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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype

    Leon Best

    Genuinely not a bad player isn't he?
  2. Man your knee must be shattered from the sudden involuntary movement Been saying it for months. Okay I take it back. You're just daft then.
  3. Man your knee must be shattered from the sudden involuntary movement
  4. No, no, no, the shit ones will stay.
  5. If that is "the plan", it's not a bad plan. It's his execution of it that is utterly woeful.
  6. I agree, what a car crash of a thread.
  7. oldtype

    FA Cup revamp

    Somehow I can't see the Football League willing to do that. Oh right, separate entities. Never mind, bollocks.
  8. oldtype

    FA Cup revamp

    How about just scrapping the League Cup? Keep replays, still less matches that way. Throw the prize money into the FA Cup pot and put a CL place on the line. There's barely enough demand for one Cup competition, never mind two.
  9. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    He'll be an ideal impact sub to calm the match down when we have too much pace.
  10. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    Just a reminder: this is why we loaned out Wayne Routledge
  11. I'm assuming Spain is one of those places where you play in the domestic league or you don't exist.
  12. To be fair, take away the moodiness, the inconsistency, the injuries, and the fake injuries and he could be a fantastic player.
  13. Oba averaged a goal every 3.1 games, Ameobi every 4.9. For me that is a significant difference. http://stuffjewishyoungadultslike.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/duty_calls.png?w=300&h=330
  14. The two of them add up together for a grand total of 7 Premiership goals. Ever. Best and Lovenkrands is 9. My god we're in trouble No worries man, Leon Best has scored in excess of a goal every two games this season
  15. oldtype


    Heart beat for a moment when I saw the new topic and thought it referred to the poster, not the player.
  16. The two of them add up together for a grand total of 7 Premiership goals. Ever.
  17. At the end of the day Martins only scored about one in three for us which this massively disappointing, particularly more so in this day and age of Soopa Kevin Nolan When you get down to it, his scoring record isn't that much better than Shola's
  18. Funny how the Shepherd way and the Ashley way have us in pretty much the same league position.
  19. In other news, every new morning brings you a day closer to death.
  20. I don't think the next mega f***-up will come until the season's over, tbh. It'll be when we've made safety reasonably comfortably in the end, things are looking a bit good, people are starting to wonder if maybe the Ashley Model isn't such a bad thing after all, at which point he'll pull the rug out again. Not sure how he'll do it next, but it won't be til late July IMO. For some reason I'm getting the gut feeling that the club is going back up for sale this summer.
  21. oldtype

    FA Cup revamp

    Nothing wrong with those changes. The Champions League place thing should have happened ages ago, and replays are turboshit. Seeding isn't as bad an idea as you think. If you're a small minnows club and you get into the third round you are dreaming about a draw against Man United or Liverpool for the financial windfall and the media exposure. You don't want to be drawn against Scunthorpe just because you might have a slightly better chance of winning. It's good for the big clubs because they get cush third round ties, it's good for the small clubs because they're guaranteed a small fortune if they make the third round. It's good for us because we probably get to avoid our annual third round exit to Arsenal
  22. We can all dream, there's nothing wrong with that. I just don't think it's healthy for anybody to support this club thinking that we're some sort of "sleeping dragon" liable to reclaim our rightful place in the Champions league at any moment. We were never a "top tier" European club. Our current state is not an aberration: if anything, our successful spells under Robson and Keegan probably were. Of course it's not impossible that the coin could come up heads fifty times in a row one of these days and we could make a run to the Champions League or even the title, and I have my share of wet dreams about that from time to time. But what I don't like is this ridiculous sense of entitlement that says just because we have a big stadium and good crowds we should be up there with the big boys. We have no more "right" to be in the top 4 than the likes of Birmingham or West Ham.
  23. oldtype


    Eh The last page has mostly consisted of people taking the piss out of your own knee jerk fans for suggesting relegation, and that's supposedly us being bitter and obsessed? Go to sleep silly mackem. CP40 is possibly the most bitterest man on any internet messageboard I have ever witnessed and I include Benwell Lad and the whole of RTG in this assessment. cheers Yer bastaad - what am I doing wrong ? P.S. The cretin claimed I was bitter because before the derby game down there I said :- a) If we had anything near a full strength team we could get something. - We played them off the park with half a team missing. b) Their manager was being unprofessional with his post match song rants and should have kept quiet and kept the pressure off his team. - Well we never got to hear it as it turned out. c) I predicted their levels of hatred would lead to predictable pitch invasions and possibly players being attacked again at their woefully managed stadium. - Guess what happened ? He's just a typical macum coming on here all superior but when he gets a bit back he resorts to petty name calling. P.P.S. FIVE - ONE. ;D I'm still waiting for the FA to take action on the hundreds of your lot who invaded the pitch in 1990 and tried to attack Sunderland players and fans. Good to know that the best example of hooliganism from NUFC fans that you can think up is twenty-one years old
  24. Williamson played well and Nolan was really good I thought. All about opinions though I suppose People basically have preset "impressions" about player and their viewing of the match is warped to fit those impressions. When Nolan doesn't score he has to be shit. God forbid he actually contribute to the match in other ways.
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