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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. The clubs who want him can't afford him The clubs who can afford him don't want him Might as well keep.
  2. My point being, we have (as far as I know) 1 Villa supporter, 1 City supporter, 1 Liverpool supporter, and maybe a few others that aern't as noticable. So why so many fans of Tottenham, of all places
  3. just out of curiosity, why do we have so many spuds supporters flocking to this board? I recall it just being KD and MJ, and now it looks like we've got half a dozen.
  4. oldtype

    The New Anfield.

    looks like something a Ninja would throw. I can see that protruding out of some poor guy's neck.
  5. oldtype


    so how many "Adriano?" "NO!" threads have we had over the past six months anyway?
  6. Do you really think he is going to give a s*** about what the papers say about him, when his bank account could bloat even more so, with £300,000 being added to it? Hardly like this little saga compares to the s*** he's been through with the press and various supporters in earlier phases of his career. Well, Barton may not, but if I already had 10m+ secured in my bank account, I'd surely be willing to give up another 300k or so to get on the good side of my new supporters. Having a bust up with your supporters from day one could be the start of a disasterous experience at a new team. Like I said, if he had any brains whatsoever he'd be dropping this matter right now.
  7. As usual, whatever Willie Mckay touches turns into steaming piles of dogshit. tbh, if Barton had any brains at all he'd recognize the PR nightmare that this is causing him and give up on the 300k.
  8. It's not set in stone that you must be at a club 10 years to get a testimonial is it? I always assumed that 10 years was just the point at which the club was obligated to give you one. If it's at all possible, Nobby certainly deserves a testimonial. I would be able to fly in to be there too, since it'd be over the summer.
  9. I wonder where the f*** them 2 will end up, I really do. No-one in the right mind will sign them. Maybe Bramble will recommend them to Hutchings "er yeah i really enjoyed playing with Babayaro" Good idea. Babas and Carr + £4m for Baines. I would laugh my head off if that happens would be comedy gold if Wigan ended up signing most of our old back line
  10. You do that mate, and I'll piggyback Henry the way back.
  11. so in the very same forum we have threads calling Viduka World Class... While in another thread people are saying Henry is crap that has "2 years left at best?" He's Thierry-fucking-Henry, people. If Liverpool get him for 20m, it'll be a bargain and the deal of the season.
  12. f*** me, I own a Parker game-worn shirt. Oh well, I suppose I can still appreciate it. Regardless of his talents as a player, which I still think were a lot better than people gave him credit for, he's one of the more admirable personalities we've had in our squad. Hope he does well at West Ham so he'll get poached by a different club ASAP.
  13. At this point, if Smith wanted first team football, wouldn't he have to go somewhere like... Scunthorpe United? Eh, maybe the Mackems would like a go. Surprised they haven't been linked yet actually.
  14. Don't knock it if it's good fun, and oh boy is this good fun. Stevie and NSG making my fucking day. I'm personally not completely sold on Barton, but if we're getting rid of Parker, might as well.
  15. Bowyer and Barton on the same team! What do the odds look like for one of them knifing the other before year's end?
  16. Agreed, Ireland would be f***** for one. Not fair if a team has no worthwhile national league that they should be forced to bring lesser players. This would all just play into the hands of the big nations, which goes against what you're saying about trying to stop the superpowers always winning. Short-term yes, but long-term it may actually force nations to start developing their own game from the bottom up, their leagues and for homegrown players to play their football "at home". The globalisation of the sport is ruining the game for smaller nations whose best players as soon as they show even a modicum of talent are leaving to play in other countries which has a massive and underestimated negative effect on their own footballing culture. The world game is very much like our own Premiership, dominated by the big leagues with all the talent floating at the top, the rest becoming bottom feeders fighting over the scraps. As a result competition is almost non existent. The biggest example of this is Scotland, for years their best players have played in England which helped their national team no end, true, however every fabric of Scottish football with every departure slowly but surely loosened, thus wrecking their own competitions to such an extent it has affected player development to the point where the national team manager is checking out the family tree of players like Nigel Quashie whose roots are Ghanaian, just to put a competitive team together. Competitions like the World Cup were designed so players could represent their country and the game in their country, to promote the game in their own country, over the years that has changed however. Most of the French football team are not representing their own game, but ones in England, Spain, Italy etc. for example. Perhaps forcing such a policy would be the wrong way to go... OK, make it a voluntary option then and reward those that sign up with funding to help the game in THEIR OWN country, to improve facilities and such. The game is in danger of falling in on itself as the foundations are very weak and the global sport has a duty to first protect the interests of every nation and not itself, or rather the bigger nations, and that isn't happening. The result. Go to any country outside of the big leagues and the standard of football is appalling. The Dutch who produce fantastic players are going to become the next Scotland, mark my words. Years of losing their better players will catch up with them and bite them on the arse big time, regardless of how successful they are at producing players. Ironically all this will impact nations most at international level, as Scotland have found out. In short in order to protect international interests, you have to first protect domestic ones as the two go hand in hand, if one suffers, so will the other. Nations like Africa will never fulfil their potential because all their best players will leave to play outside of Africa. Short term their national teams will do well because their players are learning a new game and using that experience to good effect, but they aren't taking it back home with them for the next generation so ultimately their national teams will suffer. Cameroon showed the way in 90 with their team of unknowns - but have taken a turn for the worse since as all their best players were snapped up by clubs from the big nations. It has happened to Nigeria too and will happen to the likes of Ghana, Ivory Coast et al. Think the problem with Scotland has been the fact of too many poor Bosmans stifling home grown talent which has led to the inability to develop players who are good enough these days to compete in the premiership and at international level. May be an idea that for european competitions, league games etc to have a squad of players has to be registered similar to the 22 players per squad at international competitions but must include a proportion of players who are home grown ie developed in the country to which the club belongs. HTT, I think your heart is in the right place but ultimately you just don't understand the realities of football outside of the European "core." Fact: Asian and African leagues will not start to experience some sort of miraculous growth because FIFA compels local federations to develop their domestic competitons. How long did it take for England to develop its current set of institutions? A hundred years? More? Football in these regions has only really been taken seriously for a couple of decades now, and as a result many of these leagues don't even have the most basic things an English fan would take for granted. The Korean league (K-League) still does not have a working promotion/relegation system, or even a second division comprised of full-time players. Youth academies are nearly non-existant. Many first division clubs lack a consistent supporter base and have to be propped up by large corporations. Last season, the reigning champions averaged less than 5,000 in attendence, and a second division club refused promotion to the top flight because they didn't think it would be woth the expenses. All this from a country that sells out it's 65,000 seat ground for every single international friendly. All of these problems exist not for lack of trying, but because setting up a functioning professional sports league takes time. A lot of time. It takes decades for fans to form strong bonds with their local club, possibly more for things like multi-tiered leagues to be agreed upon. Forcing countries to rely on domestic players would not magically solve all of these problems, it would simply make teams from the "periphery" unable to compete at all on the international level, thus killing a large amount of the interest for football in these countries. There is no snap solution for development of football in Asian and Africa. It's going to take a lot of time and money, and even then, these leagues will probably never be on level with European ones, just like we can't realisitically expect Honduras or Botswana to ever be as prosperous as the US or the UK. Radical strategies run the risk of severe backlash and/or just killing any interest in football as a whole. Granted, I think the idea might work out for places like Holland or Scotland, where already strong leagues are on the decline. As for Germany 06... Whatever happened to Maxi Rodriguez? I thought he'd be the next big thing after seeing him against Mexico.
  17. I watched Korea v. Holland. It made me think that we should sign Mario Melchiot. I'm not even kidding. He started the game and he was actually that good. (runs for cover)
  18. oldtype

    Alan O'Brien.

    Might as well keep him. He seems to have something resembling potential, and it's not like he costs us 50,000 a week or something...
  19. THIS. Somebody once mentioned to me that Gooch was amazing if you converted him to a striker in FM 2007. ...food for thought.
  20. Do you think he'd get much of a look in though, or just be wheeled out to play against Brighton in the Carling Cup? Considering how Manure has s*** for strikers at the moment, he'd probably get quite a few games if not start regularly. If the season had gone 10 games longer, they'd probably have been forced to play Dong Fang Zhou for pete's sake. I was sort of working on the assumption they'd get more people in during the close season to solve their striker crisis than just said FAB, tho. True, but they'll probably need at least two in with the talk that they're flogging Saha or Smith... Or both. One big-name that'll cost 'bout a billion pounds + Viduka for nowt seems a smart move.
  21. How's it bollocks, Grosvenor and Stanley won't let you in if you look like a bamp, simple as that. No dappers allowed neither. Stanley made me take off my hat before I went in. Felt that it was pretty odd. They need to get some proper card tables in there btw, left after about half an hour because there wasn't anything worth playing. Just a bunch of Chinese blokes playing blackjack.
  22. Do you think he'd get much of a look in though, or just be wheeled out to play against Brighton in the Carling Cup? Considering how Manure has shit for strikers at the moment, he'd probably get quite a few games if not start regularly. If the season had gone 10 games longer, they'd probably have been forced to play Dong Fang Zhou for pete's sake.
  23. You think? The word "great" is overused these days. Diouf could be Ronaldinho in disguise for all I care, I could never, ever support him. Same deal with Barton.
  24. oh God, I'm so positive these days that I can't even be bothered to hate Fat Fred when he says something like that.
  25. you've left South Korea off the list mate. Think we've got more people reading this board than China or Japan, at least
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