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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. I am assuming, by the way, that this person who I've never heard about is our best player.
  2. If I was Steve Bruce I certainly would not have the balls to show my face in the dugout for this game.
  3. If we've got the infinity stones, why not get really ambitious and have prime Pele, prime Messi, and Jisung Park as a front three.
  4. I will ponder the moral quandry of the club being owned by a despotic regime starting tomorrow. Today, however, is devoted to toasting the burning carcass of the Ashley era.
  5. Hope he’s taking about Steve
  6. Would be a nice gesture to go one season without a uniform sponsor as a thank you to the fans. Or donate the space to the SBR foundation or something.
  7. Wasn’t clear how to celebrate this during the middle of the day in Los Angeles so I started slow cooking a six pound pork shoulder. No idea how long it’s going to take for the wife and I to eat all of this, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
  8. We need some familiar faces who can restore the fan's connection to the club. So, time to bring Nile Ranger and Sammy Ameobi back.
  9. I don't know any names but personally I'd like someone on the younger side who can stay for the long term and grow with the club.
  10. Shay Given has black and white sofa cushions
  11. Our Wiki article literally just ends after the Bruce Appointment
  12. oldtype

    Cans 3:16

    The club has been a miserable piece of shit for close to two decades now and somehow this place is still quality
  13. Wish there was a statue of Ashley somewhere people could topple.
  14. Regardless of how well the club does, I have a feeling that we are somehow going to end up all hating this person within the next... let's say two years or so.
  15. To be fair, they were probably too mesmerized by the "oldtype in public" thread to get anything done here
  16. Who's the forum's most hated player now. Because I have probably never seen him play. It would be like someone coming to me in 2007 and telling me that they'd been away for a few years and didn't know who Titus Bramble is.
  17. Hughes was at least seen as vaguely competent at the time. I haven't seen a single game coached by Steve Bruce but based on the reactions from this forum I'm assuming that he is... not.
  18. Imagine if the richest people in the world bought the club and decided "eh, let's keep Steve Bruce for a season and see how it goes." Would be typical NUFC
  19. I'm in the mood to crack open some beer and watch some Shola highlights.
  20. Haven't decided yet whether to exile him to Siberia or Alaska.
  21. Man, it's just not going to feel like NUFC anymore. We could be like PSG by 2025 and I'll still be looking for us in the league table by reading it from the bottom-up and not top-down.
  22. (Stares at Medium-sized 06/07 Martins shirt and sheds a single tear.)
  23. @Disco why don't you go bump the Relegationometer thread while you're at it.
  24. Happy to be back, hopefully for real this time.
  25. Spending hours on WIkipedia trying to figure out what's happened since Rafa left.
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