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Everything posted by thewellander

  1. It's funny because about a month ago I transferred in both Ferguson and Negredo to my Fifa 09 team. Not relevant in any way, mind you, but interesting to me.
  2. I always find the first few days we get the nob heads like Megson & Allardyce whinging about not being able to buy players when they want. Yet by reckoning Megson has only bid for James Morrison (WBA) only to get the knockback, the ginger c*** could found out months before what price WBA were going to sell at. Could have added Roeder to that list a few seasons back for the first few days of the window and the day after the last. Waking up to headlines of 'Roeder Rues Window' doesn't help the morning coffee go down any easier with a picture of him in the technical area, lips tightly pursed. Aye. Look at Real Madrid they knew they had to hit the ground running as soon as the Spanish winter break was over & went out got Klass & Lass in for the first game back, that is how it is f***ing done. This nation football clubs are obsessed with buying on the last day of transfer windows. everyone works up to a deadline, human nature I would imagine it has less to do with clubs wanting to buy on the last day and more to do with clubs wanting to sell on the last day. If you're a selling club, why would you want to offload good players at the beginning of January when you could have used them during the month before seeing them off, provided you have that option?
  3. Bump Its a belter! Wow. He's either a Newcastle fan, or a Villa fan who is pissed off that they continued to complain about the referee's correct call for the handball at the end of their game. Great stuff.
  4. I'd be interested to know what our goals against per game are with and without him at CB. It seems that he's the difference maker. Such a quality player, and what an auspicious start he had with our club. The stuff legends are made of at NUFC.
  5. I don't know what he's thinking. I honestly didn't see the early games when Xisco was playing, so I can't comment on how he looked, but it's absolute madness to not put him on today, considering that he has scored goals for us. He can't be that bad in training can he?
  6. I'd just be happy to have him at this point, and if Ashley wants to pay over the moon for players, all the power to him. We desperately need new midfielders. I'm getting to the point where I'm not even going to by picky.
  7. Good game. Credit to Guthrie for showing poise in a hostile environment. Bassong is f*cking mint. So is Jonas. Taylor wasn't terrible. Surely we should sell Xisco; what does he have to do to get a run out. I miss Martins.
  8. I'd like to see Geremi come in. We need someone out there who can hit set pieces. I'd only be worried about his pace, but he's surely do better than Butt.
  9. I'm sure Ashley will like the sound of a free signing. We need cover right now, and if he could come for little cost, at least on the short term, I guess it's not terrible business.
  10. Perhaps it's a final plea to the club to get things sorted out. He's threatened to leave in the past but been convinced that we're trying to achieve things. He obviously feels that's not going to happen and wants out before the best he has to offer has past. The Liverpool game was a stunning advertisement of what he still can do. Your suggestion about getting Elano stuns me tbh. Not that we don't need a player of his ability in that position, just the message it would send out. We'd be getting rid of one of our best players, and probably the player who loves the club the most and replacing him with just another mercenary who couldn't give a flying f*** if we were struggling and still paying him. What a terrible, terrible message to send out. All we know for sure right now is that Shay made a public statement to leave the club. If he wants to go, I would much rather we got players in positions that we need in exchange, then getting a wad of cash that Ashley will just put in his pocket, like he did with Milner. Having a senior member of the team (EDIT: who wants to leave) in the dressing room will, in my view, do more damage than getting rid of him in exchange for a quality player in a position that needs strengthening. To me, that would send the message to the rest of the squad that Newcastle does want to move forward. But mostly, my comment came from the fact that I don't fully trust that Ashley will spend the money that is necessary to fix the team. I'm hopeful, but I'm not convinced. So, if Arsenal or Citeh want him, I would be very happy to get players in exchange.
  11. I love Shay and everything that he's done for the club, but making a public statement like that, which might make other players not want to come to this club, is a low blow. I'd say send him to Citeh and try to get Elano in the deal. I'm comfortable having Harper in net. In fact, if Shay goes, I would hope that we would extend Harper's contract and give him a run.
  12. I think being complete sh*te is now categorized as a long-term injury.
  13. I understand that Barton had more of a history than Gerrard and that the press are a bunch of tits, but it bothers me nonetheless that NUFC were called all names under the sun for backing Joey Barton, and Liverpool are getting seemingly no stick for backing Gerrard.
  14. I would be gutted to see Shay go, but at the same time I would feel comfortable having Harper in goal for the rest of the season if (and only IF) we got good money for Shay and reinvested every penny, plus more, on new players in the positions we need. If it was a case like with Milner, where Ashley just pocketed the money, then it would be completely senseless.
  15. I reckon we should be looking to pick up some players from Manchester City if they do bring in a few players in January. There might be some decent players who would want out and Citeh might be willing to let some go at a reasonable price. Elano might not be a bad signing. I noticed that the Guardian had us possibly linked with him (for what that's worth...which is nothing). I'm sure there are others who should be on our radar. I'd be happier with some halfway skilled players from the premiership than players from the championship.
  16. Almost all of our signings in the summer came without any warning or rumour, so I'm not going to even consider the names being bandied about. It's all crap in the papers during transfer windows.
  17. So, I guess it's likely we'll only have the new home kit for one year, then we'll get another rolled out with a new sponsor. I would imagine that we'll get one that is more white than black to contrast the one we've been playing in for the past two seasons. I can't photoshop worth sh*t, but keep the designs coming. Inter one looks mint, btw.
  18. Xisco should be given a start, but I'm betting it will be Owen and Carroll up from. -----------------Given-------------- Taylor----Coloccini----Bassong----Zogs Jonas-----Geremi----Guthrie-----Duff -------------Owen------Carroll/Xisco I think we'll win this game.
  19. I've watched Chelsea score 3 goals in 19 minutes against Barcelona, and comfortably win the match 4-2. Barcelona must be a disgrace. In 2005 I watched Boro beat Manchester United 4-1. Manchester United must be such a sh*te team. What a laughing stock. etc. etc. etc. Basong, Beye, Barton, Martins, Viduka, Enrique (half the game) all out and we're playing the top team in the league a couple days after we played a game against a very physical Wigan side away from home. Time to move on, folks.
  20. Until I'm proven wrong, I'm going to take the fact that Ashley publicly declared that he's not selling the club just before the transfer window as a sign of good faith that he's going to release the funds to buy players. Are we going to get four players in like Kinnear wants? Probably not. The January window always sees inflated prices. The bottom line is that if anybody else was managing Newcastle besides Keegan when all this sh*t went down, nobody would be against Ashley. But the fact is that it was Ashley himself who brought Keegan back as manager, and not a single person here knows exactly what happened behind the scenes with Kev. In any rational world, we would come to the conclusion that both sides probably had a share in the blame for Keegan's reign not working out. Now it's time to move on. This is the most competitive EPL season in recent memory. There are very few teams that are playing consistent football. Ashley and Wise brought in quality players who improved our squad, and it seems like they're going to work with Kinnear to bring in more. If we get a few more players of the quality and work rate of Bassong, Guthrie, Jonas, and Coloccini, we should be fine. For now, we all need to relax and see what happens. On February 1st, we should resume this discussion; until then, we should reserve our judgement.
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