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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Now imagine if it was England and not Spain. (Or if there's a country the Irish hate more, feel free to insert).
  2. I guess it's mathematically possible that Cameroon and Switzerland could do us a massive favor if Brazil doesn't give a shit.
  3. Let's just nip all of this in the bud right now. We're not beating Brazil in an elimination match. And I hope Croatia tears Japan apart.
  4. I don't want it. Losing that game would soil all the good memories this World Cup has given us forever. Everyone would try really hard to pretend that it's fine and we're still happy, but we wouldn't be.
  5. I, for one, have been fully sportswashed. For a couple of days, at least.
  6. Man, I might finally get to see how good that Bruno fella is and it's going to be while he's beating the shit out of us.
  7. I have to start a workday now and I don't know how I'm going to do it.
  8. There is now probably something like a 5% chance of this happening and I'm already scared shitless.
  9. My only regret is that I didn't have the presence of mind to take a picture when the broadcast had the split-screen with us celebrating and Suarez crying. I would pay money to have that framed.
  10. I was watching stoppage time in that match basically curled up in a fetal position and then I saw the Ghanian goalkeeper time-wasting and I was like... Uh.... Thanks?
  11. I think I passed out for a little bit. Going straight from Korea winning to Suarez bawling his eyes out. The pleasure was too intense.
  12. That half season or so where Martins seemed like an good player was such a fun time.
  13. To be fair if I missed a pen at the World Cup I’d probably just walk off the pitch and jump into the ocean
  14. This World Cup. We have 60% possession every game, no shots on goal, and the other side scores whenever they hit any kind of diagonal forward ball.
  15. As of the last five years or so for Korea and probably a bit longer for Japan, I feel like both countries have put in place a steady production line of decent-ish players coming out of the youth levels. A lot of them stay in Asia because it's not worth it to leave the comforts of home to sit on the bench, but most of the NT-level players could do a job for lower-tier squads in Europe. Not relying on one-off outliers like Park and Son to carry a bunch of dross anymore. Son is basically a shell of himself this WC and we look about as good as we have in the last decade or so. Results just aren't going our way.
  16. Knocked out in successive World Cups by South Korea and Japan
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