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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. The fans that protested are getting what they wanted(Ashley looking to sell), so well done them, and the rest of us are getting what we saw coming a mile off(even more instability).
  2. Or he chose his principles over the club... simple as that. Whatever, that doesn't make it OK in my eyes.
  3. He chose his ego over the club, simple as that, i said it at the time.
  4. Kimbo

    Peter Beardsley

    Nothing wrong with what Beardsley said.
  5. Kimbo

    UEFA Cup 08/09

    That Steven Defour would be well worth signing once we actually have a club, only 20 aswell.
  6. Owen was leaving whatever happened if you ask me.
  7. Last season Ronaldo was the difference between Man U winning the league or not. Gerrard was the difference between Liverpool finishing 4th and scoring alot of goals, or finishing 4th and not scoring as much. Ronaldo it is.
  8. If true then i hope next time Fagan stamps on someone(Arbeloa) they will threaten HIM with legal action.
  9. Keane got a 4 game ban for that, Guthrie should get the same. I find the hoorah over this tackle a bit silly, he didn't launch himself at him with his studs up, he just booted him, something we ALL did once or twice when we were young and someone pissed us off on the pitch. Those tackles don't usually result in proper injuries.
  10. We know nobody will pay that price. Ashley knows nobody will pay that price. Potential investors know nobody will pay that price. Everybody knows nobody will pay that price. If that number is real then it is just a starting point, Ashley is probably hoping to get close to the £300m mark, which would be high, but then he knows he's dealing with multi-billionaires.
  11. Kimbo

    Save Newcastle United

    Will someone care to explain, how? that paragraph. It's foolproof!!
  12. Bit of an unnecessary article by the times. The main problem i have with it is Martin Samuels name coming under "Expert view", how the fuck is he an expert?
  13. You obviously don't like evidence then. Keegan said he had final say on all transfer matters. Wise said Keegan had final say on all transfer matters. Ashley said Keegan had final say on all transfer matters. The club then issue a statement saying that he knew he wouldn't have control of transfers. Bollocks did he. I really really can't see how people can blame Keegan for this. The timing of his resignation is a large reason why this is such a mess. He has chosen his ego over what is best for the club, and we are left looking for a new manager in september, the worst time to do it.
  14. Unfortunately people will forever hold this against him, whatever he does, he has to go.
  15. Whatever people say, he will leave the club in better shape than when he bought. Whoever buys the club next has to avoid hiring a club legend, it's too dangerous.
  16. Yes. I wouldn't expect a top half finish with any other manager than Keegan. Would you expect to get 12 months out of him without a resignation?
  17. Kimbo

    "Cockney Mafia Out"

    Why do we NEED the protests? What are they supposed to achieve? I will tell you what they will achieve, fuck all, apart from heaping more drama and bad press on the club. Ashley isn't going to sell the club, or sack anyone, because a couple thousand people refuse to buys drinks in Shearers bar and hold up some nonsensical banner about a cockney mafia.
  18. Nope. He's finished as far as i'm concerned. Give it to Zico.
  19. What did I say that was wrong? Not you, the other guy.
  20. What you said earler was wrong, infact you missed my point.
  21. No they're not, transfers are a small part of what being a manager is about. As far as i'm aware they weren't locking him out of the training ground. They undermined him. Dennis Wise is not a qualified enough person to make signings for Kevin Keegan to say the least, Keegan rightly does not want that, its a simple choice, and Wise is the choice. I agree, but on the other hand Keegan should never have come back under this system, he knows how it works as he was a DOF himself. To put ALL of the blame on Ashley and co is ridiculous, Keegan played his part. What system though? I thought KK was appointed before Wise was. And how confident are we that this "system" was part of the offer when KK came on board? Specsavers for you I feel... The DOF system that Keegan claims he spoke about with Ashley before signing.
  22. No they're not, transfers are a small part of what being a manager is about. As far as i'm aware they weren't locking him out of the training ground. Totally missed the point. Since when is Dennis Wise worthy of lacing KK's boots never mind choosing who he must sign. FI. I didn't miss the point, i was saying that's it's factually incorrect, which it is. It's another example of the hyerbole surrounding this.
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