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Everything posted by cfcmagpies

  1. cfcmagpies


    How did I not see this thread before? What a fucking amazing game that was, and the replay the following week was even better! I was emotionally fucked after the draw, but to smash St Kilda the way we did in the replay was simply magic. Carn the pies! Oh yeah, and I found my experience in Newcastle last year similarly surreal with the black and white stripes everywhere.
  2. It's very easy too see the difference? Before, the talent development was non existing. Every reinforcement had to be bought. We didn't produce one single player. Now the club is abound with talent, and we have done some seriously good bargains. Tiote, Gosling and HBA are all proof of the new policy. And look at the players we developed or are developing: Ranger, Vukic, Ferguson and Carroll. After Blackpool we have the highest concentration of british players in our team. This is exactly what Arsenal has been doing for years:scout Europe, finding cheap players and turning them into stars. And MA has previously stated that he had to deal some players to balance the books. But the huge sum we got for Carroll probably saved us from selling more players than him. Now we're able to keep all our assets, as long as they want to stay. Jumping the gun a little with those examples. Gosling has barely kicked a ball in anger, and HBA hasn't done much more. Of the youngsters, I'm sure Carroll was here before MA, and the other three are nothing more than kids with potential- at this stage. Oh come on, just to prove your point, you're actually saying that HBA is not a bargain! Blame De Jong. Second if it wasn't for the focus on talents, it's likely that Carroll never would have gotten a chance, because the club had not the competence to spot his potential. No, I was saying of the seven you cited as 'proof', two have achieved anything worthwhile (so far), one of whom was already on the books. The remainder are unproven at NUFC, having shown varying degrees of promise. HBA might very well prove to be a bargain, in fact I think it's more likely than not, but there was a reason we got him on the cheap.
  3. It's very easy too see the difference? Before, the talent development was non existing. Every reinforcement had to be bought. We didn't produce one single player. Now the club is abound with talent, and we have done some seriously good bargains. Tiote, Gosling and HBA are all proof of the new policy. And look at the players we developed or are developing: Ranger, Vukic, Ferguson and Carroll. After Blackpool we have the highest concentration of british players in our team. This is exactly what Arsenal has been doing for years:scout Europe, finding cheap players and turning them into stars. And MA has previously stated that he had to deal some players to balance the books. But the huge sum we got for Carroll probably saved us from selling more players than him. Now we're able to keep all our assets, as long as they want to stay. Jumping the gun a little with those examples. Gosling has barely kicked a ball in anger, and HBA hasn't done much more. Of the youngsters, I'm sure Carroll was here before MA, and the other three are nothing more than kids with potential- at this stage.
  4. And if everyone else on this forum thinks that's knocked a couple of thousand on the head, that's two million they're missing out on.
  5. What could you say that hasn't already been said ;D Are you sure that 3/4 of RTG aren't from here just taking the piss? Because seriously, how can there be that much stupid concentrated in one place?
  6. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=572430&page=12 f***ing fantasic stuff, people worrying about Quinns health because of his recent comments, and some guy claiming attendances may be down simply because people have died since 2004!!! You couldnt make this s*** up. just a point of order re missing fans. i know personally 5 people who have died, who had a season ticket in 2004. it is possible say 1000 people know something similar. a possible reason for 5000 missing people when quinn keeps talking about the seasons we had 45000 plus crowds back in the 2000/2001 season GOLD You couldn't make that shit up.
  7. Our transfer policy is to lose players on the cheap? Agreed, wtf is he on? £35 million for Carroll isn't cheap. I think he was referring to getting players from elsewhere on the cheap.
  8. It's running on empty, tbh.
  9. I don't think the next mega fuck-up will come until the season's over, tbh. It'll be when we've made safety reasonably comfortably in the end, things are looking a bit good, people are starting to wonder if maybe the Ashley Model isn't such a bad thing after all, at which point he'll pull the rug out again. Not sure how he'll do it next, but it won't be til late July IMO.
  10. Yes to champs league, no to seeding. Generally indifferent to the other changes.
  11. Not a chance - most of our clubs are insolvent and crowds are generally very poor. This Tinkler character is trying to build up his fanbase with wild dreams that will come to nothing. Most of the "big" imports we have had have been 35+, offered not very much and taken the positions of young players. Romario, Benito Carbone, Juninho, Sibon - they really have given our league very little. Even the relatively successful ones, like Yorke or Fowler only look good because the standard of our league is generally very poor... The key is to bring back quality Australian players before they turn 33; the problems are that we can't compete financially and that it drags the player down to the level of those around him ( eg Culina who came back at 28 and ruined him as a player) Can you imagine Michael f***ing Owen in Australia? 10% of his NUFC salary and probably even less effort than he demonstrated on Tyneside. Pass. I was thinking though if he played for the Jets, I'd consider going to the Brisbane Newcastle game just so I could boo the turd.
  12. Care to summarise for me? A long ramble that gives birth to a mouse of an idea: we're poor but there's worse teams in the league and as such we wont go down. You know what, I think he's on to something. He might just be right.
  13. Why the antipathy towards Donaldson?
  14. Because ever since the fans' response to Keegan leaving, Mike Ashley has taken the piss. Pure vindictiveness.
  15. If we run our club properly, then we have a chance because the likes of chelsea and city will not be able to spend the way they currently do when the new financial rules come in. Infact i realy cant see how they are going to be able to pay their wage bill. So run the new financial rules by me- what are the limitations, when will it come in and is it actually going to happen or pure speculation?
  16. Just read the OP, disgraceful comments IMO.
  17. What if he came on a free in five and a half years on half his liverpool wage? Or what if he bought out the last year of his bindipper contract?
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