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Everything posted by huss9

  1. dont mid city fans, they went through a lot. funny enough i dont really care who spends what to win. its always been the same. italians in the 80's, spain after that. in england, liverpool in the 70's tand 80's would go out and spend big on whoever they wanted.... dalglish, beardsley, barnes, right through to carroll and van dijk. same with manu starting with robson. blackburn bought the title too. honestly couldnt give a fuck.
  2. still so fucking bitter. "After three years of Rafa Benitez pragmatism, where Newcastle were relentlessly drilled to learn to play without the ball and looked to hit teams with swift and direct counter attacks, Newcastle players had become accustomed to sitting deep, defending their own area, often with a back five, and looking to lure teams on to them. That system was largely maintained by Steve Bruce in his two full seasons at St James’ Park. The two managers, despite vastly differing in popularity on Tyneside, collected precisely the same number of points over two full seasons with this method."
  3. huss9

    In-house media

    twice a fucking week, man. they had that many days off.
  4. huge credit to the forest owner for staying calm and sticking with cooper.
  5. he's keen on not moving his family. should get his agent onto boro.
  6. Vaammmmooooooos Villa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. got us relegated by missing that back post header against villa at the leazes end.
  8. lush. thanks for that. now i'm shitting myself again. not really. i think villa get something tomorrow.
  9. the least ultra ultras ever. like our little chavs on barrack road after a match.
  10. looks like the wall came off second best. joelinton's insta.. "we go again monday" with a picture of himself in action.
  11. Brewcy and his son must sit there watching his conference with a couple of cans, seething, whilst mrs brewcy carves up the donner for their tea.
  12. this guy has so much patience with some of those journalists and their absolutely pointless questions. really must be hard from him sometimes not to go
  13. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    eh? shit i missed that one.
  14. black and white, unite.
  15. Potter fucking lost it with them when they booed after a game earlier this i think or end of last
  16. almost on par with 1996 in terms of PTSD for me.
  17. just the lack of fit midfielders gets me.
  18. huss9

    Sven Botman

    tbf, he's been concussed for about 8 months now. probably wont even remember this season, the handsome bastard.
  19. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    my kids follow miggy and his missus on instagram i'm not kidding but his kid has a hell of a left foot on him even at such a young age - stronger than his dads.
  20. probably blocking out the shite from neville and carragher about us missing top 4
  21. turns out this was a decent away point to a very physical side fighting to stay up.
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