugely significant story, which could have changed Old Trafford history, has remained under the radar. The Sunday Mirror can reveal for the first time that Newcastle United were close to prising Ferguson away from Old Trafford in May 1996, towards the end of the season when the Eric Cantona-inspired Reds pipped Kevin Keegan’s Magpies to the title. The Newcastle board were alarmed by the inner torment that gripped Keegan after Ferguson won the showdown with Keegan in the run-in, sparking Keegan’s infamous “I’d love it if we beat them” TV rant after a victory at Leeds. Keegan tendered his resignation as his Newcastle team prepared for a vital showdown against QPR with SEVEN games remaining. That move came a few days after Toon’s famous 4-3 defeat at Liverpool. Keegan was persuaded to stay but indicated again that he would leave after the final game of the season, the day Ferguson’s side clinched their third Premier League title at Middlesbrough. But long before that Newcastle- through the connections of their Glaswegian chief executive Freddie Fletcher- had become aware that Ferguson was unhappy that the Old Trafford board were dragging their heels over offering him a new improved contract. Fergie was furious, but chose his words diplomatically when discussing the tense stand-off with a national newspaper reporter. “I want to stay here. I’ve been waiting to see what the chairman is going to do and I am still waiting,” he said. Newcastle manager Kevin Keegan in 2008 'I would love it': Ferguson's mind games famously got the better of Keegan Getty Newcastle, alerted to the delicate situation and the fact that Ferguson was far from the top earner in the Premier League, decided to launch an audacious and top-secret bid to make their nemesis an offer he couldn’t refuse. The Magpies willingness to replace the floundering Keegan with Ferguson and make him the first £1million-a-year manager in the Premier League was relayed to the Scot. There was also interest from the Republic of Ireland and from England headhunter Jimmy Armfield, tasked with finding someone to replace Terry Venables after Euro 1996. Newcastle had the financial clout to blow away the interest of the international outfits and the proud Scot quipped at the time: “Can you really see me with three Lions on my chest?” Newcastle were serious. And there was no way Fergie regarded Newcastle as “a wee club in the North-East” back then. In the countdown to the Cup Final the political landscape at Old Trafford worsened. On the eve of the game Fergie had a heated discussion with Maurice Watkins, the lawyer and United director. Newcastle were convinced there was a strong chance they could get their man. Fergie admitted in his autobiography Managing My Life: “I was absolutely disgusted... It got to the point where I was not prepared to be ridiculed and felt that on a matter of principle I might have to resign.” But Newcastle’s hopes of getting their man were dashed. A domestic Double sparked United to offer Ferguson a new four-year deal worth £650,000 a-year plus bonuses. Newcastle were devastated. Their reaction was to offer Keegan a pay rise and a new two-year deal. They shelled out a world record £15m in July 1996 to buy Alan Shearer from Blackburn. Ferguson may have lost out financially by not moving to Newcastle in 1996 but his decision to stay at Old Trafford rewarded him with the legendary status that goes with becoming the most successful football manager in British history. And Newcastle and the rest of the Premier League were left to wonder what might have been if Fergie had hit the Toon in 1996. Meanwhile, the Manchester United boss is favourite to win LMA Manager of the Year award. FROM AROUND THE Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at Mirror.co.uk http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/newcastle-convinced-alex-ferguson-leave-1882381#ixzz2T1UjtS3P Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook
  8. wigan took the game to city, whereas as the pre-match negativity from pards when we played them probably had the team feeling they had no chance and were gonna be on the end of a drubbing. they went out on to the pitch already beaten.
  9. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    just got a feeling that if he stay's he's gonna be even more negative and focussed on the opposition next season. think his aim will be mid table safety, no more no less. never once has he mentioned that the team needs to be more positive in their play. it's been about shape etc.
  10. huss9

    Shola Ameobi

    ashley thinking sack pardew, and get in a local striking legend as the new manager - might work the second time round.
  11. huss9


    allegedly keegan had said to him after the third, "now you've got your hattrick, how about helping someone else score." to which supermac had told him to " fuck off and get your own".
  12. "United could seal survival with a point against QPR, if Arsenal beat Wigan on Tuesday night at the Emirates, which would mean the Latics would be six points behind with one game to play" lee ryder
  13. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I dunno, isn't it fairly common for clubs to send players away for specialist treatment? It's a common theme that whenever HBA is injured he goes there no matter what type of injury. I don't blame him because with all the muscle troubles we've been having this season I sure as hell wouldn't be trusting us to bring me back from a muscle injury. I wouldnt trust our medical staff over a splinter In fairness, some splinters are very tough to get out. aye, there's one goes by the name of shola.
  14. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    I think that's a bit harsh tbh, we're all double-guessing the owner and my personal view is that he'll not accept this awful season for the sake of not looking stupid because of the long contract the manager's on. The 8 year contract seems just as flaky a justification as an instinct that the owner will be ruthless in this situation. As for no indication for him being sacked, there very often isn't much indication that a manager will be sacked before it happens. Absolutely. No-one knew Adkins would be sacked and no-one knew Fergie was retiring. Things just happen out of the blue. Pardew will be gone. There's a bad season then there's what's happened this season. but both times, research had been done and suitable replacements ready to step in within a week or so That has nothing to do with the original point. No-one outside the board rooms saw those decisions coming. They just happened. no what I meant was that this has been on the cards for a while and I hope Ashley has a plan , rather than just sacking pardew and seeing who he can get. I know it will depend on safety as to who we could attract, but wouldn't want to go weeks without a replacement. need to show the players we have a plan, and that its a good one.
  15. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    I think that's a bit harsh tbh, we're all double-guessing the owner and my personal view is that he'll not accept this awful season for the sake of not looking stupid because of the long contract the manager's on. The 8 year contract seems just as flaky a justification as an instinct that the owner will be ruthless in this situation. As for no indication for him being sacked, there very often isn't much indication that a manager will be sacked before it happens. Absolutely. No-one knew Adkins would be sacked and no-one knew Fergie was retiring. Things just happen out of the blue. Pardew will be gone. There's a bad season then there's what's happened this season. but both times, research had been done and suitable replacements ready to step in within a week or so
  16. huss9


    When did he say that? In one of the local papers. Link? couldn't have been recently - he's laid into the management and the players, especially over the clique rumours and divisions between the French and others
  17. huss9


    Would you expect him to at that time? just thought he could have been a bit more gracious. he'd only been gone 5 or 6 years and was still a hero to a lot of us.
  18. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    Fulham could still get relegated , unlikely though that is. they're only 2 points better off than us and the mackems
  19. huss9


    didn't speak about us so passionately when he was manager of Fulham and was challenging Arthur Cox's team in the old division 2
  20. huss9

    Players in public

    yup. kids didn't have a clue who "uncle davide" was.
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