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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    If we go down he's probably the best manager we could realistically get for that division so i would keep him. What's your view on what should happen if we stay up? I think if any part of the squad/management/coaching can be upgraded, it should. The tricky thing is knowing if who you bring in will actually bring about an improvement. It's easy for anyone to flippantly say 'Pellegrini, Montanier, Benitez, Martinez' etc. The last top manager we had was SBR and that was because he was out of work and a Geordie. Other than that, unless we pay VERY big, we're not going to attract the cream, we have to look at those rated a tier or two down. The first thing would be for the board to have a long and frank talk with Pardew about HIS performance, what he would want to do to improve it, does he need more coaches (clearly he does), etc. If he has a clear plan and objectives, is in complete agreement with the players we would bring in, i would wonder if it's an idea to give him one more season. At the same time talk to someone like Laudrup's (got a lower half team playing very well and effectively and knows the league) advisors and see if he wants the job for the season after next. If Pardew has an average or worse season, pull the trigger. We talk about all these wonderfully named people in La Liga and the like. They might struggle here, as Spurs found out. Ramos had a great rep but flunked there. So for me (at the moment) Pardew + new coaches (i don't mean a bus). But if it's Pardew + the same staff around him, i don't see how it can improve. Then we might as well take a chance on someone else.
  2. 6 goals in all comps this season. How many assists? 1? In an Allardyce team with Nolan.... Not for me. Rather put the money towards PEA.
  3. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    If we go down he's probably the best manager we could realistically get for that division so i would keep him.
  4. Lotus

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    He does look tired like. I think that fact we've lost a lot makes it worse for the players. It was (i think) SBR who said players are never tired when they're winning games.
  5. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Yeah, all the attributes execpt any idea of how to actually play the game.
  6. Lotus

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    And here we are with you talking s*** again, no one has said it's impossible, but it's been made that much harder, secondly no one is wishing it, that's just your spin to suit your view to protect Pardew. TT, tbh, i think that is misreprenstative of Ian W's views. He's a very positive chap but possibly this season has brought him to the middle ground of realism while pushing the rest of us closer to a precipice of despair! What like he purposely misinterprets any negative views and disregardes them by writing them off as baseless negativity or taking perverse pleasure in the situation when in fact it's nearer to reality than he's ever f***ing been. f***er lives is cloud cookoo land, while people are sucked in by his passive aggressive stance on everything. Well, he's grown on me tbh
  7. Lotus

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    It would be a very good idea. They'll at least prepare a few bids, try and keep fans happy. Actually, i think a good early signing would keep the mood of the squad happy.
  8. Lotus

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    And here we are with you talking s*** again, no one has said it's impossible, but it's been made that much harder, secondly no one is wishing it, that's just your spin to suit your view to protect Pardew. TT, tbh, i think that is misreprenstative of Ian W's views. He's a very positive chap but possibly this season has brought him to the middle ground of realism while pushing the rest of us closer to a precipice of despair!
  9. Lotus

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    It would be a very good idea.
  10. You know for a guy who's undoubtedly good on the ball, i always wonder why teams never pressure him when he brings out of defence. Then i watch cruise forward, and without a soul closing him down, ping it straight to the other teams most dangerous midfielder. Then i realise why.
  11. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Wouldn't worry, he also thought Bramble had all the attributes to be a top CB.....
  12. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Pretty sure Ajax will have taught him well. Leon Brittan does alright? Joe Allen? Technially better than Anita. I'd say not Actuallu think he's 1st touch has been often a bit heavy. Put that down to confidence.
  13. thing is if people want cabaye to play further forward then tiote (if he plays) will get more of the ball and to keep it simple drags everyone towards him. i don't think tiote's got worse as much as he's been sussed. If we have a 3 man midfield then surely it will involve either Cabaye or Sissoko playing closer to Tiote. With one of those beside him, 2 good ball playing FBs and decent/good ball playing CB behind him (Colo/MYM) he has options to lay it off quickly. For what he is, and what he can be used for, he's gone backwards somewhat. So have a quite a few other players this season. He shouldn't be an automatic choice. It's horses for courses. He's decent enough, just needs to get his mind right and have clearer instructions as to what to do.
  14. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    For a midfilder, quick feet is a great asset. Quick to control the ball and move it on under pressure, quick feet to get a toe in and disrupt the opponent with the ball. Anita doesn't need get his shoulder and hips in, just needs the confidence to get a toe in a nick the ball. He needs to work on his timing for that. More than anything he needs confidence and plentyof practice (game time). Players like Iniesta and Xavi are well good enough to get a foot in and touch the ball. Don't need to go crashing into anyone. If we want players to smash into people, we've got them, Tiote, Sissoko and Perch. 3 who are happy to go shoulder to shoulder (first 2) and Perch isn't actually bad art going to the floor but getting the ball. Anita needs to find a another way. Maybe if we'd had a better season we'd have seen more of him. As it is, our season has been awful and he has struggled. Understandable from him and also understandable that Pardew would choose other options that he knows has worked in the past. Pardew has been under pressure from about September. Hardly conducive to letting a guy find his feet. We'll see how next season goes.
  15. I don't remember that no, probably because it didn't happen.
  16. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Retard think before you speak lol who signed these players? Really any need at all? no need to sit the pedal stool at all Any chance you can try again with the words in some sort of order? fixed it for you son Spoylespot.
  17. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Retard think before you speak lol who signed these players? Really any need at all? no need to sit the pedal stool at all Any chance you can try again with the words in some sort of order? Google pedal stool. Images. Finding it hard to put that image in context of his post.
  18. Colo as player-manager was mine. That's gone to poo now, like!
  19. class. The horse looks nonplussed by his apology, it must be said.
  20. Carroll is not interested in being a top class pro.
  21. Sad but probably true f***ing hell. Yes, we throw our central defenders forward for the sole purpose of maintaining our defensive shape. Agree with Inochi's logic, but i have a suspicion (in training) we concentrate more on our defensive transition (after the opp clears it's line) than our movement inside the box (attacking the freekick, causing confusion feints & decoy movement off-the-ball etc). Because our floated fk's are hit & hope (to the head of Willo or Taylor). I don't think we do, considering how often we get caught out on the break. Odd thing there is that Pardew is apparently obsessed with Mourinho who it all about the transitions. You'd think it was something he concentrated on. Either he: a) never really covers it training b) does but is terrible at it c) does it, is good but the players are terrible at it. There aren't any other options.
  22. Sad but probably true f***ing hell. Yes, we throw our central defenders forward for the sole purpose of maintaining our defensive shape. Doesn't Bimpy say they negate our defensive capabilities due to our CBs being further up the field. That's exactly how i read his post. I read it as 'Sad but probably true '. Soz, in reference to Dave's post. Also, we're a lot more at risk to ourselves when WE have set pieces. We don't score from them, our defenders ARE out of position and we don't transition from attack top defence very well. We can all see this. As can the Manager i'm sure. I'm certain he wishes he could rectify it.
  23. Benitez is an odd one for me. Amazing what he did in Europe with them but i felt he single handidly prevented them winning the title. He kept screwing about with the team too much. And tbf, he's hardly got Chelsea playing to any dizzy heights. He's obviously a big name but i do wonder about him (in this league).
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