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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. Yeah but you're not really, are you.
  2. Fatwax


    Some areas missed it and some didn't. I didn't but it's no excuse. Don't ITV have premiership rights in a few seasons?
  3. It's ok though, the Liverpool fans threw socks on the pitch. Moral victory. Or maybe they were the socks of Chris Mort finally re-entering orbit.
  4. Fuck you Liverpool. I love Rafa's tactics - give the ball to Gerrard. Foolproof.
  5. Power (and shooting in general) is all about technique and not speed or strength, see goal-kicks for a prime example of using technique to strike the ball hard. It has nothing to do with strength or speed. Balance/body posture is also a major factor, although body posture comes under technique. Speed of the kick by the way, not the speed of the player in general.
  6. I've heard that the players call Kinnear 'Mike Bassett'. Seriously.
  7. This. 1-0 Newcastle with Smith scoring off the bench. No chance of the useless cunt scoring on the pitch.
  8. Fatwax

    Kinnear Out

    Paranoid. Nah, you're fine mate, I just don't agree with you on anything. You couldnt agree with me pre-99, cos you know nowt about it. Which is why I don't talk about it. youve had plenty to say about Keegan who left the club in the s*** in 2008. who saved the club , in 1992 People are capable of doing good things at one point and doing bad things in another. (cf. Philippe Petain) And that's the end of this discussion because thread hijacking is bad. And i thought you lot Loved Ping-pong. Man, get your racist stereotpyes right. I'm not Chinese. I eat dog meat by the way, in case you need ideas. What's it taste like?
  9. Fatwax

    The Arshavin Deal

    He's a proper bizarre player. Nobody here - or anywhere else for that matter - had really heard of him until about a year and a half ago. Bearing in mind he's about 27 so it's not as if he's an emerging young talent. Just find it a bit weird how he's hardly been on the radar for years on years.
  10. Casino staff (past or present) aren't allowed into other casinos or casinos from their own companies for recreational purposes. Some companies allow this allow but London Clubs do not - the company that the 50 casino comes under.
  11. I wouldn't want an all English team at this moment in time. English youth football at grassroots level is woeful and until that's sorted out the country won't be getting as many future star players as we should.
  12. Oh and another thing about what Skirge said - the overall movement in our team is pathetic. It can't be that hard to move into space for your team mates. I coach primary school kids how to do this and they seem to be able to get the basic grasp of the principal.
  13. Power in a shot comes from speed and accuracy in the movement of the leg when taking the shot. Jonas certainly has the first quality. It's also Owen's major flaw. Since the knee injury he's lost speed in his leg when going for the shot, equalling in weak shots almost all of the time. That's my understanding of shooting and power anyway as it was explained to me by coaches when I played more.
  14. Could be a blessing to be honest. Get some injured players back and bed in the newer signings.
  15. Fatwax

    Alan Smith

    At what point have our tactics improved under Kinnear? He has his undroppable favourites like Allardyce and has no clues on how to use subs - when he eventually decides to use them. And don't you forget that Smith had plenty of time to prove himself under Allardyce and then Keegan. We didn't improve as a team until he was dropped and then started losing when he came back in the 2nd half against Chelsea. And he was dogshit in the preseason matches I watched him in.
  16. The contract extension was an option in his current one anyway. The only difference is that Kinnear offered the option about 5 inevitable games earlier.
  17. I agree, it's a huge problem that we're talking about Newcastle on this Newcastle discussion board. Based on your argument I could start a thread asking people what they think Nicky Butts favourite colour is? It's still related but ultimately irrelevant. I just don't see the point making threads when the same stuff is being talked about in numerous other threads. Don't take it personally. That analogy makes no sense at all and I think you're just being a tit for no reason. Not taken personally at all, of course. You know what? I probably am. I'm fed up and this whole thing depresses me. Night.
  18. Because until he gets the job and either fails or succeeds, no manager can ever be safe here. Until we know for a 100% certainty that Shearer is not up for the job, his name will always be first for some reason. I disagree. Now that Shepherd's gone (he always had a personal thing for the idea which undermined Robson to one degree or another), he only comes up because things are going badly here. A manager enjoying success will be safe - it's just that we've not had one of them for a while. I have to confess ignorance about the good times. My knowledge of the club is pretty much just Souness-Kinnear. I always feel sorry for you when this comes up. Its like a child born only in the wake of an apocalyptic nuclear war That's a hell of a way to put it. What made you a supporter when Souness of all people was in charge? You missed out on a golden age with Sir Bobby.
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