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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. He's lucky to be in the Everton job ffs. We're underperforming massively. This is the type of opinion were often accused of having, one day your going to get JFK as manager then you will beg Moyes to come back.
  2. Just watched the highlights from last night, we controlled the game and created the best chances IMO. Its a shame they managed to get such a flukey goal but they had some good chances too, don't think they deserved a point but ill take 4 points and 6 goals from the mackems every year TBH. The first half i thought both teams looked like they didn't really want to take responsibility of the ball, both looked edgy, second half however i thought our midfield took more control, we used Jonas well as a outlet to relieve pressure when they were attacking and i thought Colo and Williamson coped well with two pacey strikers. Barton gave them a masterclass in how to pass a ball, Nolan put in a workman like performance, he may not be the most agile but with 10 goals to his name ill have more of the same thanks. Enrique showed his qualities time and time again, Shola should have finished his chances but still worked hard and Best done a lot of running for cross field balls which helps pull their defence open. Simpson did well but need to work on his distribution, he dropped us in it a couple of times yesterday. It was my first visit to SOS yesterday and I wasn't that impressed, I have no reason to go to Sunderland and after being there i cant see why anyone would, the place truly is a shit hole. The ground is just another ground, nothing more, nothing stands out about it, its just bland. I thought the concourse inside was far to small to cope with the amount of people in the stands, it was jam packed at half time. Their fans are the worst i've seen, in every respect TBH. I was right beside them, just the stairs separated us so i got to see just how retarded they really are. I've never seen a crowd manage to throw so many things whilst the police just stood and watched, coins and bottle were coming every 5 mins and the worst part is you could see the little pricks hiding behind their mates with that school boy look of it wasn't me, grown blokes acting like fucking 5 year olds. They sang at the start of the game and thats about it, they ARE completely obsessed with us, no doubt about it. Im sure that there were some dickhead Newcastle fans there too but looking at the mackems i couldn't help but feel sorry for them, they just hate us so much and yet are completely inferior to us in every way. In the cold light of this morning I'd say a few of them are going to realise that the point they were celebrating yesterday is actually piss poor for a team thats had so much spent on it, whilst i hope our lads are sitting there feeling proud of what they have done to our rivals. Not every performance was perfect but it cant be in a cagy game like that, the done enough to outshine our retarded neighbours and that will do me.
  3. And one of the bastards threw a full bottle of coke off me heed when they scored, I was right by them too, literally only the stairs separated us.
  4. The magpie was there at the start of the match too, it was actually at the Sunderland end from when we first spotted it, their two stupid fucking cats tried chasing off the pitch, it then reappeared in the second half closer to the toon fans.
  5. Almost praying for trouble that lot. It's got a lot to do with the irresponsible way their manager has been talking. You'd think a so called professional would know better. The FA really should confront him about some of the things he's been saying in the press which are designed to make an already difficult situation for the police even more volatile. Aye Bruce is being very naive if you ask me and the shit he is spouting is only going to add to their "revenge" mentality, IMO if we win or maybe even draw there could end up being alot of trouble.
  6. Some interesting thoughts from our inbred neighbours. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=557555
  7. Ha ha thats what i thought when i read it as well, also they were saying that its always wet up here too which may be true but its not like Wales is renown for blazing sunshine!
  8. The only man ive ever seen with his eyebrows done.
  9. Id imagine the only drink your going to get is before you get on the bus and when you get back to Newcastle, just get the metro man.
  10. Alot of them seem to be suggesting Routledge might be part of a deal?
  11. He will man, look at the way they are already bigging him up, behind doors game, press release saying that Gosling shone, Gosling saying he hopes to be involved, i bet that everyday from now till Sunday there will be something about him looking fit and ready to play released so then when he plays its not such a shock to fans.
  12. Can't help but feel that Goslings going to play in this, with the behind doors game and now Lee Ryder saying that he shined on Twitter.
  13. Don't Newcastle wheel out that Graham Danby bloke to get the atmosphere started before big games? 30% of the makems will need to turn up early to find their seats and familiarise themselves with the stadium. I hope your lots going to stay in the stands this time and not on the pitch Wearside?
  14. PCW1983

    Sebastian Larsson

    the white Geremi then? Except without the high wages, he'll be a good addition to the squad and certainly has to be better on the right the Guthrie. Nobby proved you don't have to have pace to put in a blinding cross.
  15. Blackpool have turned down offers for Charlie Adam from Villa and Birmingham according to Matt Kendrick.
  16. PCW1983


    Fairly sure it's a day off today. Joey Barton certainly hasn't gone to training. They've got today off, Jonas said earlier in a tweet
  17. PCW1983

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Massive signing for NUFC, really shows that the club is progressing albeit at a slower rate then were used.
  18. It's crackers. It's like something the candidate first out on The Apprentice would do. It's either stupidity or smokescreens. I know, isn't it true that they aren't even that rich ? as football owners go i mean. Watching the interview they look out of their depth. Why is it that people who know nothing about football decide to come in to the game ? I cant help but think that blackburn are going to end up in a right mess when this lot is finished with them, MA will look good compared to them.
  19. Ive never understood why a person would leave a managers job for something less tbh.
  20. PCW1983

    Steven Taylor

    Wasn't superb... fairly decent but little more Certainly looked more settled and calm as the match went on but is so poor and shaky at times its embarrassing !
  21. Not pretty but still a very important win, follow this up with a win at home on Wednesday and were laughing.
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