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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype

    Rooney or Martins?

    While I agree that Rooney is, for now, a much better prospect than Martins, I would definitely like to see how many of those votes came before last thursday and how many came after.
  2. I agree mate if he did do it then bye bye, but like said above this is the FA and he could be done even if there is a massive lack of evidence to prove he did say it. I mean what can they do about it? get in a Turkish lip reader to prove what he said. And considering what we've seen of Emre and his Representation's ability to issue "strategic" media comments, I think he just might need a bit of luck to work his way out of the FA witch hunt even if he IS innocent.
  3. Don't think he'll be convicted today, but he already has at least one more charge (Bangoura) to deal with. No doubt the press will once again drag his name and the name of our club through the mud throughout the whole process. Good luck to Emre though. I've developed a soft spot for the little turkish devil and I do hope he stays
  4. nicely written piece. Although it isn't that hard to find the truth when it keeps coming at you with the subtlety of a jackhammer.
  5. This post actually resembles some sort of.... arcane ritual, calling out to the ancient and devious trolls who stalk this forum. I sense some sort of fight coming.
  6. oldtype


    While I would normally agree that we won't get a better manager and that Glen might as well stay another year, I'm honestly worried that he's just come unglued mentally after our recent string of non-preformances. Now without injury or bad scheduling to stake the blame on, I think he himself is finally realizing that he just isn't good enough. And that must be tough for a decent bloke who loves the club to take. Probably keeps him up at night tbh. I sincerely hope that he does the sensible thing and resigns before it ruins his life. As for a replacement, might as well bite the bullet and pick up Shearer now. Although I would personally get on the next flight to Newcastle and lick Fat Fred's boots if he could somehow pick up Guus Hiddink.
  7. ****, I might buy one if that rumor starts going around. And I dont' even live in Newcastle!
  8. possibly not the best idea to put the lads address all over the internet. Is Luque on about £60k/week here, so in PSV he would have been on £48k/week and playing football. But turned it down for the money? I reckon i could live alright on £48k per week. Though i do see the point in turning down a wage drop. I could live alright on £48k per year, never mind a week. It's about 12 years of my current wage. I live in a poorer country though. Does anyone could have a good life with £48k per year/month in England? Just want to know how greedy he is. £48k per year is an excellent wage in England. The equivalent of 48k Pounds per year would be excellent money in just about any country in the world.
  9. oldtype

    No goals...

    No brains... ...in the heads of Glen Roeder Freddy Shepherd People who post really bad topics Acceptable, or not?
  10. I think the question could be better phrased as: The first half an hour of the Alkmaar game at SJP, why did the players play like that and not like they've been doing all season?
  11. If the man can make Craig Moore of all people want it really, really bad, I think he'll do fairly well here as well. Honestly, I think he'd be absolutely ideal. He just has an innate grasp of how to use players. Half the players on the Korean squad had to learn a new position when he came on. Manure's Park used to be a holding midfielder (not too dissimilar a player from our captain, incidentally) He can kick some sense into players who don't care. ie Craig Moore And he also fits Freddy's "Hollywood" style being a natural showman himself. Him and Fat Fred would hit it off quite well tbh. They both love the money. If he'd be willing to come, I'd throw any amount of money at him. Just what NUFC needs right now tbh.
  12. Don't know how you'd know that seeing as we've never bothered with them roeder is a tactician just like Bramble is a defender.
  13. Hiddink is a ****ing amazing motivator. (Although he's more of a disciplinarian than a "come on lads!" kind of manager) One of the best in the game. Just a cursory glance at what he's done in Korea and Australia should tell you that. As long as you'll give him enough money, Hiddink loves a shambles. There's a reason he's traveled around international minnows instead of going to the big teams. He knows his strength is getting 150% out of weaker players, and he enjoys sticking to that.
  14. Really, the interesting thing about Shepherd is that even if we choke his purse to the max, what makes you think he'll do the right thing? The fact is, he doesn't even know what the right thing is. If the fans look angry about the manager, he'll think "crap, I guess they really want Shearer" and get him in as manager. If the fans look angry about the squad, he'll think "crap, better get a big name in" and go throw 12m at Darren Bent. Shepherd simply doesn't have the ability to do smart things. Putting pressure on him will just make him panic and start driving this club down in an even more rapid manner.
  15. Hiddink would be TRULY ideal to get the best out of our underpreforming players and whip squad discipline back into shape. Heck, the two things the man likes most in life are money and a challenge. We could give him both. ....Assuming he ever walks out of Abramovich's pocket in Russia that is.
  16. How on Earth can Parker be overrated when you lot are all ready to jump on his back every time we lose, draw, or there's a full moon out. As for overrated player, I'd have to go with Taylor as well. But that's only because his star has been much, much too high before we went and **** on ourselves last week. And why is Given on that list. If our recent crap form has proved anything good, it's that Given is a ****ing superhuman.
  17. Just sitting in whinging is just about as effective as whatever fan protest could be mounted tbh. We're just not in an era where the fans can actually pressure their clubs. I'll stick to voodoo. Got some dolls of Freddy and Glen ready. With lots and lots of pins. And a fire. Oh yes.
  18. Whatever, I can't even be bothered to try defending Parker anymore
  19. Traveling from the USA spending about the same mate. Last week I felt like I'd been shot in the gut. Now I feel like somebody capped me in the head just to make sure I'm down. Never have I seen a preformance more utterly lacking in passion and drive. Clearly nobody (or at least certain somebodies...) thought they had anything to play for. It was unlucky to concede after dominating play for so long, but completely losing our mental grasp of the game after that was entirely the fault of the players. (And of coursee, Glen, who at this point is culpable for the war in Iraq, the Khmer Rouge massacre, and the Bubonic Plague as far as I'm concerned)
  20. at least have the sense to keep it in the 390480842 page long Luque thread that most sane members know to keep out of.
  21. If I see Van Gaal's face again I'm going to puke. And Bernard? How can we keep something that doesn't even exist? Bernard's an urban legend tbh. The Batman of NUFC.
  22. My God, the man's just in shambles now. Get him out the door before he starts making an even bigger fool of himself
  23. Goalkeepers have the ability the ability to relieve the defence by coming and collecting crosses...Shay doesn't do this and subsequently adds pressure to the already VERY fragile defence. But a goalie can't make crap players good. Thank you for your contribution and thoughtful criticism of the subject discussed. Lets put it this way. Let's assume that I gave you 10m to get a goalie. (****, that's pretty silly money for a 'keeper even) Name one that would come here and would be a significant improvement over Shay.
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