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Everything posted by cfcmagpies

  1. The Mackem Turtle had an article in the guardian about it. Doesn't make sense though, a contract is a contract.
  2. cfcmagpies

    Alan Pardew

    Well, sportingpreview.com believes that Pardew will not be the new manager of NUFC. In fact, they believe that Ashley will appoint Jurgen Klinnsman instead.
  3. cfcmagpies

    Alan Pardew

    Eight Sunderland fans and Crumpy. I thought it was an ironic 'delighted'.
  4. cfcmagpies

    Alan Pardew

    You wouldn't prefer the John Hinckley approach?
  5. cfcmagpies


    Wants his f***ing arse paddling if this is true. Weird that you know this though. He said goodnight to everyone at 4am.
  6. He can't be sold if Carroll doesn't agree to it. Question is what sort of contract would AC need to be offered to leave?
  7. cfcmagpies

    Alan Pardew

    Same for me. I started following in Roeder's year (as 'permanent' manager). It hasn't been the most glorious period...
  8. http://www.thegreenhead.com/imgs/godfather-horse-head-pillow-4.jpg
  9. Or like a kid playing Sim City, things are going well so unleash the monsters and fire up the earthquakes.
  10. I almost think this is just an ongoing revenge for the post-Keegan protests. Expensive way of doing it though..
  11. An Australian perspective on missing out in 2022. http://thingsboganslike.com/2010/12/03/199-decrying-corrupt-fifa-executives/
  12. cfcmagpies


    This. Easiest solution to what is the biggest blight on the game.
  13. Collingwood vs St Kilda, Grand Final replay 2010. If we're talking association football, well I've only been to one (unless you count the dreadful A-League), but that was pretty awesome- NUFC vs Blackpool last season. So from a sample size of one, a bit of a stretch to call it "greatest" having said that, delighted I got to got to St James's Park for a win.
  14. Boo, Collingwood! Boooooooooooooooooo! EDIT: That said, the constant disappointment of supporting the Pies is excellent training to be a Toon fan Collingwood have alway's struck me as the Mackems of the AFL. It's a shithole and a second rate club with an inferiorty complex to go with it. Not to mention an obnoxious fuckwit as chairman and a loathsome coach/manager The parallels are scary! It seems to have worked out okay in the end, though. Personally I consider the Aints to be more like the mackems...
  15. Fark me what an awesome scoreline to wake up to. There's always a bit of trepidation logging on to the intertubes of a morning, this is magic.
  16. I was in the UK on holiday (from Australia) earlier this year, and talked the other half into coming along to the Blackpool game- along with a mate who's moved to Birmingham (and decided to follow Villa, coincidentally!) I picked our tickets in the Leazes corner and thought the atmosphere there was first class- it'll be a real shame if they don't see sense and change the ruling.
  17. Same colours as my australian rules football team.
  18. Long time lurker, I live in Queensland. From Victoria originally.
  19. Introduction of live video refs will slow the game down too much- like with cricket and rugby league. On the other hand, I'd all be for retrospective cards (for suspension purposes) on video evidence for diving and the like.
  20. cfcmagpies

    Alan Smith

    Can't see that like. He's been abysmal for us under two different managers, both in midfield and up front. Moyes is a good manager, but you can't polish a turd I don't know which Alan Smith you've been watching- the kid really has potential.
  21. Actually yeah, in my second season in charge he knocked in four goals in a match in a uefa cup semi Must admit though I prefer 2006- scored 25 league goals in the first season, then chelsea came knocking with a cool 40 million.
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