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Everything posted by huss9

  1. eh? i still count our fairs cup triumph as a massive achievement. always were 3 euro competitions till they scrapped the CWC.
  2. huss9

    Kieran Trippier

    they probably have Schar on the door during those meetings.
  3. i reckon this team is better. SBR didnt have a great defence. other than a season of Woodgate, he had a squad of average defenders at best.
  4. huss9

    Nick Pope

    shay part of the coaching set up now?
  5. at times, city's "walking football" is so boring and shite. imho, of course.
  6. nowt wrong with Schar's challenge.
  7. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    he might have been an option off the bench today had he been fit. could have done with one of his power headers on setpieces.
  8. i thnk the manu handball was a much worse decision. clearly moved his arm towards the ball.
  9. huss9

    Alexander Isak

    think that'll be it for the Isak/Wilson starting experiment. tried it but Isak was wasted, its fine when were chasing a game with 30 mins to go, but not from the start.
  10. huss9

    Kieran Trippier

    targett's are better.
  11. so trying to tear the shirt off someone isnt an offense any more. isak was getting pulled back by his shirt at the gallowgate end.... and nowt. he was being stopped from moving into a goalscoring position.
  12. my eldest playing in a cup final at 1.30 at killingworth ffs. better not go to pels.
  13. anyway....huddersfield and warnock!
  14. me too. 1. fucking hate liverpool and have done for nearly 50 years 2. manu are too big and will spend stupid money even if they miss out on the champions league 3. liverpool not making CL will really affect their finances and buying power 4. fucking hate liverpool.
  15. mackems and smoggies will be furious. they dont want any of their dirty money invested in their areas.
  16. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    beautiful. if that was us, we would have raced thru it all in 30 seconds and mumbled half the words. a full crowd singing the blaydon races at the right pace with the right words would be fucking phenomenal.
  17. surely we can get a win and 4 draws from the rest of the season.
  18. huss9


    tell that to spurs. was a glorious goal.
  19. hope the club make the fuckers watch that back. would never have happened in Bielsa's time.
  20. huss9

    Lewis Miley

    shola will just be a front. eddie, dan and the team will decide and then let shola know.
  21. you can say its too much for a player with 12 months on his contract left, but you can see it happening if 2 or three teams are desperate to get him.
  22. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    its so tense at times in these final few games. so much to play for, seems some people are understandibly unable to relax enough to sing unless we're winning.
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