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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. I would if i had a spare billion, i would be convinced i could turn it around(everyone on here thinks they know exactly what the club should be doing remember), these blokes are probably the same.
  2. The BBC get more right than anyone else to be fair. I don't understand this though, "Keegan may be offered a 5% stake in the club", so that is basically £15m for him to come back? It would be lunacy!!
  3. There's a reason nobody has signed him yet, his knee is fucked.
  4. Kimbo

    Who's worse?

    Then gave it away, then flung himself into a tackle, then gave it away, then flung himself into a tackle, then gave it away, etc etc etc.
  5. Kimbo

    Joe Kinnear

    Come on Joe Kinnear! YES!!
  6. What did the protests achieve exactly? All it did was provoke Ashley into publicly putting the club up for sale, which has left us in limbo. If it had never happened we may have had a new manager by now. Quite a few of us said protests would make the situation worse, don't shoot us for being right. A new manager would have just got in the way when Ashley sold the club which he's been trying to do all year. When giving him a chance it was easy to believe his denials even when the NY firm confirmed talks but now I know what a liar he is its obvious there was something to all those reports. All the protests/fallout have done is bring matters to a head. Source? I thought he had been putting people like Ambani and the new City owners off. The protests haven't brought anything to a head, we're just as confused, befuddled, and bewildered as ever.
  7. What did the protests achieve exactly? All it did was provoke Ashley into publicly putting the club up for sale, which has left us in limbo. If it had never happened we may have had a new manager by now. Quite a few of us said protests would make the situation worse, don't shoot us for being right.
  8. Shearer has already said he's not interested, we could only get him if we get a takeover, and in those circumstances we could attract an experianced manager.
  9. I thought you wanted the club to be up for sale?
  10. I'd rather Venables than Hughton at the end of the day. As a caretaker he isn't a bad option, maybe he will do a Roeder(apart from the getting the job long term bit).
  11. He looks like he likes a confrontation, today with Corluka and with Fagan the other week. Not necessarily a bad thing.
  12. What makes Mark Hughes so awesome anyway? If he was Lippi in the making i might be more excited.
  13. Good god no. It has to be someone that doesn't have that connection with the fans.
  14. No. It would be suicide for the new owners, what if they clash with him? We're back to square 1.
  15. another one slips through the net. Well done lads. No one slipped through anything. Agreed, overlooked would more suitable.
  16. Orville is a shrewd customer, he won't buy it.
  17. I don't think Keegan would come back.
  18. Go on..... Deschamps, Terim, arguably Zico. Maybe even Houllier would have a stab at the job.... 2 for sure anyway. Dechamps who quit two clubs for disagreements with the board? Zico who won one title out of two with the Turkish Chelsea? Houllier who spent 10s of millions and never came within a million miles of the title? I can play this game aswell. Keegan who finished 2nd with the Chelsea of the mid-90s and walked out of every job he's been in. Your not very good at it. Its meant to be about who replaces Keegan Exactly, and Keegan IS replaceable. His record is no better than the names mentioned.
  19. Oh do f*** off - when did we ever outspend Man U, Liverpool, Arsenal or Blackburn under Keegan? I have no figures available, but i would bet that we did outspend them under Keegan.
  20. Go on..... Deschamps, Terim, arguably Zico. Maybe even Houllier would have a stab at the job.... 2 for sure anyway. Dechamps who quit two clubs for disagreements with the board? Zico who won one title out of two with the Turkish Chelsea? Houllier who spent 10s of millions and never came within a million miles of the title? I can play this game aswell. Keegan who finished 2nd with the Chelsea of the mid-90s and walked out of every job he's been in.
  21. Abdoulaye Faye is as good as Coloccini is he?
  22. Yes - Guttierez is the only position we have improved in. Coloccini?
  23. How would we have been better off? If he hadn't come in January We'd have been relegated. I'm sure someone else would have been hired.
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