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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. We're not supposed to play them in games that mean anything. AFC were risking war there.
  2. I don't even know if this guy is good or not but he's definitely the most punchable footballer I've seen in a while.
  3. Fuck, panned to their bench storming the pitch just before I hit Alt+F4.
  4. Even just the Asian Cup semi final against them was the closest I've ever been to having a heart attack because of sports.
  5. It won't happen. It can't happen. I'd rather we just lose before that.
  6. How have they not even gotten a set piece or something for a half hour.
  7. Need to turn it off before the Japanese fans start celebrating. My eyes won't survive it.
  8. This is not going to happen, but if results hold here, we beat Portugal and advance tomorrow, Japan beats Croatia, and then we beat Brazil... I am going to die watching that game one way or another.
  9. Germans and Japanese advancing together. Something about that feels oddly familiar.
  10. Portugal better be resting their best players tomorrow. No idea who those players are, but they better be.
  11. Was at peace with us going out tomorrow. Now I want to puke.
  12. Fucking Japan going through after beating Germany and Spain. I'd rather have a world cup where we lose every game 5-0.
  13. Portugal look meh enough that I'd absolutely fancy our chances to take all three points from their B-squad with nothing to play for. Just need to figure out a way to convince them to never put a diagonal cross into the box.
  14. Suarez was tearing it up for Barca last time I remember watching football regularly so really shocking to see him so obviously past it this tournament.
  15. If Portugal's going to win, need them to absolutely batter these fuckres.
  16. Crosses into the box leading to goals eh? Love our chances against Portugal then. We never concede any of those.
  17. If Portugal win it might be helpful because they'll take it easy on us for Round 3, but we would need results in Uruguay v. Ghana to go our way. If Uruguay win we go through if we beat Portugal straight up. If they draw probably worst of all worlds. I hate that my brain is making me think about these things. It's not going to happen.
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