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Everything posted by huss9

  1. howe not to blame. the team created enough clear chances to score. on another day the linesman keeps up with play and flags and we take one of the chances we've missed. we always had a better chance of reaching the league cup final than this one. most of our better players will be fresh for leicester.
  2. the only way is to go to the chronicle and shame the fuckers again.
  3. chances evened up. outplayed us for first 15 minutes or so and thats it. wilson and Jow should have scored for us. pel appeal and Eddie's chance for them.
  4. there's a fine line too, dont want to be giving refs the chance to fuck us over like at anfield. i was shitting it on the weekend thinking wilson would get a red for his shove on the leeds keeper. and tbh last night, the herculean BDB has a hold of two of their defenders and flinging them around like rag dolls. dont want refs just watching BDB like a hawk and itching to give a pel in our next game.
  5. we need to stop whinging when the likes of leeds come to sjp and do the same.
  6. huss9

    St James' Park

    something the Trust should be leading with?
  7. huss9

    Alexander Isak

    first signing of the january transfer window!
  8. local lad with obvious limitations but lived every geordie kids dream. nice man. its just a bit fun, its not as though we're building a statue of him or naming a stand.
  9. got a feeling, this is maxi's game and he's gonna get something for us. just like robert all those years ago.
  10. huss9

    Loris Karius

    i know we dont owe him anything and he has a cracking bird to cheer him up but a small part of me wanted him to play in the cup and have a blinder. just some sort of redemption.
  11. huss9

    Jacob Murphy

    Harsh. Took a while for us to get the ball to ASM too when he came on. Also he was in acres of space near the end but longstaff chose to ignore him.
  12. I think we were creative enough. At least half a dozen decent chances.
  13. Same here. Thought it must have ruined by the weather and then they came out with that badge. Awesome.
  14. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    Wasn't great today but others missed easier chances than his. He lost all confidence after the second miss and needs to be pulled out for a couple of games, with ASM moving inside.
  15. huss9

    Kieran Trippier

    What's this bullshit online about him being suspended? I thought that was his 4th yellow. Or have I missed something.
  16. ASM for Longstaff please with BigJow going central.
  17. similar to Klopp whinging about our spending and then forking out tens of millions for gapko.
  18. similar to Klopp whinging about our spending and then forking out tens of millions for gapko.
  19. off someone or did you just try your luck with the box office?
  20. thats the one i'd want. cupped ears looking up to the directors box. for all the haters, i think he was a fucking class act.
  21. nee ones perfect and like Ali, that made him more likeable. him and Ali my all time sporting heroes.
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