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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. Danh1


    Must be even duller than I thought being a Wednesday fan. Nee one cares man.
  2. If Eddie wants him, then I’m all for it. He will coach him into a cracking player.
  3. I’m not so sure. He wasn’t exactly on fire in Burnley’s side.
  4. Mad that Brighton have done that when they don’t sell out many away games.
  5. Could even give points for stuff like purchases from the club shop etc. I agree that scrapping points all together is wrong; however, it is important that people are able to get on the ladder. I do think when you don’t renew your season ticket your points should be kept on records too, but only become available once you become a season ticket holder again. I understood the risk so it’s completely my fault, but I lost loads. There’s loads of others too who’ve put the miles in and as soon as their tickets were give up, the points were erased.
  6. Aye I know a load like that too. I wouldn’t be against names of the purchaser being printed on the ticket and having to show ID at the opposition’s ground to get in tbh. Although then again, that is harsh on the lads and lasses who go every week off someone else’s season ticket. No idea what the solution is. But I do know that whatever they do, there’s going to be loads of people pissed off.
  7. Danh1


    https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/we-are-the-best-supported-club-in-the-championship.1598196/ Another thread sucking each other off for going to watch the match. They’ll tell you we are obsessed with attendances though.
  8. I have that little faith in Wood that I wouldn’t be that arsed. Would force us to sign someone I suppose.
  9. Aye, would be very sweet indeed if we done them at Wembley like!
  10. Typical that they finally get their act together when we get ours together too. Could even meet them in a final ffs. Saying that, we had a few missing down there and could’ve won had we took our chances first half.
  11. We should loan them Pope for their semi finals and recall him on 1st Feb.
  12. Wish him well, seems like a good bloke and hope he’s enjoyed his time here. He just doesn’t fit our style now that we actually have a “style”.
  13. Danh1


    Not strictly Mackems but the similarities between them and Everton fans is hilarious. Listening to an Everton Twitter Space (pathetic a kna) and they’ve just been ranting about how a Liverpool fan from outside of the city is day tripper, but an Everton fan from America is an Evertonian. Then talking about the merchandise Liverpool fans where, apparently Everton fans wear “the classier stuff”. Desperate stuff.
  14. Not NUFC related, but Arsenal got a yellow card for time wasting yesterday. No whinging from their fans, surprisingly.
  15. Hope we shithouse a win against the arrogant twats at Wembo.
  16. Just watched Marco Silica’s post match presser. He is unhappy that VAR didn’t give them a penalty for the first shout and send Dan Burn off. Deluded cunt.
  17. Nice little bit of shithousery first half. We had a corner and Tindall called Pope over, they spoke for about 20 seconds and when the ball next went out of play Pope went down injured. At the same time Bruno was off the pitch getting treatment on his foot.
  18. Danh1

    St James' Park

    ENJOY THE GEYM wasn’t there today, it was that blokey that was there for Man Utd last season, who couldn’t pronounce any of their player’s names. He had some weird music choices to say the least. Played Freed From Desire and La Bamba, must think it’s 2017.
  19. Danh1


    Ironically, got a bar named after him within the BOL.
  20. Was in the Strawberry corner and was so confused at what was going on with the penalty incident.
  21. Danh1


    Crowd trouble with a load of normal fans who’ve travelled 6 hours to watch their team player. Bunch of cowardly wankers.
  22. Everton in full meltdown mode tonight. What a shame it would be if their last season at Goodison was in the Championship.
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