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ross magoo

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Everything posted by ross magoo

  1. The Old Firm have been beating their drum about getting into the EPL or forming a European league for years. Here's the news, NOBODY FUCKIN WANTS YOU
  2. Stupid. The manager would be just as well resigning now. Either that or drop down into a coaching role. How the fuck can 50,000 people who don't even go to the matches, let alone training every day, be in any position to decide who should be in the team and who shouldn't?
  3. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,16368,2483_2879125,00.html Cup winners idea scrapped, proposals generally watered down. Good news imo.
  4. I've got a freebie for this one I reckon we'll scrape a 1-1 draw.
  5. Is the 400 miles one way or there and back? If it's the latter then i've done that plenty of times.
  6. 1. A Premier League Match 11. A Scottish League Match 12. A League Match in another country. 18. An International 27. A UEFA Cup Match 29. A Cup Winners Cup Match 30. A Friendly 31. A team win the league 32. A team get promoted 33. A team get relegated 35. A Penalty Shootout 36. A saved penalty 37. Been a ball boy 39. Participated in a pitch invasion 40. Seen a playoff final (in Scotland so it probably doesn't count) 49. Seen a top flight team beaten by a team at least two divisions below. I've never been to FA Cup games/FA Cup Finals/League Cup games/League Cup Finals in England but i've been to plenty in Scotland. I also watch a lot of semi-pro football up here (we call it junior football - nothing to do with age).
  7. The Italians are their own worst enemy at times. I don't know if it's their Machiavellian culture or what but it has to stop. I "support" Lazio in the sense that they've always been my favourite Italian team. I've never been to see them but the last couple of years i've had the cash to go to Rome for the weekend and take in a game. I've always decided against it because of the safety element. If that's what they do to eachother then imagine what they'd do to foreigners.
  8. Some of the astroturf pitches we have in Dundee are fuckin atrocious. I'm only 25 and i've had shin splints four times since I was 18. There's no give in the surface at all.
  9. With Rob Lee as assistant. I heard it was Graeme Souness
  10. They won't have a fuckin clue what he's talking about.
  11. The ones who turn up and moan for 90 minutes are usually the ones who get bullied by their Mrs at home. I'm not trying to defend them, I just think it's unrealistic to expect 50,000 people to all get behind the team for the whole game. When you're dealing with those kind of numbers you're gonna get a lot of people who are quite happy to just sit and watch the match (which it is their right to do) and a fair share of @rseholes who are just there to moan. It happens at every football ground in the world.
  12. I appreciate people being p!ssed off about folk turning up and not supporting the team in the way people would like. But the club needs their money.
  13. Man Utd's 3rd and Sevilla's 2nd were both fabulous team goals.
  14. I'm not sure what we're being accused of here. I've been to games when the atmosphere's been very good and other games when it's been not so good. I wasn't there on Saturday but if the team were 0-3 after however many minutes it was then what do people expect? I hate the way people pontificate to other fans in this way. It's usually just some preening, jumped-up, conceited tw@t on an ego-trip trying to say "I'm a better supporter than you". If Allardyce had been punted on Monday morning it wouldn't have been because of the supporters, it would have been because Newcastle got beat 1-4 from Portsmouth.
  15. Then you must be cheating. Nobody ever beats me at anything
  16. You don't tbh. It gets worse every time you see it.
  17. Binya's tackle on Scott Brown tonight was fucking shameful.
  18. I play 5-a-side three days a week and I can't say we've ever bothered about positions. I think if you all know eachother and are all aware enough of what's going on around you then there shouldn't be any need to stick to one area of the park - it's all situational. If three go, one stays - it doesn't always have to be the same person, you just have to use your brain. It's a bit like playing central midfield in an 11-a-side game. Also don't agree with sticking to one side of the park either. Movement and overlapping can usually create space and/or buy you half a second which is often all you need to conjure up a goal in 5-a-sides. Experience/instinct will also carry you a long way if you're good enough.
  19. Good. Get the weedgie tinky off his fat lazy unemployed arse. Fuck knows how he'll cope without Jeremy Kyle like
  20. Anybody who drives a car at 170mph on a public road should get a custodial sentence imo. That's just downright dangerous and irresponsible.
  21. That's the way I see it aswell. I really look forward to watching the CL on telly. It wouldn't be the same with sh!te teams in it. The argument that only the champions should qualify was lost a long time ago. The competition is better than it's ever been imo. I don't see the point of changing the best club competition in the world because of some outdated notion of fairness and equality. Too many games waters down their impact, and it will only get worse. For my money, the old 2 leg system beats the crap out of this league system which is only there to bring in more money for more clubs. I prefer it the way it is now, you don't. Motives aside there's not a lot of point in discussing it further - we're not going to agree OK, but the next obvious comment, is that the only people who benefit from more NUFC games being moved for TV, are those who don't go to many games. Not being funny either mate, but do you have experience of the old style european competitions ? I bet you die of boredom watching all those drab Champions League group games, where you can actually lose a couple of games and still go through in what is supposed to be a "cup competition". I never saw Dundee Utd in the European Cup because that came too soon for me. I went to see them in the Uefa cup in the late 80s and early 90s though. It was fab but we've never been in the group stages of either competition since they were introduced so I can't comment on it from a partisan point of view. From a neutral point of view, I prefer watching the big teams more often. I like the format more than I liked the old straight knockout format. You obviously don't so it's no use us arguing that point.
  22. That's the way I see it aswell. I really look forward to watching the CL on telly. It wouldn't be the same with sh!te teams in it. The argument that only the champions should qualify was lost a long time ago. The competition is better than it's ever been imo. I don't see the point of changing the best club competition in the world because of some outdated notion of fairness and equality. Too many games waters down their impact, and it will only get worse. For my money, the old 2 leg system beats the crap out of this league system which is only there to bring in more money for more clubs. I prefer it the way it is now, you don't. Motives aside there's not a lot of point in discussing it further - we're not going to agree
  23. That's the way I see it aswell. I really look forward to watching the CL on telly. It wouldn't be the same with sh!te teams in it. The argument that only the champions should qualify was lost a long time ago. The competition is better than it's ever been imo. I don't see the point of changing the best club competition in the world because of some outdated notion of fairness and equality.
  24. Is he still off the drink? My old boy saw him totally plastered in the Marriot last year drinking treble brandies. I hope the guy gets himself straightened out like but there's only so many chances a person can waste.
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