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Everything posted by huss9

  1. pancate must be wearing the new "i've had a shitter" pants instead of the old vest.
  2. use to love the nets at portman rd - think they had white trim/lining along the base. just veery distinctive and cool
  3. from FMTTM: Typical Boro fan reaction, any player that snubs us or moves on isn't good enough for us Don't kid yourselves, he would of made us better. You lot are deluded if you think he's not good enough for us, we are XXXXXXing awful. It's all ok though because we have loads of local youngsters and Steve Gibson who deserves blind faith. Newsflash: Newcastle are going up, we are not and we won't be for a long time
  4. and it was reported strachan nearly had him all signed up!!!
  5. anyone still waiting for the wind-up. still can't beleive. a proper glamour signing - championship level that is!
  6. confidance in hughton has increased a little - i was beginning to wonder if he realised we had real deficiancies in our midfield
  7. just felt a shiver down my spine. get in. not a world beater but much better than we have. great solid signing. well done to hughton and dare i say it - to dirty dell and the board. was getting abit down but really buzzing for the maytch tomorrow. little things, eh?
  8. the other thing that worries me is that the refs at this level will go looking for him just to make a name for themselves
  9. we really needed him at the end of last season. along with shearer coming in, barton's return was almost like one last big push to stay up. however unfortunate he was to get that red at anfield, he shouldnt have put himself in that position. still some faith in him to come good for us at this level - smith and nolan have ( admittedly not lately though), and joey's better than them.
  10. McSheffrey on loan from birmingham? only seen him a couple of times but seemed decent championshipd standard forward
  11. hughton has fallen for the old school thinking that a defensive midfielder is essential. he'll always play butt or smith. the likes of venison, rob lee, bracewell, speed and even batty were so much more yet could still help out at the back when required.
  12. basically with half our first choice defence missing, Hughton has to approach the match with an all-guns-blazing approach. we need to make sure we score enough goals so that the odd defensive lapse is rendered irrelevant. really needs do drum it into our midfielders. ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK!!!!!
  13. benitez' transfer dealings have been abysmal other than a couple of no-risk ones like Torres. he's sold players eg crouch and bellamy that he should have kept and bought in some dross. can't blame the board.
  14. huss9


    we havent lost to WBA either in the league, and with a stronger ref and some luck we could have had all 3 points on monday night.
  15. huss9


    i hate the motty chuckles after a shit joke as well.
  16. huss9


    Barry Davies - brilliant. knowledgable but without being crap and patronising like Motson who for some reason always was rated higher than him. quite like peter brackley - did he do the fifa, or was he pro evolution?
  17. we need to be realistic. promotion is not even remotely guaranteed. we need to focus on getting up and then worry about the premiership.
  18. those quotes from the billy davies suggest that they want us to up the bid. why else would they bring "derisory" into the equation. if they didnt want to sell him, just should have said that. dont know how good perch is though.
  19. Who would you play right back though if Simpson leaves? yeah, as posted in anither thread we are very limited until we get in a decent RB. even khish coming back as long as he doesnt play centre back. or use kadar/but new centre half and use staylor at right back. thats our only options other than guthrie if we dont but a new RW or RB
  20. or even get in a centre half (or kadar) and play staylor rt back and rtaylor rw to free up guthrie
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