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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. It isn't as if train is the only way you can go Stifler. Very much looking forward to tonight, heard wed sold 3,800 tickets to I'm guessing we'll have a good following.
  2. Some goal that was, he was loving the song about him too, clapped us every time it was sang.
  3. Danh1

    NUFC Songbook

    Was to the 'Nicky Nicky Butt' song (KC and the Sunshine Band)
  4. Danh1

    St James' Park

    http://www.fototime.com/041E11FA012A696/orig.jpg Don't understand the need for so much of it.
  5. Danh1

    St James' Park

    http://www.fototime.com/7EE9AF2EF470BE3/orig.jpg Just seen that elsewhere, looks awful!
  6. http://www.ebookargyle.com/ Seems like things have taken a turn for the worse for them.
  7. Danh1


    Anyone got a link to the thread where they blamed their falling attendances on season ticket holders dying? Just been pissing myself thinking about it and fancied reading it.
  8. Danh1

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Cabaye is a better footballer, and a better professional. I'd like to see HBA come on in the 60th minute, personally. Fucking hell man.
  9. Wouldn't mind a trip to Brighton's new stadium. If not then Leeds away. Owt but a shit home game in front of 15,000 people.
  10. People care because it makes our great stadium look fucking tacky!
  11. Danh1

    Sports Direct

    Would be pointless considering the cameras face the other way.
  12. Danh1

    Sports Direct

    It hasn't, Lee Ryder put this on Twitter. http://yfrog.com/kj6h1ygj
  13. Danh1

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    What a surprise that is... Dreading the season like.
  14. Danh1

    NUFC Songbook

    Tune: The Shamen - Ebeneezer Goode Knees are fucked, knees are fucked, Demba's knees are fucked, his fucking knees are fucked. Heard some blokes chanting that on Sunday, catchy!
  15. Danh1

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    The game was played in Portugal mate.
  16. Danh1


    Can't decide who is more deluded, Kinnear or Allardyce. Two absolute fucking idiots, can't believe they have both managed us.
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