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Everything posted by huss9

  1. we're effectively through to the next round so i hope he tinkers with team and tactics and lets the team express themselves a little more. we'd have to get absolutely battered off wales and even then it would need iran and usa to draw to get knocked out.
  2. huss9

    FIFA World Cup

    yeah a few england fans over there interviewed on 5live this morning saying that unexpectedly the lack of alcohol has made it more enjoyable. no hangovers, not being worried about getting lost after a game, losing things etc and just generally enjoying the games more. a few of them had been to 6 or 7 each already. praised the organisation and the locals.
  3. but in the semi's we didnt tried to hold on and play for the draw. we went for them.
  4. its not that we were shit today thats annoying. we've been shit and lucky in the past. the annoying thing is the lack of tactical nous or desire/knowledge to identify things arent working or players arent at it and then make changes accodringly and in plenty of time. just same old, same old.
  5. the second halfs in each game. any positive changes to try and go for the win? we were crying out for positive subs and had pace and talent on the bench but he was too scared of losing rather trying to win against italy.
  6. i dont expect us to win every game. but i do expect the coach to try to change things when its obvious its not working and be pro-active and brave.
  7. was dalglish a more successful manager than SBR because he got us 2nd in the league? we still won nowt.
  8. at least those teams tried to go for it. and the coaches tried making active positive decisions in game.
  9. they may have bottled the pels, but not during the games themselves. they really went for it and played well. even when we whimpered out against spain in 82 we actually gambled and tried to win the game.
  10. its not about having that god-given right. but when you're given the chance, to totally bottle it is unforgiveable. at least give it a go. i was never angry at hoddle, venables, SBR when we lost on pels each time as we really gave it a go n each game. we practically gave up against croatia and italy under southgate.
  11. absolutely not. Bruce is an abomination of a human being. at least southgate is a decent bloke who's players seem to look up to.
  12. southgate is a good man and a good manager of men. he's a shite coach.
  13. and went to try and actually win them, just fell short and lost on pels on each occasion. southgate is not even close to venables or SBR in terms of best england coaches. would even rate hoddle higher.
  14. can accept players being off form or struggling in a game. its then the coach's job to change things. we're allowed 5 subs nowadays. he could have changed half the team, the whole sytem, and started doing it sooner. there's obviously no plan b that has been coached into them. has southgate actually improved over the past 5 years? the quality of our squad has.
  15. technically our second most successful manager of all time cos he reached a final. but his management of that game is one of the main reasons i hate him. he hasnt learnt from it all. in my eyes none of the likes of venables, hoddle, SBR etc would have surrendered to italy the way we did and played to avoid defeat with the talent we had in the squad. he failed his biggest test.
  16. eh? Howe started with a winless team bottom of the league, zero confidence and no coaching for over 2 years. he got them turned round within months and brought in decent players. southgate has been there years and still has no plan b or idea how to use the few world class players that he's got.
  17. i'd rather try a coach who knew tactics, game management etc and was more interetsed in trying to win a game than trying not to get beat.
  18. it was obvious in the last 5-10 minutes southgate was playing for the draw. those who were defending him after the euros can fuck right off. i still think he's a coward and is clueless when it comes to tactics and in game management. and steve holland as his number 2 ffs! any decent coach would be building a team around the likes of foden and bellingham. not subbing on the likes of henderson. what the fuck was his thinking behind that.
  19. at leasty lineker has come out and apologised for not taking the same level of interest and regrets not raising the same concnerns before Russia 2018. and they invaded a sovereign country for no reason ffs. some interesting comments also from andros townsend with regards to sharia law and the pressure his muslim colleagues/friends get put under to openly support LGBT issues. he's quite understanding and comes across well. its not black and white. i come from a muslim family and my younger brother though not homophobic would be devatssated if one of his sons were gay - go figure. i'm so glad i left it all (religion) behind. can raise my kids as without the fear of hellfire.
  20. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    has his bairn been ill? my kids follow him and his mrs on instagram. both had pic of a kid hooked up to iv drips.
  21. Ando's not out there 'n all is he?
  22. "holding the ball up"? there's more than one way to play football ffs. his team are 3rd in the premier league but people are worried because he cant hold the ball up? fucking bonkers. Eddie obviously needs to drop him or we're fucked.
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