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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. My experience was they were so happy they could almost explode in the ground, huge grins, wanker signs, bedsheets, banners, party atmosphere, crying motions, songs, then walking with them outside the ground without stewards, coppers and barriers between us it was all "Unlucky lads, hope you come back up." So I have no shame at hoping we tonk them and can reprise songs from earlier in the season like "You're not laughing any more", "Where's your fucking bedsheets now", "Hope goal difference sends you down" with the handy addition of "Ireland was right, Birmingham's shite." Maybe a friendly reminder of this year's very open relegation battle in the form of "You're going down with whoever" Thats exactly how i remember it being, Villa fans on the day were complete tossers IMO. The banners were pathetic and i really couldn't understand why they would make the effort for us, a club with no connection to them. Not to worry though, these are the same fans that were saying 6th isn't good enough for them a year or so ago and have had to watch their closest rivals win a cup and enter Europe in front of them this year whilst they battle relegation, complain about their manager and watch a 11 men most of whom look like they don't want to be there. Enjoy the dog fight lads, you really deserve it.
  2. I thought it was at the expense of 5,000 fans therefore replacing seats with a screen, either way it's a Redicularse idea I know where it should go http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/Philly1983/e63dbc17.jpg
  3. Took his goal well but his touch has been heavy and needs to win more headers at this level. Most likely will come once he is up to fitness. Even after everything its good to see a geordie score for England.
  4. Sir Bobby Robson name given to train :clap: A train has been named after the former Newcastle United and England manager Sir Bobby Robson. The Sir Bobby Robson class 91 electric locomotive was unveiled by the legend's widow Lady Elsie Robson and former England captain Alan Shearer. The East Coast train left Newcastle Central Station for its first journey to London's King's Cross on Tuesday morning. County Durham-born Sir Bobby died from cancer aged 76 in July 2009. A year before his death, he set up the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation which has raised more than £2.5m for cancer research. 'Meant a lot' East Coast Mainline chairwoman Elaine Holt said: "Sir Bobby was such an iconic figure for the North East - who else would we name one of our trains after? "It was actually our customers who asked us to start naming our trains again. "We wanted it to be after someone inspirational and Sir Bobby was exactly that." Shearer, who played under Sir Bobby at Newcastle United for five seasons, is the patron of the charity. He said: "Sir Bobby would have loved this - he loved seeing his name anywhere, and to see it on the front of a train would have meant a lot to him. "His charity is going fantastically well, past the £2.5m mark, and that is not just from big events but from little old ladies and coffee mornings." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-12890755
  5. Why? the Scottish and the Welsh pretty much want their own country so let them have their own shitty arsed football.
  6. The last thing i would ever want to do is invite Rangers or celtic fans to come and destroy another city and IMO players wouldn't give a fuck about it and would rather be on holiday.
  7. The look on Rooneys face when he went in against Bellamy
  8. PCW1983

    Players in public

    I can just imagine the sound of his shooter hitting the crossbar.
  9. Holy fuck, this thread is like something off RTG.
  10. Playing at LB got him his move to Spurs so its unfair to say he wasted years playing there.
  11. But he's been playing for the first team as a left back and been encouraged to learn from Enrique, a left back.
  12. That kinda makes 99 % of fullbacks back up players surely? He is not a fullback. He is a winger. Thats not where he's been playing though.
  13. That kinda makes 99 % of fullbacks back up players surely?
  14. What's wrong with that? Check the next picture. Christ Who is that in the blue tshirt?
  15. I dread to think how much this report cost to come up with the above, bloody idiots.
  16. PCW1983

    Players in public

    Spotted Joey Barton in traffic on the approach to the Silverlink yesterday, he was in that Land Rover of his with the daft paint job daft sod was on his phone as well.
  17. PCW1983

    Steven Taylor

    Taylor was poor today, no doubt about that, however he is not a RB and has only just returned to fitness. Im not his biggest fan but i think it would be unfair to judge him completely on today. I thought ferguson done really well when he come on but i'd have worried for him had he started. As for Taylor, i'd like to think his future with us was limited to reserve/backup centre back.
  18. PCW1983


    Had a dream i scored against them last night, woke up celebrating in bed, summit like this
  19. 3000 of them forked out to go up there and watch that shite. I don't blame them. I'd be fucking livid. 3000, you wish Took 4000, sold 3000. ill stand corrected if true but it didn't look like you had 3000 there.
  20. 3000 of them forked out to go up there and watch that shite. I don't blame them. I'd be fucking livid. 3000, you wish
  21. Eh? I thought it was 35,000,000 See what i did there? It wouldn't surprise me if there was some kind of cheap arsed banner at VP with that on when we play you
  22. Who knocked you out, again? *whistles saucily* Barton 12 Nolan 31,87 Carroll 34,67,90
  23. What a lovely season Villa are having
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