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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. <Make your own forum thread!> Topic: (insert player name here) is leaving (insert club name here) Reply1: I'd take him but too good for us Reply2: Never happen in a million years Reply3: will prob go to (Pick one: ManU, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal, random foreign side) Reply4: Roeder will have to scout him at least (rnd 5~1000000) times (obligatory snicker)
  2. oldtype

    Roeder's Gone Mad

    Or Tribal Football is just making up a story that the Daily Mirror is just making up. Speculation coming from an unreliable source filtered through an even more unreliable source.
  3. not gonna give martins a partner then??? Aye Dyer will play close enough to Martins to support him.. 4-4-1 it is then! lololololololol fkn been a long old day , where'd Emre go ------------------Given ---------Taylor-----------Moore Nobby-----------------------------Baba -----------------Parker -Milner---------Emre--------Zoggy -------------Dyer --------------------Martins I wont play Moore again this season He is s*** and i rather give Gooch a chance He is far more motivated then Moore Never mind the fact that he is the slowest player in the world Funny, I thought the exact opposite. Gooch is pretty crap, Moore is just about servicable. Given Nobby Taylor Moore Baba Parker Milner Duff Emre Dyer Martins I swear, if Carr isn't dropped I'm going to cry. I just can't believe that there exists a professional athlete who's even less fit than I am.
  4. oldtype

    CL Quarter finals

    I swear I heard the words "five times champions of Europe" at least a hundred times when I was in Liverpool last week. Can't imagine what it would be like to be an Everton fan in the city.
  5. So, who wants to be the first to say "They should get rid of that useless **** Parker, not Butt!" Come on, you know you want to... As for the serious part of my comment, I would love to see Sidwell here. I'm pretty sure the Sun just made up the part about ManU, so we should have a decent shot. 40k a week is like minimum wage for our squad no?
  6. How I wish we could look up to our own chairman/manager and think "great man." One day, I hope.
  7. I'm from Korea. We've got a good bunch of 50+ fans who hang out at our own message board and meet up regularly to watch games. Most of us have never even been to Newcastle, but for various reasons it's become our adopted club. (We've all got domestic clubs we support as well if you want to get picky about it) A lot of us have been through all the highs and lows of recent years, but never once have I seen somebody suggest that they couldn't be bothered to support NUFC anymore. Something about this club just brings out unreasonable devotion in people. Personally, I'm sitting in my room right now waiting for the 6 hour coach back to London which will be followed by a 7 hour flight back to Boston (where I reside at the moment). I flew 6000 miles to see possibly the worst match ever, and yet I still plan to come back. No idea why.
  8. We haven't scored in how many Premiership games? I'm beginning to think its possible. The squad is demoralized, the manager has gone mental, and Stephen Carr is first choice right back. Well, on the bright side, we have something to play for now eh?
  9. Utterly ****ing pathetic. And I flew 6000 miles to watch this pile of ****. My mate who was traveling with me was patting me on the shoulder and asking me why I supported this load of crap. He could see that Man City were pathetic, but we couldn't even put THEM to bed. We were unlucky to concede, but we shouldn't need luck to take out a team like Man City at home. Selection was horrible, and being in the stands I could see more clearly that a lot of players just don't give a toss. Hope we win the next time I'm here
  10. Arrived in Newcastle today. Took a tour of the ground. I can die happy now. :'( See you at the match. PS. Me at the Liverpool club museum two days ago http://img111.imageshack.us/img111/7824/img1475gy6.jpg
  11. Resurrecting this old thread just to mention that I am now on my way to the airport. Will be in London and Liverpool (the mate traveling with me is a Liverpool fan > ) before arriving in Newcastle this friday, catching the Man City match and staying till sunday morning. It's too bad that we don't have anything to play for, but I'm still looking forward to it. Thanks to everyone who offered their advice and support. Maybe I'll see a few of you at the ground.
  12. oldtype

    Joey Barton

    He's a great player, but his personality should be a bit too much for Roeder to deal with. We really don't need a potential problem player at this point and time.
  13. http://sport.independent.co.uk/football/news/article2383823.ece He's right like. I really miss Keegan being in football. Heard on the news yesterday that he's planning on running one of his "soccer circus" things in Newcastle. Good news if you've got kids. How sad has the world become if it can disillusion even Kevin Keegan. This was actually the most depressing thing I've read in a while. Especially because it's true.
  14. Reminds me of West Bromwich Albion for some reason. Maybe it's the pink.
  15. oldtype

    Dyer guilt

    And one day, some industrious soul will invent a squelch function for message boards. There will be much rejoicing.
  16. I'd travel to ****ing Antarctica without a peep if we ever played an FA cup semi final again tbh.
  17. oldtype

    Dyer guilt

    It takes guts to go on record with the media and talk about your past actions like that. Regardless of what's happening on the pitch, Dyer deserves credit for this. In comparison, it takes pretty much no guts whatsoever to go spewing on like a madman on internet message boards...
  18. I think everyone on this 24-page thread has garnered enough fun from the affair to admit it was a good idea.
  19. Depressing but not surprising. Honestly, with Arsenal debt ridden for the forseeable future, who other than Manure and Chelsea has a shot at the title for the next decade or so? Saddling their Glazer debt, even ManU may have a hard time keeping up once Giggs and Scholes are no longer servicable.
  20. oldtype

    Nikola Žigić

    With Jan Koller on the wane, he's the best big man in the business at the moment. Not only is he huge, but he has amazing balance. Very hard to knock down. This man is NOT a Peter Crouch. As long as it's done with half a brain, long ball isn't necessarily a bad thing, with this guy in, I'd be all for it. 8m is a VERY reasonable price I think. What I'm not sure of is whether we should be buying a striker at all.
  21. So who's going to read the riot act to Glenn?
  22. you sure about that? they tend to say "shootiiiiiiiiiiing" with the emphasis on the 2nd part of the word....or "headiiiiiing" with the same intonation....funny man, listening to loads of korean babble then they throw that in, cracks me up every time Funny, I haven't heard shootering yet. Wouldn't put it past our commentators though. The famous Korean commentator who screams out players names as though he's having sex with them is always good for a laugh.
  23. This is just about the most exciting thing left in this season!
  24. oldtype

    The or thread

    Pele or Ameobi tbh!
  25. Superhuman? Who is the one who is over-rated? I don't want to get into the pointless world class debate again, but if you sincerely believe (and it seems like you do) that Shay is a liability, you're either blind or overly cynical. For your sake, I hope it's the latter.
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