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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    What the fuck does stability even mean? Fucking about in a relegation battle doesn't make me feel stable. Honestly, wanker.
  2. Bollocks we have better players than brim and just as fit we should be winning games like these with ease not losing them which we will be in a matter of minutes. I know.
  3. Players have just ran out of steam cos of games and europe and that.
  4. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    Before Moyes went to Everton he had taken Preston from the bottom of division 2 to the playoffs in division 1. Before Pardew came here he had just been sacked by league 1 Southampton, before that he had been sacked by Charlton as they were on the way to being relegated from the championship, before that he got sacked from West Ham as they were getting relegated from the premiership. The similarities between Pardew and Moyes don't go very far.
  5. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    If we go down he's probably the best manager we could realistically get for that division so i would keep him. I don't think Pardew is even particularly credible at that level. In his last job he was sacked from a league 1 club and before that he was sacked from Charlton because he had them on the way to being relegated to league 1.
  6. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    It seems to me physicality is gradually being taken out of midfield play, it's more about moving the ball around quickly, you don't need to be physical if the ball is on the ground and you move it on before the opposition gets to you, and if he does get to you, "draw the foul", when we played Swansea they dived about like fannies, I still remember Nathan Dyer screaming for no reason. As for Anita, I agree that in a team like Swansea he could flourish, but here the fact he is a midget is exposed, he's totally pointless under a dinosaur like Pardew.
  7. He must be fucking mental if he's playing for a move back here.
  8. Got at the tacos before the Sunderland game? I wish I'd had the shits during that game.
  9. Someone always seems to score when I go for a shit. Though I do take my time so I suppose it's no surprise.
  10. I sometimes wonder how familiar people are with Pardew's record, he wasn't even close to being qualified to come here, it was the most bizarre appointment since... well, Joe Kinnear. I thought it was a bad joke made up by a mackem when he was first linked with us. Before we took him you would have raised and eyebrow at a championship club taking him on. I've always been a critic of Rafa but he's on another planet to Pardew.
  11. I think he's taking the piss.
  12. Do West Brom really play nice football? I thought they were a bit of a long ball team.
  13. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    I don't understand people saying things like this, that would be the worst time possible to replace a manager.
  14. Kimbo


    Until they show any competence in the transfer market I won't be worried, Di Canio apparently spent like a nutter at Swindon, I don't mind if he does the same again.
  15. Kimbo


  16. Kimbo


    What a pathetic little wanker. Ba came off injured and he's accusing him of faking.
  17. It could be. But in my defence I copied someone else.
  18. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/04/08/article-2305934-192F09CC000005DC-657_964x474.jpg
  19. If only all players were as honest as Stevie G, England lionheart.
  20. Taarbat needs to retire after that.
  21. We need to learn from Swansea and Southampton, they have a clear style that they want their team to play, if they lost their manager tomorrow you know the sort of guy they would go for. Their youth teams play the same way, I don't know if that's true as I just made it up, but it would make perfect sense. Coaches at all levels with the same general idea of how a team should play. I think that's the way for a club to have long term success. And yes Martinez is a cunt, not him.
  22. You could say the same about a number of players though, our team has no discipline.
  23. What are you bleating about? Ameobi agression. he stop a counter atack! Retard.
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