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Everything posted by Flartyblartclart

  1. @GFN_France: FULL STORY: Negotiations begin between Newcastle and PSG over the transfer of Yohan Cabaye: http://t.co/VYO4wZo3lp #PSG #NUFC
  2. If the fuckers win the cup I'll leave the country
  3. It has to happen some tme. I just hope I'm alive to see it lol. Happy New Year to the best fucking site on the inter-bastard-net
  4. Merry Christmas lads, lasses and Elliottman
  5. When they say DORITOS it's comical.
  6. One of the first to congratulate Gouffran and also had a beaming smile on his face walking off. He also looked proud as punch when he made that excellent block right in front of goal. His resurgence has been a massive relief, tbh, cos we've got fuck all else in that position. You've done it now Yorkie, his leg's gonna fall off v Spurs.
  7. Debuchy looks like he's gained a yard of pace this season. He looked slow and cumbersome at times last year. Pleased for the lad, he does actually look like he gives a shit.
  8. Pleased for Gouffy. Had an absolute shitter against the scum but he worked his bollocks off today. Thought our crowd were excellent today as well, subdued - rightly so - at the start but as the players warmed to the task, so did the fans.
  9. This. Completely. Fucking hell. Much more to drink today and typing words will not be possible
  10. The team with one point and who are fighting to stay in the league say the pressure is on their mid table rivals? They always were a deluded bunch
  11. He's messing with your mind Klaus. This game is fucking huge for them. No pressure? Aye whatever.
  12. @MsiDouglas: Eddie MacIntyre finishes with a passionate: "Get off Joe Kinnear's back - and give him a chance!" Didn't go down well...
  13. @MsiDouglas: Eddie says: "The statement is Joe regrets the part he has played in the last week.He's assured us that some time in the future he will come to one of these meetings" Joe "you're all cunts. Bye."
  14. @MsiDouglas: "Joe regrets what happened. He will be here in the future. You're all talking about someone you don't know," he says. Aye whatever.
  15. @MsiDouglas: MacIntyre being heckled. "This has become a national thing. You've got an MP raising it in the House of Commons!"
  16. This. The bloke offers nothing except he falls over a lot.
  17. Stop being such a fucking tart Elliottman. Pull yaself together.
  18. it's why the fulham game, seemingly forgotten, is as big as those around it. 3 poiunts from that and we are safe and able to relax for the derby. don't really want to go into that game "needing" points. Aye this x 1000
  19. I had a Wagon Wheel at my first game as well, was in the East Stand with my uncle and my cousin. I seem to recall getting a tube of orange flavoured boiled sweets as well. Alan Kennedy scored early in the game in a 1-0 win over Boro and i remember being mesmorised by people climbing the floodlight pylons. The only thing i remember about the actual game is the goal and can still picture it now in my mind. It's nearly 40 years ago and I shudder to think how much NUFC has cost me in cash, hair, liver damage in that time. Would I do it all again if I knew then what I know now? It's a tough question. The good times have outweighed the bad ones. I think.
  20. Man City at home 1976 in the cup. Got beaten 3-1. 5 years old in the seats with me Dad and big brother who bought me a wagon wheel the size of a frizbee and a bovril that never seemed to cool down. Can't remember much about the game other than the noise, the black and white and my Dad shouting at our defence for being rubbish. Has anything really changed?
  21. Thats the thread i'm on about. Read through it, its fucking brilliant stuff. So in summary, Pardew was an idiot to substitute Colo Shola was shit that's why they took him off. O'Shea dominated Ba all game. Pardew was an idiot to take off a striker even though we were down to 10 men. Shola's goals against them don't really exist. Sometimes they amaze even me with their fuckwitedness.
  22. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=738005&page=5 Fuck me their stupidity really knows no bounds.
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