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Everything posted by thewellander

  1. I'm officially worried about how this is progressing. Or should I say, how this isn't progressing.
  2. He's had a decent preseason and our squad is too small. There is no way we will let him go. I think he will feature prominently in our campaign this year.
  3. Has it not occurred to anyone in the press that just because Keegan says he doesn't know to the press may not mean that he actually doesn't know? NUFC are clearly trying to be cautious about what gets leaked out at the club. I think it's more likely that Keegan is very aware of the situation but has been asked to stay quiet about it until it's done, and Ashley's Coloccini shirt was something he did on his own out of impulsiveness.
  4. This promises to be a very interesting week....or a very, very frustrating one. I'm hoping for Coloccini and two other signings and no frustration.
  5. Booing Smith was uncalled for. He might be a shite football player, but he puts in 100% all the time. Ever if we want to get rid of him, we should at least acknowledge that he tries and not boo him.
  6. Very encouraging, tbh. We played the type of football that I want to watch week in and week out.
  7. how does Smith do it? He's left out of two games and the entire complexion of our play changes. Literally I've never experienced a player bringing a team down so much Judging by the fact that nobody seems to be sitting anywhere near him on the bench, I imagine the entire squad has come to this same conclusion.
  8. Barton and Viduka are still to come back at some point into the season as well, and they'll both be welcome additions. We need a predatory striker up front, for sure. I've liked what I've seen so far in these last two games. We're still vunerable on counter-attacks and quick deep passes, but hopefully that's been sorted with our new signing.
  9. I like it much better seeing it out there than I did in the picture.
  10. For the record, Ashley is the man. I think all important club statements should, from now on, be printed on the back of his shirts. So, assuming no new CB, who do you pair Coloccini with? I think Faye would be the best, but I imagine that Taylor will get the chance.
  11. He did his usual, go for a header lead with his arm. Except this time he basically just punched him in the back of the head, wasnt anywhere near the ball to head it. Ah. That would do it. I missed that. Pretty happy with the 1st half performance overall. It's clear that we need Owen, and Coloccini will be very welcome. If we move to Zogs and Jonas on the wings, we're going to have some great pace out wide.
  12. You just have to give it time. It should ask you to verify the license for the file before it plays. That's what it did for me anyway.
  13. Broke my heart that West Ham released him before they came to Toronto. All the best to a true Toon legend.
  14. My prediction: this forum will be flooded with screen shots every time the camera pans over the crowd so we can play 'spot the potential transfer targer.'
  15. There's probably a decent chance that they'll unveil him at the game tomorrow, imo.
  16. I think this is what we'll see: -----------------Given--------------- --Beye---Taylor----Coloccini-----Enrique -----Gutierrez---Guthrie----Duff- ------Milner---Owen----Martins----- Not saying that's what I want. Just think it's what we'll see.
  17. Seen it repeated a few times but he wore 17 because that's his lucky number, had f*** all to do with Smith. I had assumed he had a man-crush on Smith.
  18. I'd second it. It would be better to just remember last season as one where we inexplicably fielded 10 men on the pitch for portions of games. And were without a manager for the first half of the season.
  19. If this is true, I'd like to propose a ban on ever talking about Smith again. Ever.
  20. Absolute punch to the gut. I just hope that he's not going to be in pain.
  21. How on earth do you look like a footballer? He looked to be in good shape and they kept the camera on him for a long time for it to just be a random guy. I thought it might have been Gomis when I was watching it, but I'm not sure now. I guess time will tell.
  22. They're a local band called The Longsands from Cramlington, there was talk of the club releasing the song at the end of last season, if you check out the bands website www.thelongsands.co.uk there maybe some news on the release, think it is in the pipeline. Thanks!
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