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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. I know what you mean mate, it always seems crazy to me that YouTube can get away with hosting large amounts of copyrighted material and making advertising money off it while people who just link to it can be threatened with action. But at the same time this is a brilliant forum and if the people in charge believe this is a step worth taking to protect it then I don't think it's a great loss. I imagine it would never get to the forum being shut down, but I can see why they don't want to take the risk. sorry to go off topic but this is the ONLY site that i frequent that has such a drachonian attitude re. videos every other message board i use allows links to vids to be posted and/or ebedding Exactly, And this debate will as always end with the "take it or leave it" argument without anyone really saying what is right. To the mods, I really like this forum and your work with it. All brilliant. Its just a shame that you are wrong on this link policy. I work with website development and have never experienced such a strict forum. Theres just no way a link to some other site can ever ever shut you down. Thats it. Take it our leave it is exactly what it is though. It's their forum, their rules. I don't think not being able to link to football videos is enough of an injustice for me to get up in arms anyway.
  2. can you f***ing imagine? business done a week after the season closes - this place would f***ing meltdown Plenty of time for them to get career-threatening injuries during the pre-season.
  3. If, (and I know its a big if) we sign them both for say... 18 million, does that make us "ambitious" again?
  4. Having been on this board for nearly 5 years now, this is the first time I've actually seen a post with a football video before it's been deleted. Very exciting.
  5. If nothing else, for the sole purpose of preventing him from scoring against us. a.k.a "The Ryan Taylor Trick"
  6. I'm pretty sure 10m euro is probably about as good as they're going to get for a player who's in the last year of his contract. I feel like it's just the right amount to have them thinking "hmm... that's a good price. Maybe we sell him to Newcastle now and get a replacement in ASAP?"
  7. I'm torn. Is Aguero going to Liverpool a good thing because it will force Carrol to sit on the bench, or is it a bad thing because they'll probably get back into the Champions League?
  8. oldtype

    Joey Barton

    The club has to be aware of a player's personal issues, but to offer his mentor a playing contract with that in mind, is going too far. Those two are starting to talk like they're the sole guardians of team spirit. Joey in particular always seems to get a round of applause when he starts telling the owner what he should be doing, and criticizing other players, but for me, he's getting too big for his boots. He should stop trying to run the club and concentrate on continuing to sort out his own contribution. Some of the sounds coming from these two reek of "player power" and I fear that it could eventually become a problem. I get a sneaking feeling that the club may just decide to ship both of them out, disband "this group of lads," and try to just build a team from scratch if contract negotiations start to stall.
  9. If he's on the last year of his contract than 10m Euro is more than fair.
  10. oldtype

    Alan Pardew

    You'd have to compare it with other clubs' graphs to draw any conclusions though. 81-90 is when the most goals are scored in football matches in general
  11. 10 mil is hardly a derogatory bid that won't even be considered. Seems to me that we're trying to get the jump on him by expressing concrete interest before anyone else does, which is a good thing.
  12. MA is only making a bid for a player who he knows won't come to make it look like he's doing something.
  13. We signed him with the knowledge that if all goes well, he would never play a significant role. All went well. If anything he belongs in the home for "Huh? He played for us?" players like Lamine Diatta and Zurab Kizanhoweveryouspellhisname
  14. Bit harsh - I wouldn't say we are fragile or that it took us a ridiculous amount of luck to get there. Essentially, just when we were well placed to break through after years of building, Man City won the lottery. Then Abramovich got interested again, then Liverpool picked up a decent lottery win themselves. Doesn't sound like much good luck for us there. I do agree that if Chelsea and City are allowed to carry on as they have been, then bracket that with Arsenal and Man U's income and it's impossible to compete on the same level. Impossible. However, which couple of our best players do you mean? Bale and Modric? That would leave us with Van Der Vaart, Sandro, Huddlestone, Lennon and a strong supporting cast. Plus an absolute shitload of cash. I hope they stay, but can't see us falling apart next year. I agree that your club has engaged in some excellent practices and invested ambitiously in the past few years but it still takes a lot of luck. Plenty of clubs are run well and go nowhere, plenty invest and go nowhere. For a "normal" team like Spurs or Newcastle to break into the CL is the equivalent of flipping a coin and having it come up heads 10 times. You can reduce it to 4~5 times by running your club well, but the stars still need to align for you to make it. Comparatively, the coin only needs to come up tails once or twice for you to drop out from that position. Say Modric and VDV are sold in the summer, the replacements turn out to be inadequate, and Bale doesn't get a full pre-season due to his injury and experiences inconsistent form. You'd be back to hanging out with the Villas, Newcastles, and Boltons. It took you years of best practices and a lot of luck to get where you did, but it would be so easy for you to drop back out of the "closed shop." Just commenting on how futile success seems to be sometimes for the "other" 15 teams in the Premiership. Not necessarily having a dig at Spurs or trying to take anything away from your achievements.
  15. Lost a lot of faith in him towards the tail end of the season.
  16. Think Crainey would be as good a backup left back as we're able to get on a free.
  17. Just read that Vaughan, Gilks AND Crainey are all on frees for Blackpool. It's going to be hell for them in the Championship next season. Wouldn't mind Vaughan or Crainey on a free.
  18. He'd get more money, a slightly better chance of success, and the guy who forgot his name and the guy who punched him in the face aren't even here anymore. I don't see why he wouldn't come. We're a selling club so he can also keep his hopes for a dream move to Arsenal alive.
  19. That's true I suppose. You're basically the only country in the world with lower leagues that are worth anything. Be proud while it lasts.
  20. Is there any evidence for that? I'd think that people who were going to the matches would go anyway. It may even open things up to a wider audience because people who wouldn't be bothered would at least watch it on the telly. We only started getting most of the matches regularly shown on TV this year over here, attendances have actually gone up. I appreciate that it's a different situation but I don't think the idea should just be dismissed off hand.
  21. They're on very fragile footing IMO. Lose a couple of their best players to CL clubs now and they're right back in the 8th~14th bracket along with us and the rest of the rabble. Just goes to show how ridiculously hard it is to break into the "top 4(or top 5 now, I suppose)" closed shop these days. It takes a ridiculous amount of luck to get there even once and even if you do, it's so easy to come right back down.
  22. I'm guessing it's the whole "OMFG people will stop going to games if we broadcast them on TV!" paranoia. I was completely incredulous too when I first found out that people in Newcastle needed to look for the same illegal streams I did to watch Newcastle games.
  23. oldtype

    Ancelotti binned

    Didn't expect a Korean to get it. I know. We're such an amazing, glorious, wonderful nation we wouldn't know what mediocrity was if it was staring us in the face.
  24. you joking ? in parker,noble,sears,piquiuonne,obinna,green, etc they have more than enough to come straight back up.......question is who will be there come september ? Parker is gone, Obinna not going to be there for obvious reasons. Noble and Green would probably be about as good as Guthrie and Harper were in the Championship (which is pretty good, to be fair.) Sears and Piquionne are turboshit. They don't have players like Enrique, Jonas, and Coloccini who were just blatantly too good for that division and were the primary reason we were laughing our way back up to the Premiership.
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