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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Such an antonym of recent performances and at a point we usually collapse on ourselves we came out fighting, glorious to watch. This performance was reminiscent of the second half of last year and long may it continue (hopefully)!
  2. Forgot what a bunch of deplorable pissflaps their supporters were until I read their match thred. Ultimately the argument about the tackle is inconsequential, it was accidental and any punishment would have been harsh. Could it/would it have changed the game? Possibly, but it didn't, there was no card, no penalty and we were good for our win. Ashamed to admit, I read the sun today, for the first time in over a year, surprisingly a good read, didn't dwell on any "contentious" decisions and rightly praised us for our win, took nothing away from our play and served to rightly praise Sissoko for his motm performance, leading with the headline £42.8 million less than Torres, now surely he should be worth twice as much! I rarely blame the ref for decisions as you win some and you lose some.
  3. Oui, tres bien!! il est génial!
  4. What a match, still bouncing off the walls today! Everyone put in a shift, Santon was fantastic for his two assists, Cabaye owned the midfield, Sissoko is a beast, Pardews certificate smile in the post match interview was classic, looked like he was dying to giggle like a schoolgirl! Usual cockney loving media tried their best to take the shine off it but even they had to admit Sissoko's quality, very telling they didn't show the Ramires tackle though, blue tinted glasses! Fancy us to go on a decent run now the shackles are off and the confidence and team spirit are back. For the first time this season I'm willing the next game to come quicker. Viv la toon!!
  5. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    He's not always had the players he's had available today though has Not to take anything away from today but its not the personnel but the manner in which he uses/subs them and IMO he got it spot on today. Anyway lets not dwell on the past, he has the personnel now, time for a new beginning and a second chance. More of the same and he has my vote!
  6. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    It's times like this that really make you shake your head when he gets it wrong. Fair play to him today though, got it all spot on, more of the same AP, more of the same!!
  7. Mata < Sissoko the destroyer. Like running into a brick wall.
  8. Praying for an Enrque-esk appearance by Ba, a stint in goal should bring him down a level! Hope Colo or whoever else is playing keep him in their pocket.
  9. More like the scene from gremlins where stripe jumps in the swimming pool, next thing there's hundreds of the ugly fuckers multiplying everywhere!
  10. Nothing to lose here, the lads are expected to lose here so should really go for it. Attack from the off, pass the ball around like we know we can and take the game to them like we did in the Manyoo and Arse matches. Will be happy with a draw, but still think we have the quality to win this one if we approach the game in the right way.
  11. What has happened to him? Shadow of his former self, not fit to lace the boots of 11/12 Jonas!?! It's not his fault Pards keeps playing him for 90mins and it's a shame that a player who has shown us such great skill, passion and commitment in the past is going out this way.
  12. I can see us playing the game we should have played today against Chelsea, when we're expected to lose we're like a cornered rabid dog going for the jugular, the irony being if we play like that in all our games we wouldn't be in this mess. We only fear the s*** teams cuz we know what will happen if we lose against them. Thoroughly expect a sterling performance against them. When have we turned it on this season? I'm feeling surprisingly down beat after our first away victory. Wish those two halves had been reversed, we'd all be buzzing right now Arsenal, Manyoo, both games we really attacked and kept the ball at feet, fair enough we got nothing but if we played like that consistently we wouldn't be in this predicament.
  13. I can see us playing the game we should have played today against Chelsea, when we're expected to lose we're like a cornered rabid dog going for the jugular, the irony being if we play like that in all our games we wouldn't be in this mess. We only fear the shit teams cuz we know what will happen if we lose against them. Thoroughly expect a sterling performance against them.
  14. Fuck me only Pardon't and his distinct anti-tactics can make a win feel like a loss!
  15. Had it have been Pardew with those comments you know we would have been ripped to shreds, but good old Sir Rosie gets the regal treatment, boils my piss!
  16. It'll be a shame watching Sissoko drill one at the goal instead of it being floated in to the tallest, shittest header of the ball, end of an era...
  17. May have to go out and buy a new f5 key for this one!
  18. They clearly know how bad we've been but willing to accept they're worse! We could break a few season hoodoos tomorrow. The concensus of opinion is even though its a first game in b&w for a few players, we've got the quality to top them. Nice to see a bit of jealousy around Sissoko and Cabaye, cementing the fact they're class! Could be easy or it could be scrappy but they'll wear down one way or another and we should win.
  19. It's what's known as karma you twitchy faced, arrogant, cockney Cnut!
  20. Mattoon


    Can only be two viable explanations for me, either a) he's just not good enough/lacks any kind of motivation b) the rumours of us having to pay appearance premium are true. Either way it didn't work out and good luck to him, waste of a shirt number and £50k a week. The last remnant of what was wrong with this club in the inflated prices/stupid wages era.
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