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Everything posted by Flartyblartclart

  1. We're more likely to get an an offer for the club he would find acceptable while we remain in the PL, no doubt. However, I just can't see him walking away from the PL gravy train and especially the worldwide free advertising he gets for shitedirect, why would he? We're absolutely worthless to him as a Championship club, and personally I think he's more likely to sell up in this instance. Although I've no doubt he'd fuck us over as much as possible before he sold. It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better in my opinion. Not sure. Irving walking is significant imo. The whole shebang is starting to unravel before Ashley's eyes. His sporting empire being subject to a national TV investigation, police raiding his HQ due to the Rangers thing, respected figures in the footballing world deriding the bloke due to his running of NUFC. Hopefully all this will result in him deciding that it's not worth the hassle any more. I do think though that relegation makes a sale LESS likely - although he deserves relegation.
  2. Most pathetic and jealous bunch of supporters going they really are - surprised there is no mention of Ponteland Airport or sugar puffs. There was no tee shirts when we did the five in the row - s*** club reliant on cheap tickets and freebies to get anywhere near a decent crowd. They're known as Sad Mackem Bastards for a reason.
  3. It's all about power. Those with power crave more. It's typical of the man.
  4. I agree with this, but we would still fall short of actual sporting success in the traditional sense of the word. Coming 5th isn't achieving anything. I'm not sure it's possible to win the league by gradual improvement spending a modest amount each year. Anyway, the main issue is we aren't even trying to improve, which I hate. And not focusing on the cups, which is even more annoying if anything. This is spot on, especialy when the club itself issued a statement a few years back about there being 'no capital outlay'. Given that we spent fuck all of the TV money we received in the summer, they need to revise that now to 'no outlay'. Nobody is expecting Ashley to suddenly spend £100m on players but it isn't too much to expect surely to spend the money the club receives. You add a decent centre half and another striker to the current pool of players then I don't think the squad would look to bad. But that would showing a modicum of ambition. Can't be having that now can we?
  5. I agree with a lot of that BUT I do disagree that it's simply down to one man, IMO it's down to football itself. The game's a phony as far as real competition is concerned. Football has changed massively over the last 20 years and not necessarily for the better, but to not try to be the best the club can possibly be and try to offer some kind of reward to the fans that turn up despite the lack of a meaningful trophy since 1969 is unforgivable. And that's all down to one man. I agree, apart from the last bit, I happen to hope (admittedly this hope is about as reasonable as my yearly hope of winning something) that Ashley is playing the long game and the club is being built organically towards the point where, within its means (because that's the only way it'll happen, less a sale to an Arab prince) it will progress. I much prefer to maintain that hope than wallow in/see everything in the negative. But experience of Ashley points to the exact opposite of this? He treat 2 of the clubs legends like dirt and continues to hold the fans - his paying public - in utter disdain. He doesn't communicate with supporters, he employs yes men and lick arses. He admitted to purposefully lying to fans and press alike. The club is in limbo and will remain in limbo until he decides he's had enough. I dread to think the state the club will be in by that point. I already see more Man City and Chelsea shirts than ever in the region and that's fucking heartbreaking to anybody who has seen the potential this club has. Ashley has ruined that potential, sapped the club of all self worth and turned into a bill board for his shops. Once again, as a supporter, I have never felt like my support means so little to the owners of this club.
  6. There's quite a few older fans with genuinely terrible opinions like this. Sounds like this old **** is winding you up! Less of the old ya young upstart!
  7. I agree with a lot of that BUT I do disagree that it's simply down to one man, IMO it's down to football itself. The game's a phony as far as real competition is concerned. Football has changed massively over the last 20 years and not necessarily for the better, but to not try to be the best the club can possibly be and try to offer some kind of reward to the fans that turn up despite the lack of a meaningful trophy since 1969 is unforgivable. And that's all down to one man.
  8. My first game was in the 70's and I've seen some fucking shite over the last close on 40 years, but it's the fact that within recent memory that we were challenging for honours and we were playing champions league football that makes the current situation at the club so completely fucking infuriating. Rangers Pack - you have to bear in mind that a massive percentage of our support simply aren't old enough to remember the way football in general was for most clubs. The fact that these 'youngsters' (fucking hell) aren't prepared just to bend over and be shafted is a good thing. Aye we've been in worse situations, but not for a lot of our fans and their opinion is just as vital as anybody elses. I have some great memories of 20k crowds. The ground was delapidated, the football was shit but the club felt like it belonged to us. I've never felt so aliented as a NUFC supporter as I do currently. All of that is down to one man.
  9. Which is what those people are suggesting should happen, not what they believe will happen. No different to the people saying we should have a traditional manager who has the final say on transfers, when obviously we know that won't happen either. I doubt anyone here believes we can produce a great system that will bring in a very balanced quality squad. But that also doesn't mean the director of Football/head coach system is a bad thing, because that's not what stops us from getting that kind of squad, Mike Ashley and the constraints he puts on the kind of signings we can make stops us from getting that kind of squad and that won't change with or without the current setup in place. There's absolutely nothing in the Charnley statement to suggest that there will be a healthy relationship between the head coach, chief scout/DoF and MD/dealmaker, so I'm just astounded reading so many people's optimism regarding us openly stating that the new manager will have very little say in transfers. That is all. It's just a system devised for maximum profit in the transfer market, not one supporting what should be the main focus of a football club, i.e. the (first team) manager and his squad of players. There is if you read it with your eyes. In fact, that's pretty much exactly what he says. Whether or not it's true is another matter. Given that the club openly admitted at the Keegan tribunal that it 'repeatedly and intentionally misled the press, public and the fans of Newcastle United' then it's impossible not to view everything they say with a huge amount of cynicism.
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/newcastle-united/11330409/Alan-Pardew-left-Newcastle-as-Mike-Ashley-is-about-to-sell-club-suggests-Alan-Shearer.html Fuck, complete Giggs.
  11. I'm a rational poster. I've just rationally decided that everything that can go wrong at NUFC will go wrong forever. Aye. My first game was in the '70's. We were shit and got beaten following defensive calamities. Not much has changed really has it? When I think of the time, money and emotion that I've wasted on this fucking club over the years man.... I accepted a long time ago that we'd never win anything but this isn't a football club any more, it's a plaything for our rotund owner who seems to have gotten bored of owning a football club and has now decided his lifelong ambition is to piss as many NUFC fans off as possible by lurching from one disaster to the next. And there's very little we can do about it. Stop going the games? It may be the only answer. The empty stands will provide more room for Sports Direct adverts. Guess who wins again. Sigh.
  12. Good post. We're obviously still considered a fairly big draw on the continent - the likes of Cabaye, Janmaat, Sissoko, De Jong - wouldn't be joining a club like us if we weren't and couple that with the fact that the likes of De Boer has mentioned us as a club that attracts him is further evidence. I think we'll go abroad as well. Hopefully between Carver, Stone and Beardsley we have enough in the dugout to get another 14 points. We have some decent players here, we have potentially some decent players out on loan who a proper manager might be able to get something out of too. I think there's enough to be positive about. No doubt Ashley will appoint Phil fucking Brown though.
  13. Pages 77 to 87 of this thread still cracks me up. Fucking hilarious.
  14. We'll make our obligatory 7m euro offer, safe in the knowledge that it won't be accepted. Can't have us paying over the odds for a player you know. Think of the balance sheet ffs!!!
  15. INFO #GFFN: Talks for Lille and Bordeaux over Mapou Yanga MBiwa fail. Details: http://t.co/M0x4NdfSrv #LOSC #FCGB #NUFC
  16. They're not obsessed though.
  17. Left on 69 - me, wor kid and the bairn. The 10 minutes after half time was the first time St James came together as one voice for fucking ages. I don't see how pardew can survive that tbh.
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