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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. I would think that sooner or later these guys will want a return on their investment tbh. These types take a much longer term view of things than your average football fan.
  2. Fair post. Nobody minds a stronger structure if the right people are in positions of responsibility and there are open lines of communication. Ashley has filled his shops with cheap crap and built it up. Maybe this is what he's good at. Should have stuck to the formula and bought a shitty little club in the championship that you don't need to spend money on. I just hope he sells asap to someone who actually wants to succeed at the top level of the game and understands that its only done by buying top footballers that the other top clubs want. Notably, that having bumped this post, it is seen that the usual culprit has opted out of replying to me when he was found lacking ............ Ok, thats a fair post. So just to make sure I'm getting this right, you don't consider Woodgate and Modric top footballers that other top clubs want? Also, did Chelsea show a lack of ambition in failing to land Robinho ahead of Man City? edit: i think it's laughable that you have a dig at Ashley for his private business strategy which has made him a billionaire from nothing. Enlighten me, I didn't realise Woodgate and Modric had signed for Newcastle ? Or even a top 4 club ? I don't give a toss how Ashley made his money, he came into this club, knew nothing about football, and proceeded to prove it. Quite amazing that anybody can still not see this after recent events. This has been coming for months, as obvious as the nose on your face. Woodgate and Modric didn't sign for Newcastle, that's as obvious to me as the nose on my face, aye, i agree. not so obvious the rest of it. Fact is, Keegan mentioned Woodgate, Modric and even Nasri as players we have either bid for, or were looking at. Woodgate and Modric joined the Spurs "revolution", a London club playing in Europe, who's manager had just won 2 european trophies on the bounce. Nasri joined Arsenal. We tried to get them, but they chose not to come. How the f*** that is Ashley's fault I'll never know. What's as obvious as the nose on your face is that the club is still recovering from the bullshit it had endured in the last few years of Shepherd's reign. We were in so much "trouble" that most fans were delighted with the Messiah coming back, because we could all feel that the club needed "saving". Now let's give this lot a bit of time to signal their intentions and proceed with their plan. Fact is, whether you like it or not, Ashley owns the club, and will run it the way he wants to. In principle, he's already made a few positive changes which cannot be ignored. Yes he's also made a few mistakes, but who doesn't. How he recovers from these mistakes and builds on the positives, will determine whether or not he has failed us. As has been said, to suggest that a man who bought the club a year ago has "failed" us, or even ask it, is as deluded and pathetic an idea as they come. Well for starters, it wasn't me who titled this thread, it was Parky. Even though I agree with him and would go further, thats not the point. Are you saying losing Keegan - and replacing him with who exactly - is a price worth paying ? I know who I would rather lose. As for "bullshit", don't make me laugh. 2 years ago we were in europe. And 52,000 fans we still supporting the club. Some bullshit. I can show you what s*** is, its the state the Halls and Shepherd found the club in, thats s***. Don't bother replying with bollocks about stadium debt, that stadium is an asset to the club, and all the other major clubs have similar or higher debts for exactly the same reason. The alternative is yuo think they should have kept it at a 36,000 capacity, and if you seriously think THAT, then you deserve to watch a club selling itself short which will ultimately only lead to the crowds going back down to 36000 anyway and less. Stadium debt was manageable i thought, didn't everyone know that? Thought problem was we were running a bit dry (transfer funds) having given loads of money to an idiot like Souness and then drifting away with a man out of his depth, Roeder. Wouldn't have been surprised if we didn't have too much in the pot. We would've needed a good manager to get us up the table which increases revenue. Didn't look like BSA was gonna be that man tbh. Let's hope KK can. Shame, you can be astute but you've so blatently got an agenda you're weakening a good arguement by behaving like a bairn. You are entitled to your opinion. I suspect that what I say, rather than saying its "like a bairn" is simply what you don't want to hear. The bulk of the debt was due to the stadium, was it not ? And yes, it was "manageable". I'm pleased you see this, sadly, it appears that others do not. I too wasn't happy with Souness behaving like a trigger happy clown with the clubs money, both in sales and purchases, but unfortunately you will have to accept that the people who run the club have to be entitled to make their own decisions and stand or fall by them. They don't employ managers with the intention of not doing their best to back them, well the old board didn't anyway.........of course they backed their man, it wasn't up to me, or you, or Dave, or HTT. He was their appointment. You aren't going to tell me that you have never worked anywhere, found a s**** manager, and said to yourself "what knacker appointed him" ? It happens everywhere, and it also happens at all other football clubs. Its just life. You back people you appoint, until you feel he has to be sacked. I agree with that. I think the old board earnt their right to make mistakes. They done a lot right. This lot i just don't know about. KK says there's money available, says we've made bids, we haven't got the players, such is life. Spurs looked a better team than us (until they sold Berbs and Keane), couple of players went there instead. Oh well. I am deeply pissed off though because i think we've missed an opportunity. Liverpool look average, if we've have bought better we could have had a run at the 4th spot, now Man City will have a crack at it instead. As to what went wrong (assuming we don't have a great season cause we might), i don't know who to blame. But i think mistakes have been made, if Ashley learns from them, all good, if not fuck off. I'll not jump the gun though and start assuming what happened. It's too easy to let the heart do the thinking in these situations, we don't follow football for anything else tbh.
  3. We could go round in circles about this for ages, obviously we have different views about the merits of the new owner. But if you mean that Ashley doesn't have a clue what's going on, then you don't know that and neither does anyone else. Look. None of us are party to 'the facts' and in these situations we probably never will be. But I know what I see...I see a man who loves the club and even with mighty odds stacked against him has got an average side to play spells of good football (even a respectable draw at ManU)...I see a man who is clearly our key asset behaving like a person who clearly feels alienated and fed up with things around him. I'm so sorry to be boring, you don't 'see' it you percieve it and there is a difference. Most relationships break down when both parties are guilty of something. I sincerely hope the relationship between KK and Fat Ash can recover and blossom along with our results. However, there may be a better and alternate future out there, not necassarily disasterous just because KK isn't involved. You never know.
  4. Fair post. Nobody minds a stronger structure if the right people are in positions of responsibility and there are open lines of communication. Ashley has filled his shops with cheap crap and built it up. Maybe this is what he's good at. Should have stuck to the formula and bought a shitty little club in the championship that you don't need to spend money on. I just hope he sells asap to someone who actually wants to succeed at the top level of the game and understands that its only done by buying top footballers that the other top clubs want. Notably, that having bumped this post, it is seen that the usual culprit has opted out of replying to me when he was found lacking ............ Ok, thats a fair post. So just to make sure I'm getting this right, you don't consider Woodgate and Modric top footballers that other top clubs want? Also, did Chelsea show a lack of ambition in failing to land Robinho ahead of Man City? edit: i think it's laughable that you have a dig at Ashley for his private business strategy which has made him a billionaire from nothing. Enlighten me, I didn't realise Woodgate and Modric had signed for Newcastle ? Or even a top 4 club ? I don't give a toss how Ashley made his money, he came into this club, knew nothing about football, and proceeded to prove it. Quite amazing that anybody can still not see this after recent events. This has been coming for months, as obvious as the nose on your face. Woodgate and Modric didn't sign for Newcastle, that's as obvious to me as the nose on my face, aye, i agree. not so obvious the rest of it. Fact is, Keegan mentioned Woodgate, Modric and even Nasri as players we have either bid for, or were looking at. Woodgate and Modric joined the Spurs "revolution", a London club playing in Europe, who's manager had just won 2 european trophies on the bounce. Nasri joined Arsenal. We tried to get them, but they chose not to come. How the f*** that is Ashley's fault I'll never know. What's as obvious as the nose on your face is that the club is still recovering from the bullshit it had endured in the last few years of Shepherd's reign. We were in so much "trouble" that most fans were delighted with the Messiah coming back, because we could all feel that the club needed "saving". Now let's give this lot a bit of time to signal their intentions and proceed with their plan. Fact is, whether you like it or not, Ashley owns the club, and will run it the way he wants to. In principle, he's already made a few positive changes which cannot be ignored. Yes he's also made a few mistakes, but who doesn't. How he recovers from these mistakes and builds on the positives, will determine whether or not he has failed us. As has been said, to suggest that a man who bought the club a year ago has "failed" us, or even ask it, is as deluded and pathetic an idea as they come. Well for starters, it wasn't me who titled this thread, it was Parky. Even though I agree with him and would go further, thats not the point. Are you saying losing Keegan - and replacing him with who exactly - is a price worth paying ? I know who I would rather lose. As for "bullshit", don't make me laugh. 2 years ago we were in europe. And 52,000 fans we still supporting the club. Some bullshit. I can show you what s*** is, its the state the Halls and Shepherd found the club in, thats s***. Don't bother replying with bollocks about stadium debt, that stadium is an asset to the club, and all the other major clubs have similar or higher debts for exactly the same reason. The alternative is yuo think they should have kept it at a 36,000 capacity, and if you seriously think THAT, then you deserve to watch a club selling itself short which will ultimately only lead to the crowds going back down to 36000 anyway and less. Stadium debt was manageable i thought, didn't everyone know that? Thought problem was we were running a bit dry (transfer funds) having given loads of money to an idiot like Souness and then drifting away with a man out of his depth, Roeder. Wouldn't have been surprised if we didn't have too much in the pot. We would've needed a good manager to get us up the table which increases revenue. Didn't look like BSA was gonna be that man tbh. Let's hope KK can. Shame, you can be astute but you've so blatently got an agenda you're weakening a good arguement by behaving like a bairn.
  5. Fair post. Nobody minds a stronger structure if the right people are in positions of responsibility and there are open lines of communication. Ashley has filled his shops with cheap crap and built it up. Maybe this is what he's good at. Should have stuck to the formula and bought a shitty little club in the championship that you don't need to spend money on. I just hope he sells asap to someone who actually wants to succeed at the top level of the game and understands that its only done by buying top footballers that the other top clubs want. Notably, that having bumped this post, it is seen that the usual culprit has opted out of replying to me when he was found lacking ............ Ok, thats a fair post. So just to make sure I'm getting this right, you don't consider Woodgate and Modric top footballers that other top clubs want? Also, did Chelsea show a lack of ambition in failing to land Robinho ahead of Man City? edit: i think it's laughable that you have a dig at Ashley for his private business strategy which has made him a billionaire from nothing. Enlighten me, I didn't realise Woodgate and Modric had signed for Newcastle ? Or even a top 4 club ? I don't give a toss how Ashley made his money, he came into this club, knew nothing about football, and proceeded to prove it. Quite amazing that anybody can still not see this after recent events. This has been coming for months, as obvious as the nose on your face. Modric and Woodgate did, however, sign for a club that's clearly had to sell in order to buy. I don't really care about Spurs and am surprised that you are, having witnessed the utter farce of this week. You aren't defending the actions of the club this week are you and the fact that Keegan has clearly shown you that he feels he will get nowhere while they are running the club ? For once, can you just try not to superimpose a straw man argument over someone's post? Where am I defending the club's ridiculousness this week? You're the one who mentioned "its only done by buying top footballers that the other top clubs want.". Mention of another 'top club' as a specific example and it's "WHO CARES WHAT OTHER TOP CLUBS WANT?" And where has Keegan clearly shown that he feels he will get nowhere while 'they' are running the club? I didn't see his announcement, obviously you must have. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, same goes for negative fuckers. Err...I think his actions this week cover that. However, he was all praise for Ashley in the press conference. Also, people saying Milner was sold without KK's say so, 1st thing he does in the press conference is say that was his decision. I believe him, personally. I can only (IMAGINE what's gone wrong is to do with the other 3. Whether they're there just to do Ashley's dirty work or they've been out of order, the next few days should tell. I'd guess, if KK stays and the other 3 are hoyed out (or some of them are) then we know Ashley backs KK, if KK goes it's other way around. Seems simple enough, without a single fact and nothing but supposition to go on....
  6. Fair post. Nobody minds a stronger structure if the right people are in positions of responsibility and there are open lines of communication. Ashley has filled his shops with cheap crap and built it up. Maybe this is what he's good at. Should have stuck to the formula and bought a shitty little club in the championship that you don't need to spend money on. I just hope he sells asap to someone who actually wants to succeed at the top level of the game and understands that its only done by buying top footballers that the other top clubs want. Notably, that having bumped this post, it is seen that the usual culprit has opted out of replying to me when he was found lacking ............ Ok, thats a fair post. So just to make sure I'm getting this right, you don't consider Woodgate and Modric top footballers that other top clubs want? Also, did Chelsea show a lack of ambition in failing to land Robinho ahead of Man City? edit: i think it's laughable that you have a dig at Ashley for his private business strategy which has made him a billionaire from nothing. Enlighten me, I didn't realise Woodgate and Modric had signed for Newcastle ? Or even a top 4 club ? I don't give a toss how Ashley made his money, he came into this club, knew nothing about football, and proceeded to prove it. Quite amazing that anybody can still not see this after recent events. This has been coming for months, as obvious as the nose on your face. We apparently bid for Rooney but we didn't sign him either, i didn't think the last board were lying when that they bid for him and i don't believe this board is lying about Woodie and Modric. This board are making enough mistakes without you having to spout crap like that, just make rational NON EMOTIONAL observations because they're damming enough. At what ever level the f*** ups are happening i don't know, but they're definitely happening. I hope this rather sobering experience brings about a reorganisation at the club that supports the main man - the Manager. Emotional ? Don't make me laugh. Myself and a small amount of others, have been telling you for months that this was coming. Telling who? You haven't been telling me anything. I never blasted the old board and i didn't rejoice over the new one, i just wait and see. At least know who you're talking ffs.
  7. Fair post. Nobody minds a stronger structure if the right people are in positions of responsibility and there are open lines of communication. Ashley has filled his shops with cheap crap and built it up. Maybe this is what he's good at. Should have stuck to the formula and bought a shitty little club in the championship that you don't need to spend money on. I just hope he sells asap to someone who actually wants to succeed at the top level of the game and understands that its only done by buying top footballers that the other top clubs want. Notably, that having bumped this post, it is seen that the usual culprit has opted out of replying to me when he was found lacking ............ Ok, thats a fair post. So just to make sure I'm getting this right, you don't consider Woodgate and Modric top footballers that other top clubs want? Also, did Chelsea show a lack of ambition in failing to land Robinho ahead of Man City? edit: i think it's laughable that you have a dig at Ashley for his private business strategy which has made him a billionaire from nothing. Enlighten me, I didn't realise Woodgate and Modric had signed for Newcastle ? Or even a top 4 club ? I don't give a toss how Ashley made his money, he came into this club, knew nothing about football, and proceeded to prove it. Quite amazing that anybody can still not see this after recent events. This has been coming for months, as obvious as the nose on your face. We apparently bid for Rooney but we didn't sign him either, i didn't think the last board were lying when that they bid for him and i don't believe this board is lying about Woodie and Modric. This board are making enough mistakes without you having to spout crap like that, just make rational NON EMOTIONAL observations because they're damming enough. At what ever level the fuck ups are happening i don't know, but they're definitely happening. I hope this rather sobering experience brings about a reorganisation at the club that supports the main man - the Manager.
  8. There are no guarantees in life Lotus sweetie. The transitory nature of reality at this level of conciousness makes it impossible, i'm learning.
  9. All i want to see out of this is that the relevant people learn from their mistakes, or be replaced by people who be unlikely to make them in the first place. As for those who want a change of ownership, what's the guarantee of getting someone better?
  10. I'm guessing that when KK thinks Enrique's up to speed he'll start at LB (or we'll sign another one), Zoggy will play LW and Jonas will switch to the RW.
  11. Lotus

    Coventry City (a)

    How about: ...................Shay............ Beye......Colo.....Talys....Enrique ....................Butt......................... ........Geremi........Guthrie.......... Jonas.....................................Zog ...................Owen................
  12. Wonder if we could get Upson for a decent price from West Ham. Decent CB who can also play LB. Would rather have Lescott tbh but i'd be astonished if we managed to pry him away from Everton. I think we might be better off getting a good CB who's left footed and can cover LB than buying a LB outright as Enrique's good enough long term imo.
  13. Don't think pace will be much use to us as i can't see their back 4 pushing up very far. We'll need to pass incisively. Unfortunately i don't think we can change our method of attack too much. If a team sits deep and tight then normally the attacking team will go wide to stretch them a bit. I think we've got good wingers but no one to cross to really. I can see us playing the ball around their box looking for an opening. If we have a player (maybe Guthrie) who can try the odd long range shot and look dangerous it will force them out to close him down, we might get an opening that way. They won't be looking to hit us on the break either imo, they'll be about set pieces. Probably more pressure on KK to get a result more than last week
  14. ...............Given............. Beye....Taylor..Colo.. Enrique Guti.....Guthrie..Geremi..Zog ......Owen/Duff..Martins........
  15. £6m!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wouldn't pay half that tbh.
  16. Lotus

    Old New Third Kit

    Will the players have trouble picking each other out a la Manure? Probably wouldn't notice tbh.
  17. Atm we don't have good enough CM's to have just 2 of them in the middle on their own. If we don't sign any more then i think we'll be well beaten in the middle of the park with any 2 out of Butt/Geremi/Barton/Guthrie/Zog. Especially away. We might go back to the idea of only 1 winger away (sometimes under SBR), whatever gets a result i guess. Personally, i think we need a new DM pretty urgently.
  18. We need a DM pretty urgently imo, and a target man. That's 2 right there. Then KK's talked about cover for the FBs and we appear to be after Coliccini. I hope we haven't put this this special Scout-Continental Contacts-Deal Closers on the payroll just to rush through a couple of transfers in the last week of August. Window has been open for 1 month and tbh, i'm underwhelmed. Players need pre-season with their new team-mates to hit the ground running.
  19. Lotus

    F*ck Spurs

    Think of the Spurs players you'd wish we'd bought instead: Berbatov: Good player, will make a profit on him too. Carrick: Was good, they made good money on him to invest to the squad. Modric: I think he'll be a good player. Woodgate: Good defender Hutton: I like him but he's not £7m better than Beye So of the current crop, only 3. If they sign Bentley and Arshavin that will be 5. I reckon Berbs, Woodie and Modric would've cost them around £40m. Bentley and Arshavin will probs be around £20m each. £80m! I know they recovered £37m on Keane and Carrick but they've also lashed out on Bale, Bent and Kaboul as the more notable. Despite the money spent they've quite a way to go to get a 1st team out as good as Liverpool's imo, let alone a top 4 squad.
  20. Ashley has already done something which the previous owners couldn't have done, they managed to get Keegan back. no, the old board also appointed Keegan. 2nd attempt. Do you think Keegan will do under Ashley that he did under the Halls and Shepherd. Do you want a wager on it ? Also, see my sig. YOU didn't want him back either mackems.gif I don't, because the league is a lot harder now than it was when he came in first time...nowt to do with the board, funds made available, tactics, etc. rubbish. Same teams. Same league. Its changed for everybody. You beat your competition, or you don't. No, on this point you're wrong.
  21. Lotus

    Nigel De Jong

    Probably nothing in the link but i'm surprised a few of you seem to think he wouldn't be a useful addition. Looked better as a holding MF than that other lump the Dutch used and he's decent at RB so provides cover.
  22. Lotus


    In Portuguese Monday is called segunda-feira which means second day. They're never wrong
  23. Thought he should have been rotated rather than started. You're right about Zola though!!!!!! Couldn't say he was a poor signing because we DID get our money back (unusually ) I'm sure KK wanted Signori first though....
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