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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. He'd be a fool to reappoint Keegan after all this.
  2. Quite right. I think i would want a fresh start, too much has gone on with Keegan recently.
  3. I think it is a bit hysterical. My fear is that this is going to be hanging over the new guy and he won't be given a chance, people have to forget about Keegan and get behind whoever it is. Life goes on.
  4. Took Monaco to the Champions' League Final and a league title, got Juventus back into Serie A. League CUP title, he's not superman, no one is going to take a league away from Lyon.
  5. Deschamps, Bilic, Van Gaal would be my top 3. I'm really fucking sick of having these conversations though.
  6. Cant agree you with saying Keegan should be ashamed. He will not shaft and deceive the fans. He keeps his integrity. We have been shafted, and it's his timing. He has a contract, he can't be "forced" out like everyone is saying, he could have hung in there atleast until january.
  7. I hope they're all fucking ashamed of themselves, Kev included because this is the worst possible time to do it.
  8. Ofcourse it can work, but only between 2 of the right people. Clubs just take a manager, take a DOF and they slap them together, then they're surprised when there are tensions. They need to have a good working relationship.
  9. I don't blame them, it's probably the only way to compete these days.
  10. There's nothing about this anywhere. EDIT: Oh yes there is!
  11. Yet he's spent something like a 5th of his wealth on the club. The guy isn't Abramovich, and we can't expect him to pump shitloads of his own money into transfers.
  12. The media make out like Wise is the big man in charge, this probably isn't the case IMO, but alot of fans buy everything they say. Just look at the carry on outside SJP today.
  13. The statement said they see his future at the club, or something along those lines. Definitely sounds like he's staying.
  14. If that's true then we truely are a bunch of morons.
  15. What a bunch of c***s the BBC are. Perhaps they expected us to get more.
  16. Justifiably my arse, there would be no excuse for the timing of it.
  17. Why take shithouse Moyes when Didier is available.
  18. If he's leaving then i'll be angry with Keegan, he won't be blame free.
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