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Everything posted by thewellander

  1. Changed from 3 to 4. BTW, I like this relegationometer. Kudos to the thread starter.
  2. thewellander

    NUFC Captain?

    I don't think Barton is the right guy, for what should be obvious reasons. I have to agree with most of the above that Beye should be the captain. He's a great player, speaks many languages, seems to have the respect of the players, and is one of only two or three guaranteed starting 11 players. Unfortunately, if Owen were to be stripped of the arm band, I would assume that it would go to either Duff or Butt, as long as Kinnear is in charge.
  3. thewellander

    Good Times

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/tyne/content/images/2007/01/02/edgar_scores_416x300.jpg A recent one, but this made me really, really happy.
  4. That's a fine opinion you have there sire. Cretinous and downright pathetic, but still. Racists ARE people afterall Come on. Do you think Mido cried himself to sleep after that chant? Have a little humour. I'm sure mido does. So, you're arguing that Mido probably doesn't mind being the victims of racism? That's doubtful. Personally, I can't believe that anybody on this message board would try to defend racist chants.
  5. Just be careful. They say once you're in the cockney mafia, you can never get out.
  6. I hope that if he does come back that the fans treat him well. It doesn't help the club at all to give him stick. If the fans give him a warm welcome, it might go a long way to getting some investment in players in a month's time.
  7. 3. It's not too likely, but I'll feel better if we start to climb.
  8. Kinnear is doing a fine job considering the turmoil and unrest. This move signals that Ashley is not confident that the club will be sold by the end of the year and that he feels that a little stability and consistency is warranted, which is true. If the club isn't being sold, then there's no sense in sacking a manager who is obviously popular with the players and is making the best of a bad situation. There are obviously better managers out there, but I don't understand why anyone would be too worked up about this announcement.
  9. Considering that Allardyce (I think), Keegan, and now Kinnear have all made resigning Owen a "priority" and he still hasn't, a month before he can negotiate an exit, I think it's safe to say that he'll be gone either in January or the summer. Kinnear can prioritize whatever he likes, but I don't think that Ashley, Wise, or Owen are interested at this point.
  10. Doesn't he get any points for immediately admitting that he was wrong and apologizing?
  11. It's just because Joe Kinnear doesn't have any knowledge about what's going on with the signing of players. He's left in the dark. Kevin Keegan said a lot of things about players coming in that didn't materialize as well.
  12. I agree. I'm just not sure that he would see it that way.
  13. I think we should just play the giant stack of money we got for Milner at LM instead of Duff.
  14. I would be surprised. I think he would see it as a giant step backwards. There are bound to be some Premiership teams sacking their managers soon (ie Blackburn) and I would be more inclined to think that he might hold out for a job until then.
  15. I couldn't agree with this more. Let's hope that Ashley and Wise were watching the game and decide to invest some money in the club in January. At the very least, they should spend the money they received for Milner. I got frustrated with some of Enrique's passing, but it would help if the midfielders tried to get into space to receive the ball. I would like to see two new central midfielders come January.
  16. I've actually got no real problem with the job that JFK's done so far. He's doing as well or better than any manager we've had over the past few years and he seems to have the confidence of the team. And he's done it at a time when morale was at an all-time low, when attendance is down and the fans aren't solidly behind the team, when the owner is trying to sell the club, and without a long-term contract. I don't know if he deserves a longer contract, but he deserves credit.
  17. I'd like to see Kinnear keep this back four in place. If we can bring in another LB in the transfer window, I would be happy with that, though. I'm happy with Enrique to a point, but I'm unsure that we can't do better.
  18. Jonas played midweek, plus took a bit of a knock to his ankle, plus was on a yellow card. Considering that we had a good result, he didn't get injured and didn't get a second yellow, I'm going to say it wasn't a bad decision.
  19. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2008/nov/18/newcastleunited-premierleague Looks like we might have Shearer as manager after the Chelsea drubbing.
  20. Thank God for Nile Ranger. He's the only thing keeping us happy around here.
  21. Apparently I'm 3380 miles away from Newcastle. I'm 210 miles away from Toronto FC, which is the closest professional football club to where I live.
  22. I just assume that the Habib Beye cloning project is moving along on schedule. That but with Enrique at left back. Beye is THAT good that he could play both sides though.
  23. Is there any realistic chance that Owen might want to stay? I guess a better question might be: do we even want him to stay at this point? I don't mind us selling him in January, but only if we bring in another capable striker who can play alongside Martins. If our striking options in the second half of the season are Martins, Ameobi, Smith, Carrol, Viduka, and Xisco, we're in trouble. Heaven knows we can't get goals from our midfielders. Viduka would be ok if he could stay fit for half a season, but I don't see that.
  24. I'd like to see: Given Beye Coloccini Bassong Beye Jonas Guthrie Barton Zogs Owen Martins I see that as the most attacking side we could put forward at home against a team we (ahem) should beat. It would be nice to see Zogs get a chance this season, and I think it was harsh to drop Guthrie for Butt.
  25. If Ashley and Wise are still in charge in January, I imagine that they will make an effort to sell him. Ultimately it seems to be down to him, so it depends on who is willing to pay for him in January. I can see him going to a team like Spurs or Villa.
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