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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. We allegedly have one of the best attacking players in the world yet haven’t come close to troubling the goalkeeper for 135 minutes so far.
  2. I swear Son doing his dribble-y dribble-y thing against three defenders and it going nowhere happens at least five times every match.
  3. Don’t think I’ve seen a game with two first half goals scored in this entire tournament so of course it’s against us.
  4. If you actually don’t know you get banned from the forum. I don’t make the rules.
  5. Never seen us utterly dominate possession in a World Cup game like this in my entire life.
  6. I think I speak on behalf of the majority of AFC countries when I say that a lot of the West Asian teams are full of cheating shits.
  7. Shame Qatar managed to score a goal. I was hoping they would derive not even an ounce of pleasure from this farce of a tournament.
  8. Wish we were in this group. Can’t believe fucking Iran, Japan, and Saudi might all advance without us.
  9. USA v. Iran in a do or die match for both teams is low key kinda fascinating.
  10. Watching Kane lumber around unthreateningly is giving me Shola flashbacks.
  11. (Alan Pardew teleports into the dugout to sub on a left back)
  12. Mostly just want USA to win this now because these American commentators are so over the top they sound like they might ejaculate live on television.
  13. The year is 2022, I don’t even recognize 90% of the players on the pitch, yet somehow Jordan Henderson is still playing for England.
  14. Enjoyed that Korea game today. Never felt like we’d score but just nice to see that we’ve sufficiently developed as a footballing nation that we can not look totally out of place physically and technically against a team like Uruguay. I’m sick of being the Asian try-hards who have to overcome lack of skill by grafting harder than everyone else. Looks like we’re finally playing first-world football now. The result is whatever. It’s not like we’re ever winning this tournament anyway.
  15. Hearing a rumor that Newcastle may sign Ronaldo and the idea not seeming totally unrealistic is as sure a sign as any that I’m getting old.
  16. We're out of the relegation zone if we win? This can't possibly be true.
  17. Using his eyes and seeing that the player clearly can't play more than 30 minutes because he hasn't played a full game in over two weeks and just flew in from halfway across the world a couple of days ago?
  18. Joelinton-Guimaries is going to give opposing teams nightmare with their athleticism.
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