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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. Wouldnt it be easier to contact the club?
  2. at the right price Shirley 13m is the right price? There has to be a reason why Martins is being linked to all these big clubs. If there are better options out there then why arent these clubs out there looking at Martins going after them? This is all a load of bollocks. At the mo, Martins is our best striker, we arent a club that needs to sell, so why not look to make Martins the worst striker at the club. Keep Martins please.
  3. You can say you're not interested inthe job without it being an absolute. Take Roeder for example. Shearer probably knows his own mind a bit better than Roeder, and sticks to his word. Traits that would make him a better manager than Roeder was. Like when he said he would retire?
  4. You can say you're not interested inthe job without it being an absolute. Take Roeder for example.
  5. Well you would say that you bought the spin I am sure NE5 & HTL will understand what I mean No, I wouldn't say that at all. I think you're being overly cynical, and that's something coming from me. I understand what is being said ref these players, but agree with parky too that it is spadework for lowering expectations. I understand your point but i dont quite see how lowering expectations are a bad thing for the club in the situation we are in now. Ambition and expectations are 2 different things, lowering ambition is a bad bad thing but is by no means affected by attempting to lower the expectations.
  6. Has Klinsmann managed at club level before? No
  7. I personally would want Klinsmann over Shearer. Like Parky says, he would have far more contacts which are vital in finding plyers. He's got a bit of experinece on a massive stage and been successsfull and has implemented a good style of football as well. Shearer is such an unknown quantity and i's rather not risk thenew found stability we have at the club on a complete unknown. Its begging for failure in my eyes. The thing that irratates me with Shearer is that he seems to be waiting for the job, fully aware that his hero status will always propels him to the top of every new managers list there is at the club. If he has a style of management, i want to see it implemented at a different club before he takes ours. Sorry to be flogging this horse to death but what's to stop Klinsmann turning into another Gullit? I can well remember people being temporarily enthused about his promises of "shexy football, yah?", only to become equally disenchanted as they are now with Allardyce not too many months afterwards when he fell out with Lee and Shearer. Ain't no such thing as a guaranteed recipe for managerial success. Im not saying which manager would be better as a manager, im saying that if i had to risk it on one of those inexperienced managers id go for Klinsmann because i have already seen what he might be capable of. Shearer is a complete unknown, im one of those people who raher not put the potentially huge future of this club on an unknown quantity. EDIT: If shearer went somewhere no matter how small, and showed that he is a capable manager with good ideas and a good style of football, then he might edge it for me, however saying that, managing on a huge stage in front of your home nation with all the pressure that Klinsmann had would be akin to the SJP environment. Plus i imagine he'd have some priceless contacts.
  8. Amen to that! Best man for the job i say. Of course that's the way it should be. I have a feeling our new board will have the competence to think outside the box. They dont strike me as people who will have narrow minded views on big decisions which would effect the future of the club. None of this Geordie nation bollocks.
  9. I agree about Nobby and Jenas, I still think he could have turned things around and should have been given the chance and support, look at the transfer policy towards the end. Shepherd's interference at the end was a complete f*** up and plays a big part in the position we find ourselves in now, I don't think Robson would have turned us around though although he would still of been better than Souness. I'd of liked to of found out if he could of turned things around rather than sack him and never know. Relegation was never gonna be an issue and we still had the UEFA cup to look forwardto.
  10. Amen to that! Best man for the job i say.
  11. Classic football spin, while talking about signings mention the return of the long term sick. Do some people actually buy this s***? I am surprised he didnt go the whole hog and say "Its like signing 3 new players" So what do you think he means when he mentions Duff et al? Are you trying to say that he's implying "that we dont need new players because of the returns of ....." Pretty cynical view considering he's openly said and actually bid for a couple of players.
  12. One of my favourite goals, the mna oozed class, probably the best technical player ive ever seen.
  13. I personally would want Klinsmann over Shearer. Like Parky says, he would have far more contacts which are vital in finding plyers. He's got a bit of experinece on a massive stage and been successsfull and has implemented a good style of football as well. Shearer is such an unknown quantity and i's rather not risk thenew found stability we have at the club on a complete unknown. Its begging for failure in my eyes. The thing that irratates me with Shearer is that he seems to be waiting for the job, fully aware that his hero status will always propels him to the top of every new managers list there is at the club. If he has a style of management, i want to see it implemented at a different club before he takes ours.
  14. Pretty much! Henry and Cantona were sublime as well.
  15. Merson is s**** like. "That bloke" "whats-his-name" "him who managed that club" "The defender who headed that ball in the back of the net" "Where am i?" Sobriety is certainly working for him. Agenda ridden article. Whats Allardyce supposed to do? Come out and say "sorry lads its my fault we're playing crap" Im prettysure he's well aware that he's at fault. What a stupid article. Curry favouring himself with the the fans.
  16. That is true, but I think now that, looking at our forward players en-bloc, we lack certain types of player. For instance, Viduka has almost zero mobility, Martins can't control possession, Owen has hardly played and even when he does, has always been a player who feeds off his partner. We have no outlet. We have no mobility. We have no desire to create situations, or better still force situations. We have no player to support the front players consistently, the only player with dribbling ability and pace is playing left back most of the time. We almost need a complete overhaul of all our forwards and midfield players now. And the sad thing is, the REALLY sad thing, is that Craig Bellamy supplied almost all of these things we are lacking badly. Absolutley. Ive said ths before but i rarely see any of our wingers looking to make runs past the full back. Duff the other night when he got fouled by the Onuhua before their goal was the first time i saw one of our wingers try and get behind the full back.This is key for a creative midfilder to be effective, look how many times Petrov and Ireland looked to get behind the defence. This is the main reason why i dont think having a creative midfielder will have that much of a dramatic effect because the outlets arent great. As regard to the defence, i think the problem lies primarily with the protection of the defence. Most games this season the defenders seem to have decent games yet we still conceed, this suggest 2 things to me, that the partnership is ineffective and that the defence is exposed too much to the attacking teams. I dont think Butt is providing good enough protection, even against man city i thought that Elano found himself with too much time in advanced positions a little too often. No one was picking his run up from deep for his goal, a responsiblity of the DM in my opinion.
  17. Wrong again. What a surprise. So you're telling me what my views are? Errr no. You are. Errr...if you insist.
  18. Not quite, alot of what UV said isnt what ive intimated at all. For example: I mean, where have i said that, in fact where have i said anything about it being a bad idea trying to improve our squad, again, i was saying that it would be in this clubs best interest to lower there expectations, just a little. We should aim to get a bit of stability in the club before we look to play our hand ambition wise. Not quite the same as: Not quite the same thing. Again, not quite what im trying to say, we should sign players, no doubt, but i dont think the ambitions of the board need to be implemented in this transfer period. In my opinin, the board wouldnt be showing there ambition for the club if they looked to improve weaknesses.
  19. fredbob

    Ben Haim

    6 good quality centre halves? Bare in mind that this 2 is rejects from their respective clubs. Yeh but they've all shown reasonable amounts of quality. Most of our squad are rejecs from bigger clubs. In fact id say 80% of them are.
  20. Wrong again. What a surprise. So you're telling me what my views are?
  21. fredbob

    Ronaldo off?

    Convincing argument.
  22. fredbob

    Ben Haim

    Crikey, 2 more centre defenders? That would make 6 good quality centre halves we have at the club. Thats possibly a little too much for my liking. That would really fuck us up, theres 15 different combination fo centre halves there.
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