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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. Carroll did really good against Manchester United at SJP, he is really impressing in the reserves and seems far better than to play with a bunch of youngsters/unwanted players, i think with our current situation we really need someone like him in the first team.
  2. Robert, we still don't have a half decent set-piece taker. Shearer, no one can put the ball in the fuckin net! Along with those two.
  3. Our first team will probably lose every one of those games..
  4. So nice to see Fabio Zamblera's name there aswell.
  5. Probably will do them alot of good if he plays aswell as manage?
  6. Thats pretty much when Rafa's rotation policy comes in handy.. Hope we win this but were bound to lose another one.
  7. No matter what the people here said he's a good defender, a very good one with a chance of becoming even better, i can understand the likes of Smith, Butt and Barton getting bashed but this guy is good, young and will be VERY usefull for us..keep him.
  8. The amount of Cluelessness is that article is simply outstanding.
  9. I had obviously smoked some crack when posting this. We might as well declare the winner now. Who predicted the grand total of 0 correctly.. Nah man, he'll get 1 eventually; I'd get one eventually. Darius Henderson got one eventually..
  10. Why would he say it if he dosn't mean it
  11. "You can’t get enough Alan Smiths around your club. They’re good people to have. They come in every day, train properly, set good standards and have a bit of character. I like him a lot.” Echos in my head..
  12. Will be fun starting a game with our side in the Championship in FM next season.
  13. Its his fault for putting Smith upfront and expecting goals tbh..
  14. Going to win the Uefa cup and get a season double..nailed on.
  15. Why would we want Carroll in midfield? Why would we want Smith on the pitch? Get him on and play 3 upfront.
  16. Fucking hell..unless they give us points for our players being good in training i think Keegan lost it.
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